Showing Posts For kayos.3456:
Yet more Wintersday songs~
3(321) 76555, 3876543
33443457(12), 877(21)767
76543 (321)76555, 3876543
3343457(12), 877(21)767
33776543 234567
78678(23)7 653456
567 87 76 543 5436
56 78(23)7 6543
(111 211)5 656788
(111 211)5 656788
(5432321) 656788
556788(2 5432 1 4 1)
(2342)6 6(2343)
7(34543) 6 (46432)
(277765 25676)
(367876 37875)
(5 88 88 76 666788)
(876544 443321)
And the ‘war is over’ refrain:
(4 3 5 4 5 4 6 5 4 3 2 3 4)
25545776 (2221)767
25545776 (2)665432
(222)58776 (222)58776
(33321)78 7(123)5 567
(33321)78 7(123)5 565
5(321)5 555(321)6
7(432)7 (55423)
5(321)5 5(321)6
7(432 555 565421
5 333 333 35123
444 44 33 33 32 232
5 333 333 35123
444 44 33 33 55421)
885(12)5 (323432
(54343 2312)765 8878(21)5
(3323432 34321)7 (14 3211)
76567(12 345432 3454323 4521)7
76567(12 345432 34543 23 4521)7
76567(12 543 32 543234521)7
76 567 (12 54 332 543234521)7
5(1121)766 6(22321)75
5(334321)6 556(2)78
58887 78765 (23215)5 556(2)78
5(1121)766 6(22321)75
5(334321)6 556(2)78
Has someone done “Let it snow” yet?
118876541 11545431
2(221)765 (321) 876 654
Request – White Christmas
Here we go!
6 76567 78 (23454321)
45666(2 1)44 48 7676545
6 76567 78 (23454321)
45666(2 14) 4566(2)33 34
And I also did this to add to the Wintersday collection:
1 44 56 865, 8644, 6531
1 44 56 865, 8644 5654
(Repeat for the number of verses you’d like. The full song is 9 verses)
A few Wintersday songs from me and I’m working on more:
8765 4321 56 67 78
88765543 88765543
433345 432234
321 86543 4321
(3 2 1) 67876
(3 2 1) 67876
(1 12 2 3 3543 2321) 76
8 88 5868
8 88 5868
(1 12 2 4323)
8 88 5868
56 53 865, 5656587
45 42765, 45454 53
56 53 865, 5656587
45 42765, 45454 78
6686 535, 46543
1256 777 8876542
56 53 865, 5656587
45 42765, 45454 78
Thank you so much Plinks for Time After Time. I’m still wrestling with it a little but getting there and very appreciative of the effort you put in <3
Another quick REQUEST for whoever has the free time to do it:
Time after time, by Cyndi Lauper
I would be very grateful to anyone who could help, this was the song my husband and I had for our first dance ^^
Hi I’m not sure what happened to your necro’s hips I swear they looked fine when I sketched the skeleton but then this happened
…I have no idea what the size ratio from cat to small Norn would be, so I totally winged this. And her hands (I’ve been winging hands for a while now, I should stop that…)
That’s adorable. Thank you so much for doing this ^^
Wow, I love your drawings. If you have the time I’d love to see your take on one of my characters. As I have a sea of alts I narrowed it down to two of them and I’d love to see your take on either!
First there’s Donna Ravensong, norn necromancer. Despite appearances she’s often quiet and sometimes quite shy. She’s sometimes seen in the company of a black cat, which is small by comparisson to her but not entirely dwarfed (she’s a tiny norn)
Then there’s Kixi Dawn, Sylvari ranger. Wide-eyed, enthusastic, perky. She favours using a longbow if she’s fighting but tries to avoid it instead choosing to talk to people if she can. She almost always has her fern hound ‘Skritch’ with her.
Feel free to poke me if you want more information. I just didn’t want to go nuts with things. Feel free to exercise artistic license and go nuts with playing with poses etc and thanks so much for doing this for people.