Showing Posts For kaya.1902:

GW2 and Kaspersky on Mac

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kaya.1902


Hi, I’ve been running Kaspersky anti-virus on my Mac for some time. Today I had to re-install it due a renewal issue. Anyway, I now find that GW2 freezes on launch when Kaspersky is running, so I now have to turn it off when using GW2.

My other programmes don’t seem to be affected, just GW2.

Would a re-install of GW2 help? I’m not sure where the sudden incompatibility lies.


KRN - NSP server - calling Aussies :)

in Guilds

Posted by: kaya.1902



small active guild on the Northern Shiverpeaks server looking for new players. Very casual and friendly. Not looking to be massive, just like to have players happy to represent us and grow with us.

Main guild owners are from Australia and US and we welcome everybody

Knights of the Rising Nightmare

(edited by kaya.1902)

Stupid mini-pets multiples

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaya.1902


Thanks, didn’t realise it was the only pet drop from the Orrian box. Pity we can’t send the extra ones to friends.

Stupid mini-pets multiples

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaya.1902


Nope, it’s the Risen Priest of Balthazar, lol
He’s awesome, but I don’t need 4 of him.

Stupid mini-pets multiples

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaya.1902


Opened about 200 Orrian Jewelry boxes over the past few days and got:

Four, yes FOUR of the exact same mini-pet – and it’s the only mini-pet I have.

Seems pretty dumb.

Please could we consider Drop rates

in Suggestions

Posted by: kaya.1902


I only got the game in December and really didn’t give it much thought in the beginning as it was the first MMO I’d ever played. However, once I decided to start making a bit of money, the gain at first was awesome (for me anyway). Made my first 100g fairly easily once I figured out what I needed to do. However, now it feels like there is no end in sight – I’ve been level 80 for a couple of months, I’ve got 100% map and I have 400 in every crafting discipline. Now I’m really just looking to buy up some nice items to mess with but it just seems to be a total slog fest now to get anything decent.
I love the game a lot and have enjoyed it immensely, but now I’m just bored – an Exotic drop once every two weeks just isn’t doing it for me.

Please could we consider Drop rates

in Suggestions

Posted by: kaya.1902


Agreed – the drop rate has decreased a lot over the past few weeks. I’ve noticed it in many ways, from the loot from farming to the salvage rate of ectos. Game becoming a bit of a boring grind.

Can't clean up Contact List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaya.1902


Thank you, that worked perfectly

Can't clean up Contact List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaya.1902



I have a bunch of people in my contact list who just never seem to play any longer. I want to get rid of them and clean it up, but it won’t let me unfriend/remove anyone who is not “online”? How do you remove people when their name is grayed out?


Casual Guild - Northern Shiverpeaks

in Guilds

Posted by: kaya.1902



we’re a Northern Shiverpeaks guild (Knights of the Rising Nightmare) – couple of weeks old and half a dozen members so far. Active guild with casual players. Two main guild owners are level 80. Don’t care about being a massive guild, just happy for casual play and growing the guild bit by bit so we can unlock bonuses for everyone.

Only stipulation is that you must be prepared to represent us across all your toons when you join. Everyone contributes, or please don’t join.

(edited by kaya.1902)

Contact list keeps disappearing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kaya.1902


Relatively minor issue, but so annoying.

Every time I jump to another way point or zone, my contact list disappears/goes off.

Is this a bug?


Can't recruit players to brand new guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kaya.1902



I created a guild a few days ago. I can recruit people with no problem and send them invitations, but someone else who is in the guild is having problems sending invitations to new people – it keeps giving him a “permission denied” or something along those lines.

Any ideas?


Unable to log in, Multiple codes. [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kaya.1902


Oh no, how am I going to do the Zerg temple run tonight??

Please fix so i can get my daily fix

Frustrated by lack of Black Lion Keys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaya.1902


Took advice of some posters and sold all the chests I was carrying. Within 6 hours I had accumulated another four, lol.

Frustrated by lack of Black Lion Keys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaya.1902


I’ve had about 10-12 keys altogether since starting the game in December. Sometimes a key will open a chest and there will be another key inside. I opened 4 chest in a row one time a long while back, but it’s never happened since.

You’re probably right and the stuff inside them is junk, but I suppose it’s the idea of not knowing that kills me

I used to get some keys from the storyline, but not since January. Now, if I’m lucky enough to get a key it’s during regular fighting.

Frustrated by lack of Black Lion Keys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kaya.1902



as someone who has played every day since the beginning of December, the one thing that has irritated me a great deal is the lack of Keys for the chests. I now have over 70 BL chests, and I’m lucky if I get 1 key drop in a 2 week period.

When I first started, I could get 1-2 keys a week, now the rate of key drops is so low, I’m wondering what the point is?

In the first 20 mins of playing today, I got another 2 chests, so quite annoyed.

Crafting glitched since update?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kaya.1902



Crafting was going well until the recent updates this week.
I had done a couple days Cooking and was up to about 150, but now since the new update, the following has happened,

1) Discovering a recipe only gives a small amount of XP (usually discovery takes you up a level)
2) After a recipe is discovered, it immediately turns white, so you can’t get any additional XP for making more the of the same.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?


Recipes not showing up in list

in Crafting

Posted by: kaya.1902


I am crafting as a Tailor currently at about level 110.

I recently aquired and unlocked the tailor recipes for Ash Legion Boots, Gloves, Leggings and Coat but when I get to a crafting table, they are not in my production list.

Am I missing something here or is this a bug?


Problems at crafting station

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kaya.1902


I am crafting as a Tailor and have a possible glitch/bug.
I’m about level 110 in Tailoring.

I recently aquired and unlocked the tailor recipes for Ash Legion Boots, Gloves, Leggings and Coat but when I get to a crafting table, they are not in my list. The recipes are about level 50, so I should be seeing them.
