Showing Posts For kevinWilson.1784:

Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


I’ve burnt through all my Mystic Forge stones and have been considering getting the CF SOM, and the increase to Master Kit and the sale have made it really tempting. I’m just very hesitant to buy it if it’s going to revert to Basic.

Tequatl Killer Squad [TKS]

in Looking for...

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


I’d love a temporary invite to get him down , I have a L80 Guardian w/PVT armour.

Mirror Mirror won't progress

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784



Level 16 sylvari person story quest is bugging for me after killing the destroyers. I am unable to interact with the mirror and Tegwen won’t do anything to it either.

Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Disconnection in Personal Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784



It seems that every time my friend and I attempt to do a story mission together, I get severe connection issues that ultimately result in me getting timed out.

It is most irritating that I can do perhaps 1/3 mission only to have all my progress nullified and me having to do it alone later.

This issue only happens in story mode.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 1/28

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


If aNet really wants to keep this, they should either make ressing defeated players take the same time as ressing downed players.

1/28 Dungeon update: Your thoughts?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


I think the changes to ‘res-rushing’ are terrible! I would say it solves a problem that doesn’t exist but even sure it solves anything!

When a player is downed, it was the case that the other players would make their best effort to res him so they could continue killing a boss of doing an event with a full team. This didn’t happen when they were defeated because it takes so much longer!

I worry that Arah, which is already a preposterously hard dungeon, will be impossible because everyone dies at least once during Lupicus (although to be fair players seem to be getting better at this) and there is no time to res anyone, particularly during Phase 2.

As was mention earlier, add a Hard Mode in which you can’t ‘res-rush’ as was done to great effect in GW1.

I can’t see this being a popular update at all.

Claw Island freezing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


Have tried this on my laptop now, it happens but to lesser extent… However now Commander Talon isn’t there!

Update: I also get DC’d after a while, with the code 7:11:3:189:101

(edited by kevinWilson.1784)

Claw Island freezing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


Every time I get to the part of the Claw Island (the first mission there, where it falls) at the part where I have to clear undead from the beach, my game stops working properly. I can see movement, but no chat messages are showing up, my skills won’t work, and the NPCs aren’t attacking.

Please help!

Arah Explorable P4 (Seer) bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


I feel your pain guys, it’s such a kick in the balls to get this bug. I do hope the devs take notice of this bug now we know it’s not just an isolated instance.

Arah Explorable P4 (Seer) bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784



After spending about four hours going through what is quite frankly a dungeon that has not enough waypoints for its size and way too many bosses, a few guildies and I got to the end of Arah P4.

We cleared the undead from around the altar after the cutscene, and then nothing happened. We tried leaving, coming back, having the NPC die and then auto res… Nothing worked. Meaning our progress is blocked. So we’ve just wasted four hours of our lives.

As far as I know, ours was a perfectly normal Path 4 run until the High Priestess of Dwayna, who went down incredibly easily, compared to the Wiki page’s suggestion of her being extremely difficult – no stealth or anything.

Please help. We are all most upset we won’t be getting our Dungeon Master points for this and if we have to do this path again we grudgingly will – we just don’t want to encounter the same bug again!

Cantha, the lost continent. "Grow their legend, make yours" S2 Sensaali Envoy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


I definitely you’re all right about the Tengu being linked deeply into Catha, whether its the first expansion or not. This is one possibility of how I see that coming about:

We know that the Consortium are a weird little faction. Perhaps there next big scheme is to go the Cantha, maybe to open new trade routes, maybe they want the beautiful Shing Jea Island to be the next holiday place they offer – who knows.

Somehow, the Tengu get caught up in all this. Maybe the Consortium go to them seeking knowledge about the lost continent, maybe the Tengu hear about the Consortium and want to go – conversely maybe they want to stop the Consortium’s plan.

Because the Consortium are dodgy, we/the Lionguard/some other group have to accompany them to Cantha to make sure they’re not doing anything weird or suspicious a la Lost Shores.

Because Zhaitan’s toast, we can easily leave Tyria without being attacked by his army. However, we get attacked by Bubbles or one of its champions in the Unending Ocean and we get wrecked. Eventually we’ll end up landing on Cantha, possibly we float there on the debris of our ships, maybe we manage to escape.

Then the Catha expansion is about killing Bubbles.

Just briefly on the point about the named but so far unavailable areas: perhaps those areas are the staging points for the next area?IE the Crystal Desert is going to be our bridge into Elona, Dominion of Winds takes us to Cantha and etc.

I should make two things clear about this theory though: a) I don’t know if the Consortium got shut down or anything in Lost Shores, if it did that’s my theory out the window [could apply to BLC though]; b) I’m not looking at my map right now so I can’t give more thought to the ‘staging area’ point I made.

TA Vevina bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


It’s never happened to me because I’ve not ran that path – because no-one else is because of that bug.

MIssing waypoints?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


I’ve completed every explorable in PvE, but I’m still missing 6 WPs. Does anyone have any idea of where they could be/of commonly missed ones?

Instances (Ossuary of Unquiet Dead)

in Suggestions

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


Me and my friend are about to embark on our fifth attempt of this mission – not because we’re bad at the game or anything, but because every time we attempt this mission, without fail, one of us falls off the Cathedral and the instance is either impossible to complete on our computers that get roughly 5 FPS or the instance ends due to the owner leaving.

Please change how instances work so that at in at least this mission this isn’t a problem. You could change the instance boundaries to not take into account y axis or make it teleport us back up.

It’s incredibly frustrating.

Rhendak's Chest Will Not Open in Fire Temple

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


Same here. I have done this twice today and the chest opened not once, nor did any other chests spawn as other players think usually happens. This is irritating given we’ve wasted a large amount of time doing this mini-dungeon.

Fix soon please.

Captain Mattox skill point bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


This appears to be fixed now (at least on UW server)

Captain Mattox skill point bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kevinWilson.1784


Good day,

Currently, in the Planes of Ashford (UW Server) the skill point obtained from beating Captain Mattox and three of his friends is bugged, with the quest information showing that Mattox has been defeated as have two of his three friends – however the third is nowhere to be found. It has been like this for several hours and is preventing me from getting 100% done on the Planes.