Showing Posts For katrinalorien.2796:

Jumping Puzzles as a Charr

in Charr

Posted by: katrinalorien.2796


I had tons of trouble with jumping on my charr, then my hubby noticed that I had to jump from where the BACK feet are, and things got a lot better. Sure was strange at first though.

Which legion did you pick for your main ?

in Charr

Posted by: katrinalorien.2796


Blood legion. Pretty cool story too.

Does sPVP feel closed off from the rest of the game?

in PvP

Posted by: katrinalorien.2796


They should at least let us go into town with our spvp gear. Atm spvp seems like a minigame quite underwhelming in a PVP centered game.

Go into town with your pvp gear?

Uh, what does that do. Are you RPing or something and have grand tales of yore to tell..
Or do you guys have a serious case of make believe vanity and think people will ask for your autograph “in town”?

Seriously video game heros, what is the logic behind your very trivial demands. Do you really think the game would be better if you could walk around “town in pvp gear”! Gears easy to get in the gam, gone are your days of “look at me” so get over yourself. And go pvp for god sake.

Hmm… seems pretty harmless to want to walk around town in something you think looks cool. Or to even want to show off your accomplishments. I know that I spend plenty of time in the beginning of the game making my character look as cool as possible. I’m a big PvE person, but I don’t really see an issue with that? Seems fairly reasonable to me? Call me vain though! I think its a fairly honest request.

Some people enjoy RPing, no harm in that. Not my cup of tea, but no problems with those that do! Just ’cause its not your thing…

Either way, seems like a fairly decent request!