Showing Highly Rated Posts By leila.7962:

Marionette dodge AP, why punish everyone?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: leila.7962


I understand that to get these achievements every platform must succeed on the event, but the achievement is supposedly something personal.. (or at least I thought it was, until then).

If I dodge it correctly it should give me the achievement. What does it have to do with other people failling on their lanes? This isn’t fair.. The achievement is about not getting hit by the marionette attacks, not about succeeding the platforms.. (?)

Why punish everyone because some people couldn’t survive their phase 2?
I mean I’m having to repeat this over and over even dodging it right because other people can’t do their job :/

For example Tequatl achievements, even if everyone wipe during it I can still dodge the tail attack, it doesn’t require me to beat Tequatl to have the dodge tail AP.

Can we have a change on this please?

(edited by leila.7962)