(edited by khoriltharion.4216)
Showing Posts For khoriltharion.4216:
First at all, sorry for my bad english.
This is what Anet said about this in December 12th, at 18:19 i this post: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/necromancer/Simple-Improvements-to-Death-Shroud-and-Boons
“I can say we are working on updating the UI for DS so that you can actually see your health bar, boons, conditions, etc. We think this is the first step for DS.”
So that’s why i ask you how much does it takes? It’s been more than 4 months and this simple improvement is not ready. I’m quite tired of the “we are working on it” that you use in every post and every interview (SOTG) and i guess the most of the spvp comunity is, that’s why they are leaving this gaming tired of waiting.
(edited by khoriltharion.4216)
The guys that disagree with this change are giving no arguments to defend the pre-patch situation. The only thing iv’e read is " it was not demanded" (so what?) or “now its needed less skill” (seriously? swapping weapons is skill?)
I supose the game was designed to not have everithing in ur character. The last weeks eles with a bunker build swapped weapons to be roamers, then swapped amulet to be dps, and then went back to original stats, its that fair or balanced?
I agreee that changing utilities or traits demands some skill to know what u’r facing, but again, if u can have it all, how’s this game different to others?
Please more arguments deffending ur points and less " u have no idea" or “im pro, ur casual, im right ur not”.
Use ur brain to ague please.
PD: sorry for my bad english, and if someone was offended it wasn’t my intention.
Ok i never answer theese threats but this is anoying me…
First at all, sorry for my english.
I’ve made the most cannon glass build i could with my necro:
3020 power + 13-15 stacks of might
57% of critical chance + 20% from fury
58% of critical damage.
The higest damage i could reach is 4,8k with dagger 2, wich is canalized so u can get interrupted, dodged etc…
Im NOT asking you to explain how do u get 6k from a crit (provably if u can is provably from a canalized skill so its not much usefull in real combat) i am asking you for an IMAGE that proves u are telling us the truth.
Ive never felt my necro underpowered, little buggy but not UP. And seriosly, the only mobs in Tpvp are the ones next to the lord and those dont kill much. U seem not to have much expirience with the necro or pvp. Sorry if i bothered u but show me im wrong….