Showing Posts For keykat.9734:

Ascent to Madness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: keykat.9734


-Chest bug-
Second time doing the dungeon.
Friend and I are just doing it together and they DCed. I finished everything without them and now i cant open the chest.

Now the strange thing was i killed him on the second lvl so he never went down to the third and i was thinking maybe that’s what cause the chest to no open.

Fixing The Blame ~Bugged~

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: keykat.9734


No one is here to fight XD
Nothing happens on my side but the enemies keep popping up
it just kinda sucks to fight the huge mobs without backup :P


Guild Wars 10th Anniversary Contest!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: keykat.9734


So I put the wrong email in the account part for the survey, is there a way to change that? :<
I don’t want to be kicked out of the contest just because I entered homail instead of aol on accident
Is there some one I can contact or am i just out of luck?

In search for a certain video

in Community Creations

Posted by: keykat.9734


Also non of the scenes were like pan-aways
It was a straight shot of the scene no camera moving away or anything.

In search for a certain video

in Community Creations

Posted by: keykat.9734


I’m looking for a video i saw once on YouTube. The video was of Landscapes in game and was for HD backgrounds that you could have.
I know thats really not helping but i have a video similar to it but i just cant find the right one.

This isnt the one im looking for but it is very similar.
The one i am looking for has many different scenes and is longer than 5 mins.
It covers the Windmill in different angles and different lighting and other places

If any one could help me with this i would be forever greatful ^w^

Track 49! Where Art Thou?!

in Audio

Posted by: keykat.9734


AH! yes that is it!
:( sadly its a music file i cant seem to get my hands on though.
thank you for linking that video though so hard find so defently keeping this video in safe keeping.
Hopefully some one will post a video of the song somewhere for all of us to enjoy

The Sheet Music Collection

in Community Creations

Posted by: keykat.9734


Bink’s Sake! Trying to do it by flute but im horrible at playing by the ear

Track 49! Where Art Thou?!

in Audio

Posted by: keykat.9734


That isn’t actually track 49.
that is like track 7 on the 3rd cd i believe.
Track 49 is what some people were calling its also an Unknown track that plays as ambient music. There’s been forums on it before but those are from a year ago and being that the video every one linked from then has been taken down.

Track 49! Where Art Thou?!

in Audio

Posted by: keykat.9734


If you dont know what track 49 was it is an unknown song you hear in the game.
It has gone missing off the internet and there’s no way to listen to it. (unless i wait in gw2 for 3 hours)
Anet y u do dis?
Please if anyone has track 49 link some way for me to get it!