Showing Posts For klunk.9507:

Content available for a limited time

in Living World

Posted by: klunk.9507


Well, I see now it did show the dates on the release page, I guess I didn’t read close enough. I assumed incorrectly I would be able to complete achievements for a month like all of the other temporary achievements prior to this. Is this the new trend? If so, I’m guess I’m done with temporary achievements. A month I could manage, but two weeks is too short a period for me. I was out of town for a week, and so I only had one week to complete this. I get that the dungeon will probably return later in a Fractal, but the achievements are gone forever it seems. These are my first limited time achievements I missed, and likely not the last if they keep up this two week cycle on them.

Guild Wars 2 Nudity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: klunk.9507


Course, I can’t say I seen London, and I never been to France, and I ain’t never seen no queen in her kitten undies as the fella says.

Monthly achievement reset time

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: klunk.9507


What day/time is the deadline for the monthly achievements?
I know dailies reset at 5 PM Pacific Time, so I assume it is the same. So would that be 5 PM 10/31 PST, or 5PM 11/1 PST?

Seattle WA references

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: klunk.9507


There is a point of interest in the far NE corner of the black citadel called the “12th Iron Maniple”. If you look at the map, the area looks suspiciously like a football. In Seattle, we refer to the Seahawks fans as the “12th man”. I’m fairly certain this is a reference.

Feedback: Mobile Two-Factor Authentication

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: klunk.9507


^ Thanks Melana, that worked actually. I can now authenticate with both devices

Feedback: Mobile Two-Factor Authentication

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: klunk.9507


Is there any way to use this on multiple devices? I installed it on my phone, but I think I might like it on my tablet instead. I suppose I could unlink, and then set it up again on the tablet; but it seems like it would be nice to be able to just set it up from multiple devices.