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Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: kutshotz.8574


Not sure this has been suggested at all (too many pages to go through), but … why not instead of assigning guilds to a server (based on the guilds decision), why not distribute the guilds across a mega-server WvW on a weekly basis. That way, it isn’t Server vs Server vs Server. It’s guild(s) v guild(s) v guild(s).

ANet can then create balance by having the “mega-server WvW” instance assigned guilds/ individual players such that each time slot has the same “active” number of WvW players based on past history.

I’m sure they know how big guilds are (not membership size, but how many people the can actually field), and when they are most active in WvW (and size) already, so it’s just mining this data to determine where your guild is assign for WvW. If you want to go even further, I’m sure ANet can balance the size of guilds (and thus guild blobs) that are fighting each other in each time-slot so that you don’t have giant guild blobs going against a bunch of small guilds groups.

Ideas for a WvW Survivability-Support build?

in Guardian

Posted by: kutshotz.8574


WvW staff/hammer guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: kutshotz.8574


I’m running staff/hammer pure-support guardian in WvW, and loving it (when I do get bored, I have level 80 warrior/ranger/thief as well … so I can pick and choose how I want to fight that day). Still working on getting gear to exotic levels, but rares are actually doing well enough.

I’m doing 0/0/30/20/20 with:
Purity, Retributive Armor, Altruistic Healing
Writ of Exhaltation (or Superior Aria), Two Handed Mastery
Vengeful, Absolute Resolution.
NOTE: Just starting to test with Superior Aria.

I run full Knights Armor with 4 altruism + 2 water runes (don’t run enough AC to get monk runes). I also have full clerics + sapphires trinkets. I run Soldiers weapons, life stacking on the staff, and accuracy on the hammer.

In case I need additional healing, I have full cleric’s armor (same runes), so I can swap specific armor sets suit how I’m feeling that day.

Stand your ground
Hold the Line
Wall of Reflection (Hallowed Ground, Judge’s Intervention, Retreat … depending on my mood/enemies we tend to fight)
Healing Breeze (yes this sucks, but its another AoE heal, and its an ok filler for healing siege users while other heals are on cooldown) – but with Staff-4 and Absolute Resolution, I find I don’t need many heals myself (unless I run into a necro).

With full clerics (everything), I was doing the following:
Staff-4 2.5k AoE heal
Dodge-roll does a 1.2k heal
Staff-2 1.2k heal if detonated (I think, can’t remember exactly)
Healing Breeze – 600 heal

Basically, I just run in to the zerg with my melee and try to stack as close as possible to them, auto-attack everything with staff to tag enough people to get loot, and use staff-4 as much as possible, and self-healing. Staff 2 to do targeted heal when my melee allies get away from me. Staff 3 for swiftness, and to tag a cluster of mobs. Staff-5 to split a zerg. I switch to hammer when the fight starts to dwindle down to a few mobs, so that I can have a little fun. I also switch to hammer, when the team needs to start chasing someone down, or we need a bit of crowd control.

A note about staff-4. With full clerics + Altruistic Healing, each boon I put onto an ally is about 300-500hp for myself. With enough allies around me, I can heal for more hp than I have (I think Staff-4 has a limit of 12*5 stacks of might distributed amognst the people around me. This means its an 18k heal with full clerics. No evidence, but with an AoE limit of 5, and a max stack of might stack 12 being given out, I just assume its being distributed to random allies but still limited. All I know is I can go from almost 0 health to full with a single staff-4 (and enough allies around).

Limitations of this type of build:
1 – With full clerics, I couldn’t kill anyone on my own, but then again 1v1 … its hard for them to kill you too. That’s why I’m moving to Knights. Still don’t know if I can kill anyone on my own, but my damage is MUCH higher than with full clerics.
2 – We are dependent on our allies being close by. If you get stuck alone, or are stranded by melee running away, you’re dead.