Showing Posts For kyro.5476:
I opened this ticket about my email change, since a week ago and so far got no response
Hi guys, I’ve finally created a guild of my own and I’m looking for players who have the same profile as me to build this guild from the very very beginning, as I’m a brazilian player, for now on I’m speaking only in brazilian portuguese.
E aí pessoal, eu finalmente criei uma guilda minha e estiu procurando por jogadores que tenham o mesmo perfil que o meu para construir essa guilda do zero.
Aqui vai uma breve descrição da guilda, como vocês poderão encontrar no site da mesma:
Meu principal intuito ao criar essa guilda é o de reunir jogadores ativos e participativos que tenham vontade tanto de jogar em equipe quanto em crescerem individualmente e cooperarem com o crescimento da guilda diretamente pois, uma guilda não se faz e nunca se fez com uma minoria, uma guilda se faz e cresce quando uma maioria ou o todo de preferência se unem em busca de objetivos em comum e deixam isso visível com os resultados obtidos individualmente, coletivamente e claro, no crescimento estrutural da guilda como um todo.
Nosso foco de jogo é PvX, o que significa que recrutamos jogadores de PvE, SPvP e WxW.
Nosso principal foco em jogadores sempre será para jogadores elitistas por assim dizer. O que seria o jogador elitista? Um jogador que quer dominar o jogo não importa o esforço necessário, um jogador que quer superar seus próprios limites e que sempre quer melhorar e crescer junto do seu time, que gosta de ver resultados positivos e que preza muito por eles.
Entretanto, saliento aqui que a guilda também está aberta para o recrutamento de jogadores casuais que tem como divertimento algo mais simples, desde que, esses sigam as regras da guilda sem problemas.
Aos interessados em participar da nossa guilda, por favor façam suas aplicações de recrutamento e, no caso de dúvidas, temos uma seção no fórum para que vocês possam nos contactar.
Espero encontrar jogadores interessados aqui.
Muito obrigado pela sua atenção.
Thank you guys for the chance to recruit members for my guild here, see you in-game!
Well…guess I’ll have to send again…more details…
Already replied at page 3 or 4…things topic is getting amazingly awful, don’t you think ANET guys? I just hope you’re really working on that ‘cuz it’s been 12 pages and it’ll sure be a lot more and if most of the players here have the short-fuse I have, you bet a lot of people won’t play Guild Wars 2 again and they’ll even tell other people interested in the game to not even think about playing Guild Wars 2 ’cuz even the game being the best we ever have seen, the continuous issues and the fact that their causes are still unknown makes it unplayable.
Last weekend just my warrior was stuck…in mt. maelstrom, fireheart rise and couldn’t do to eternal battlegrounds no matter how I tried. I’ve used the -prefreset and I could go to Eternal Battlegrounds last Sunday.
During this week my warrior, my guardian and my elementalist got stuck in a diversity of maps(queensdale, the groove, fireheart rise, couldn’t get on ascalonian catacombs, mt. maelstrom, lornar’s pass, lion’s arch, etc, etc).
I’ve already sent a ticket in the support and you’d told me to use PingPlotter for at least 30 minutes. I did and the information about the ip I was tracing was nothing ‘cuz PingPlotter wasn’t receiving data from the ip. So I’ve asked a friend that lives in other city(another state too), and uses another ISP to try it and he got the same result with the ip of his currently map. So I’ve tried using MS DOS to see from there if I got some data of my actual location Ip…no response…100% package loss.
The leader of my guild and a big friend of mine told me to use a few programs to see if I was with some malware or virus and if it was causin’ me trouble in the game, I’ve done all he asked me too and it’s far away from my solution.
As I’m seeing in a lot of answers here in the forum most of the brazilians like me that are experiencing this issue in the last days use the same ISP as mine but, my friend that uses GVT already told me that sometime ago he was experiencing something like that when the server was kind of “down”.
A few minutes ago I’ve tried to use -repair to see what comes from it…same thing a dude said before…it verifies the archives but the 0% keeps….what a f***!
I was so happy with my first legendary weapon but I guess I won’t be able to play with it in the most fun moment of it ‘cuz I barely can log my guardian now(he’s stuck at fireheart rise now..was stuck at lornar’s pass before).
It’s just my speculation but maybe this problem is caused by the connection routes we use to the servers of GW2? Like broken routes that are unknown or didn’t had the needed maintenance to keep goin’…
How can we send a ticket if we’re not even logging all characters that are stuck in maps they don’t enter no matter how hard we try?
I got this problem with my war, and now with my guardian…he’s stuck at The Groove and I can’t login in the game with him anymore. My warrior was having trouble to get out from Mt. Maelstrom and to go to Eternal Battlegrounds. I did that prefreset thing and it worked but it saddens me that I’ll have to put all my configurations again in the game so I can play it.
Something used to be fun is getting stressful and as I see there are cases that are from 2013 and until now no solutions.
I was trying to do the living…but now I guess I’l wait a few years until you find the solution for the issue. I really love Guild Wars 2 but this kind of thing happenning every day and a lot of times “randomly” makes everyone give up sooner or later. You may lose more players if it keep goin.
(edited by kyro.5476)
ISP: Net
Region: Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil
Server: Tarnished Coast
With me it happens just with my warrior. Thursday I was doin COE and got dcd 10 times in less than 10 minutes…I’ve gave up playing that day.
Today I had a lot of work to go from mt. maelstrom to fireheart rise with her…it took me like forever to go to another map and now again I’m trying to go to Eternal Battlegrounds to finish my exploration but I just can’t enter the battlegrounds…the code message appears.
I know you guys works all you can to make GW2 the best MMORPG we all have played but…How can we play having this kind of horrible problem?
Please, I know everyone here asked the same thing but, do something to solve this problem ASAP.
Hi guys, I play the game since oct/2012 and I’ve had this kinda problem just a few time all this time. Today after the new build, 2 hours after aproximatelly I was starting to do CoE with my guildies(I was the host of the dungeon) and at the middle of the dungeon I’ve started to get disconnected from server several times…It was 7 or 8 times in the period of 10 minutes. I know you guys works hard to make a better game everyday but…it kittened me off. I was planning to do all dungeons I could before the monthly reset and now…well…all my plans have failed since my internet is okay, even my ping at the game is okay but I can’t even talk at the chat ’cuz even at the chat my messages takes ages to send and appear at the chat log. Please, do something about it ASAP!