Showing Posts For levionan.8506:

Capping pre-patch lose out on 190 tickets?

in WvW

Posted by: levionan.8506


yea, this kinda undermines our dedication. and the difference is more than 100% of the cap.

Legendary Prec bugs [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: levionan.8506


Encountered Brisban bug which is stopping my progress for Sunrise I.

Fix please!

Service for item search

in API Development

Posted by: levionan.8506


Ah, I see the issue now.

Thanks for clarifying! =)

Service for item search

in API Development

Posted by: levionan.8506


My apologies if this has been posted before; tried forum search but didn’t find anything.

I had been wondering why there hasn’t been a service for item search that could facilitate searching of items via text. What I meant is to be able to make use of a service like “/v2/items/search” and pass in search params like “?term=berserk” which will return list of matched items.

Is there a performance issue associated to it or too difficult to implement?

Also, for any service that return a list, would it be useful to also implement paging and pagesize parameters?

Just a thought.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


It’s not just that, this sort of thing ripples down if not reversed. The next expansion they sell, this is going to be brought up over and over and over. If people know that ANet can take their money and then refuse to provide all that was paid for, then people are going to hesitate to prebuy or buy it. This could reasonably be expected to hurt sales of future expansions if people do not feel that the company is trustworthy and that items bought will be delivered.

Doubt so, the GW/GW2 line of titles will always have its fanboys and will continue to do so. Even if ANet didn’t deliver at launch, they’d then somehow work to get the game back up again. Personally, I do appreciate that continuous effort, but I think it’s more responsible to ship based on what was promised since that’s what customers expected.

Remember GW2 at launch? They will lose players, but those get replaced by new ones.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


Meh, it’s disappointing news. But I still hope this is just a tasteless April Fool’s joke.

OAuth Application Creation is live!

in API Development

Posted by: levionan.8506


That’s odd, I don’t see the option available on my account page.
Would definitely like to give OAuth2 a shot when I got spare time.
Where do I go about registering my app?


It’s not yet a publicly available link on the sidebar (until you’re on the page) so you need to manually browse to the for now.

Oh, I understand now. Thanks! =)

OAuth Application Creation is live!

in API Development

Posted by: levionan.8506


That’s odd, I don’t see the option available on my account page.
Would definitely like to give OAuth2 a shot when I got spare time.
Where do I go about registering my app?


Exposing custom headers for CORS

in API Development

Posted by: levionan.8506


That’s sweet. Thanks!

Exposing custom headers for CORS

in API Development

Posted by: levionan.8506



I was trying out GW2 API using AngularJS (a Javascript framework) and I’m encountering an issue with respect to accessing the custom headers (e.g. X-Page-Size, X-Page-Total, etc) in the HTTP response.

Basically, the API server does not explicitly include the Access-Control-Expose-Headers in its response. The link below explains it better.


game has become unplayable 7:11:3:191:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: levionan.8506


There’s this annoying lag since 2 weeks ago and it’s still persisting.

Horrible Lag in SPVP

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: levionan.8506


Connecting from Singapore.
The lag is everywhere in the game and my internet connection is fine.
It’s impossible to have a decent playing experience at all with all the lag and random d/cs.

Missing Dragon Chests!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: levionan.8506


Hi all,

I noticed sometimes a Rare Dragon Chest is missing after I beat Tequatl.
However, today I am missing both the Masterwork and Rare ones (I did get the Fine and Exotic ones).

Not sure if anyone else has encountered this before and if it’s a known bug.

Edit: One thing too, this time round, I also didn’t open my daily chest which was present at where the dragon chests would show up.


Lag since 1-15-15 patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: levionan.8506


Now I’m pretty sure that “The Point of No Return” was really a hint to us…

Latency on GW2 side on logging in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: levionan.8506


This lag is really pushing me to The Point of No Return!!!

Lag since 1-15-15 patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: levionan.8506


I wonder if ANet is even aware of this right now. :/

Lag since 1-15-15 patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: levionan.8506


The lag is really bad, between 5-20s, and pretty much renders the game unplayable for the last 2 hours or so.

It’s not just today though, I noticed it was lagging past few days too but only at certain times.

From Singapore, GMT+8.

[Bug] Double Queuing

in PvP

Posted by: levionan.8506


happened to me too… this is stupid…

Can't log in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: levionan.8506


Suddenly got d/c when in EotM, no I can’t log in…

Build: 42852
Error Code: 58:11:5:535


Game crashes towards the end of Tequatl

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: levionan.8506


Anet, your game crashes 80% of the time during Tequatl encounter to the point that I’ve already missed my rewards multiple times (when the boss is already lower than 30%). I get sent to another world where my previous contributions were entirely ignored and get nothing at all.

AC done but PvP Reward Track locked

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: levionan.8506


Oh I see. I really dread the idea of having to do story modes again.

Anyway, thanks so much for the advice!

AC done but PvP Reward Track locked

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: levionan.8506


Hi all,

I just wanted to ask if anyone has encountered this issue where the corresponding PvP reward track remains locked even though you have already completed the story mode of the dungeon before the reward track feature was implemented.

I have completed all paths of CoF, AC and CM before the introduction of the PvP reward track feature. However, the corresponding tracks remain locked to me and are available only upon bi-weekly rotation. I’m not sure if this is a bug or something; hoping someone could perhaps advise.


Reward track progress cap.

in PvP

Posted by: levionan.8506


Hey guys,

As some of you have noticed, reward tracks are capped at TWO TIERS a day if you are playing in custom arenas. This is intended to prevent botting in custom arenas. There is NO LIMIT to how much progress you can make on reward tracks if you are playing in solo or team arena. Just wanted to clear this up!

PvP team

Seriously, I think this is BS. Besides, are youeven able to tell which are bots or not? If not, you’re needlessly punishing real players who put their precious time into PvP for the rewards.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: levionan.8506


Horizontal progression, to me, is increasing in the availability of permanent options a player has (over his/her character) over time without directly improving the statistical attributes. Skills and traits is one area to look at, but hopefully will not end up in the same balancing hell as GW1.

As a player continues playing the game, his/her available options is increased permanently and thus becomes more flexible; this still gives a sense that the character is growing. The latest AP changes was, imo, a step in the right direction. It definitely gave a sense that the player was advancing in a permanent way, e.g., as he/she unlocks new skins that could be used account-wide, not to mention the xp, gold and mf gain. All the time spent didn’t feel it was for a one-off, but incrementally grows all characters under an account permanently.

I’m not entirely against vertical progression though (if it’s needed), but I think it should be less frequent, perhaps once every expansion (if there is even going to be one) to suit new content. I feel there is also a need to balance up the amount of effort required in getting to the top-tier gear with regards to content updates. The current ascended crafting and its gear is an example; if the ascended gear/crafting was released in an expansion (rather than as part of a content update) with PvE all-round that requires it, I believe there will be less complaints about it. For a content update, something about it definitely feels off.

If ANet’s philosophy behind no-grind (or little grind) did work, the game should remain fun regardless of how fast/slow players obtained the top end gears. I believe also that the promise was that top-end gears would be relatively easy to obtain. Sure we need to work for it, the question here is how much of a chore?

End of the day, what is the audience that GW2 is targeted at? This game definitely looks good for collectors (although there’s a lack of a good system to do that); it doesn’t look so good for players who are looking forward to become more powerful with ever increasing gear choices. Ultimately, I think that players who are still playing the game most likely belong to the former group.

P.S. I’m definitely looking forward to having the crafting of Legendaries as a long epic questline.

(edited by levionan.8506)

on a mission to get Zap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


Just do forge on the days you’re feeling lucky; other days, save up until you can get it from TP (the surest way of getting one).

Few questions from new player.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506



  1. The leveling speed depends on what you’re doing. If you’re killing mobs to gain xp, it may take awhile to level. As such, you’re advised to do Renowned Hearts and Dynamic Events when you come across them. Leveling at different levels are pretty linear in terms of speed, i.e. takes about the same time to level even on higher levels. If you wish to take a break from the PvE world, you can also level up in WvW.
  2. Depending on what you mean by low damage, it’s almost certain that you won’t be one-shotting stuff anytime in the game because when you do visit a lower level zone later on, your level will be adjusted to match the zone level you’re in. If I remember correctly, Ranger and Thief does have pretty poor damage using shortbow. This is also because of the fact that you won’t have any trait points to invest until you hit level 10 and won’t have a plethora of skills at your disposal. As you advance upwards in level, your damage will get better (but not necessarily exponential).
  3. You can go to other places (e.g. Human starter zones) without traveling too far by first getting to Lion’s Arch. You can do this by visiting any of the maps in WvW, and taking an Asura Portal from there. In Lion’s Arch, there is an area which has portals to the cities of all races which you can then use to visit other places. My advice is that you stick to zones that are not too far above your level.

Hope this helps.

Reason GW1 players feel so bleh in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


For me, this game isn’t something I’d wanna compare WoW with because WoW’s PvE is far superior; unless one prefers disorganized team-based combat.

I guess it depends on what type of PvE content you are talking about. If you are talking about general quest content, than GW2 DEs are far, far, far, far superior than WoW quests (though PS is just bad). But regarding dungeons / raids, I could aggree that WoW´s are more challenging, although I believe theres some much room for improvements on GW2 dungeons.

I’d agree that DEs are worthy aspects of GW2, but it never really crossed my mind that they would be worthy contenders to traditional quests. DEs aren’t good for storytelling; however, I do think they helped GW2 feel more like a living world, but I never thought WoW was lacking in this area. With the traditional quests, WoW seem to be more successful in delivering rewards and storytelling. Frankly speaking, I was under the impression that ANet did it differently simply for the sake of doing it different; also, content re-usability where old areas (that a player has explored) can remain interesting when working in tandem with level down-scaling.

I strongly agree with you that PS is bad; in fact, the entire story was average at best. I definitely had a more emotional connection with GW1 in this regard.

The problem with dungeons, I think, is somewhat complex. The encounters are bland, but this has something to do with the combat mechanics in the first place.

Reason GW1 players feel so bleh in my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506



  • Better combat action
  • More interactive environment
  • Better graphics


  • Feels more epic, storyline-wise
  • Heroes add some fun when building them and alleviates the situation of lacking players

For me, this game isn’t something I’d wanna compare WoW with because WoW’s PvE is far superior; unless one prefers disorganized team-based combat. Having played GW1 for more than 3 years (from Prophecies to EotN), I wasn’t expecting much out of GW2’s PvE to begin with; ANet’s idea of that aspect never sat right with me. I didn’t buy the game at launch since I’ve tried it in beta and, to be honest, I didn’t think it was worth USD 49.99 so I waited out till a price drop about half a year later (bought the game around March).

I’m not entirely sure if I think this game is bleh compared to GW1. To begin with, I thought GW1 was bleh too. Regardless, GW2 does seem to still have room to improve to become a much better game as long as ANet can figure out what prospective players find fun (which I think they are quite oblivious to). All in all, I don’t GW1 or GW2 can be considered exceptional (it’s good but not great) in terms of PvE. I guess it does pretty ok in terms of PvP, with GW1 having GvG which seems to fit the title better.

(edited by levionan.8506)

Do DE rewards need improvement?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


Well, ANet’s implementation of DEs (and their corresponding rewards) seem to show a lack of effort imo. To begin with, the rewards are generic. But frankly speaking, I’d rather they keep DEs as they are and put their focus on (traditional) quest lines that do offer some story-telling and unique rewards (skins worth transmuting, uncommon stat allocated gear, fun potions, etc).

If YOU could change 7 things about GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


  1. Gear progression system: Instead of having separate gears of various levels of rarity, make it so that each higher level of rarity is achieved by upgrading/enhancing a gear piece of lower rarity. For e.g., a Rare gear piece can be first upgraded to Exotic and then to Ascended.
  2. Gear/Stat/Skin management: Allow each gear piece to behave like the new Legendary weapons. That is, you can choose the desired inscriptions to use. However, the gear piece can only swap to an inscription that was invested first, i.e. as more inscriptions are added to a piece, that piece will have more swappable options. If it is bad for economy, then limit the options to 3 at any time; an old option (of the player’s choice) can be replaced with a new one. Apply the same mechanics to skins/transmutation. The idea is to have players continuously progressing the same set of gear instead of having to keep multiple sets.
  3. More options of a specific weapon’s skills instead of just 5. For e.g., the weapon skill slots is still limited to 5 but there could be 8 skills to choose from. Re-ordering of weapon skills or character-specific keybinds would be nice too.
  4. Design encounters with clear distinct purpose for varying roles. Or maybe, design the roles first. Current encounters seem to lack depth; mostly everyone is pretty much straight DPS. Are support roles worthless?
  5. Decoupling of stats and traits. Specific traits themselves can still alter overall stats, I’m referring to the additional stat points that come with advancing traits level.
  6. Have DEs run alongside long quest chains and ditch Personal Story. Quest chains typically do a better job of story-telling and since it’s not instanced, doesn’t feel as disconnected from the world like Personal Story. DEs, imo, are still good to keep.
  7. More PvP content to suit various audience. sPvP and GvG for serious PvPers, these can utilize the PvP gear system for balance. WvWvW is great for casuals but it’s lacking variety. I think casual PvP maps with their own objectives would be great, and they can just upscale with PvE gears (I guess PvP gears might be a turn-off for some).

(edited by levionan.8506)

GW2 Combat vs other MMORPG's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


Another game, Dragon Nest, resembles the type of action that Vindictus has. TERA looks really awesome too in terms of combat action.

GW2 seems to be somewhere in between an action-focused MMO and a traditional one. As far as I can see, the only difference seems to be being able to perform a dodge action.

Comparing to WoW or SWTOR, I’d say GW2’s combat is superior; but I don’t really think it’s that solid mainly because I’ve played ones (like Dragon Nest) which I consider having far better combat and fluidity.

Nevertheless, I feel the GW2’s combat fits the game nicely. It doesn’t feel awkward and is good in its own right; the controls are pretty good too.

In-game currency conversion

in Suggestions

Posted by: levionan.8506


Introduce in-game currency conversion to provide more accessibility to gears of various sources.
The exception to currency conversion is gold, gems, laurels, PvP glory, guild influence, guild merits and guild commendations.

The idea here is to be able to convert PvE currency based on a certain exchange rate determined by how hard it is to obtain a certain currency. The objective here is to provide more accessibility to gears that otherwise would not possible to obtain without playing certain content. I think it is important to respect the fact that there are players that do not like to play dungeons, or fractals; and thus, would not be able to obtain gears without forcing themselves to go through the motion (that they find little fun in).

Having a conversion system would allow these players to obtain the gears for progression or aesthetics. However, I think it is also critical to encourage the use of the various content so, the conversion rate must work in such a way that it is always most efficient to obtain the currency through its intended source; whenever conversion takes place, the value of the source currency should drop in comparison to the targeted currency.

For example:

  1. Karma conversion to Fractal Relics. Given how much easier it is to obtain Karma (through many sources), we could have a conversion of 300 Karma -> 1 Fractal Relic and, 1 Fractal Relic -> 0 Karma. This will work out to be hefty 405,000 Karma for the exotic Prototype Fractal Capacitor (1350 Fractal Relics) which is still attainable. The reason for 0 Karma conversion is that we need to take into consideration that Fractals of the Mists also rewards Karma in high amounts.
  2. Karma conversion to Dungeon Tokens. Proposing a 200 Karma -> 1 Dungeon Token and 1 Dungeon Token -> 100 Karma, which works out to be 66,000 Karma for an exotic dungeon chest piece. Comparing using Dungeon Tokens to obtain an exotic chest piece at Karma vendor (at 42,000 Karma), 420 Dungeon Tokens are required as compared to 330 Dungeon Tokens at a specific Dungeon vendor. If a player prefers dungeons over world PvE, this might work out better for them.
  3. Dungeon Token A conversion to Dungeon Token B. I propose that this should work at 2/3 the efficiency and 3/5 in respect to Arah. This means that if I wanted to convert my Ascalonian Catacombs (AC) tokens for Crucible of Eternity (CoE) ones, it will be 3 AC -> 2 CoE. For Arah specifically, it will be 5 of any Dungeon Tokens -> 3 Arah.
  4. Karma conversion to Badges of Honor. I’m hoping it is possible to align Badges of Honor to Dungeon Tokens (as stated below in other proposed changes). Then we can apply 400 Karma -> 1 Badge of Honor and, 1 Badge of Honor -> 0 Karma; keeping in mind that we do get huge amounts of Karma in WvWvW. This works out to 132,000 Karma for an exotic chest piece (assuming we only need 330 Badges of Honor instead of 354). 132,000 Karma might seem alot at first, however, WvWvW accessible gears provide the widest variety of inscriptions that would otherwise be available only through crafting.
  5. Badges of Honor conversion to Dungeon Tokens. I’m proposing a 1:1 for any dungeon and 2:1 for specifically Arah. The reason for 1:1 conversion is because it is harder to obtain Badges of Honor reliably compared to Dungeon Tokens. For a working example, we will then require 660 Badges of Honor (based on proposed change to the amount required) for an exotic Arah chest piece. On the reverse side (Dungeon Tokens to Badges of Honor), I’m proposing a 3:2 for any dungeons and 2:3 for Arah, making it less effective to convert from all dungeons except Arah. This works out to be 495 Dungeon Tokens to get an exotic WvWvW chest piece by converting to Badges of Honor. On the reverse side (Dungeon Tokens to Badges of Honor), I’m proposing a 3:2 for all dungeons. This makes less effective to purchase WvWvW gear via Dungeon Tokens. For example, it will require 495 Dungeon Tokens to get an exotic chest piece in WvWvW; however, they may then obtain the gears with a wide variety of inscription choices.

Some other proposed changes

  1. Exotic Temple gears should re-adjust their Karma requirements. We can use 42,000 Karma for chest piece as the base and reduce the other pieces accordingly by cross-referencing the amount of dungeon tokens required. Back pieces could probably stick to their current pricing due to its limited availability.
  2. Align the amount of Badges of Honor required for each gear item to the respective amounts required using Dungeon Tokens at dungeon vendor, i.e. 330 Badge of Honor for an exotic chest piece instead of 354 (current).
  3. To encourage aesthetics experimentation, I feel that it might be better to lower the costs of Transmutation Crystals slightly to 5 crystals -> 150 gems. Just a 2 cents suggestion, as I think this might actually hurt ANet sales if it doesn’t work well.

(edited by levionan.8506)

Hotkey error since 29/10 patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: levionan.8506


Same here, glad to know that it’s being worked on. Thanks a bunch! =)

Is it Fun? How ArenaNet Measures Success

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


Fun, I think is abit too subjective. Surely, I reckon ANet’s definition of “Fun” isn’t exactly what I have in mind. Nonetheless, I think they are making good effort with the recent changes and I do like them quite abit. What I’m uninterested in and cannot derive any feeling of “fun” is where Living Story comes in; I do them only for the reward(s), not so much for fun (because they are a far stretch of fun imo, worse, they are temporary).

Anyway, I guess ANet can try and focus on like 2 or 3 directions (as a start) to improve the game. I don’t think they should try and do it all round. Perhaps they can focus on the game mechanics and world immersion first. Currently, the rewards system is ok (at least better than before) and we do have a somewhat working LFG tool. Items like Pile of Bloodstone Dust are abit too much in drop rate though, while I do appreciate them dropping at the current frequency, maybe make it so we can downgrade them into lower tiers of dust via some mystic forge recipe?

What I would really like to see is the varied use of currency and if possible, a currency exchange system (e.g. 1000 Karma => 1 Badge of Honor, etc) to allow acquisition of gear through a player’s preferred means. The exchange rate need not be very balanced and merely serve as an alternate route to acquisition of items with a small penalty.

Constructure Advice on Immersive Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


Agree (pretty strongly) with OP on pretty much all except Personality & Customization.

I just find that tying personality options to possible rewards might not be a good idea, it may end up like what the alignment of order in Personal Story becomes. I do not see how that might improve the immersion, although I do acknowledge it might enable me to get better acquainted with more NPCs.

Instead, I think personality could affect the quotes or tones of the same quotes that our characters make (from time to time), by aligning them to the specific personalities. This might be a superficial and subtle change, but I feel it adds more to the immersion of our characters in the world. In addition, it adds another dimension to the lines that our characters say, which currently is already different from race to race.

(edited by levionan.8506)

Are GW2 Player Skills Boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


It’s just the lack of options that makes it boring.

Exactly. The skills and number of slots are fine but we have very limited options with what we can do from 1-5 depending on which weapons we use. While picking up a class, it may not be so bad; but after, it starts to get repetitive somewhat. And it really feels like we’re playing an action game in the wrong format.

And goodness, I really hope ANet implements some character-specific key-binding feature.

What's wrong and how it can be fixed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: levionan.8506


Anet should just fix their game mechanics and gear assortment first. It’s a terrible idea to make certain gear stat combinations acquirable only through certain means, it also adds more complications. The dragon fights in this game is laughable; so do almost all of the other boss fights. Tbh, gw2 is a pretty game, but has never really been as good as it looked. I sure hope anet start looking at ways to make it better, and I don’t think trying to solve the ‘endgame’ issue is the solution.

(edited by levionan.8506)

Indicate zones with map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: levionan.8506


As the title says, I thought it’d be alot more convenient for players if it was clearly indicated which zones are left uncompleted (and which ones are) on world map.

Suggestions to alleviate the lack of endgame

in Suggestions

Posted by: levionan.8506


Having only played the game for a short 3 months, I think I now appreciate better why most veterans considered this game ‘done’. I’ve never done much of dungeons as they don’t look fun at all, so I probably won’t comment too much on that. Personally, I feel that ANet should rework on the existing content and mechanics instead of introducing new content which are more of the same, just with different monsters.

Anyway, the following are just some of my thoughts to keeping the game fun for a long while @80:

  • High level group events (dragons and Ulgoth for e.g.) need to be more challenging and dynamic. Currently, the 3 dragons become uninteresting after a few attempts, and the main issue I feel is that we can faceroll them too easily. Jormag is harder than the other 2 but it’s just lengthier that’s all, the fight itself isn’t interesting at all. My suggestion is to make the fight more dynamic, e.g., Shatterer will from time to time focus aoe attacks on areas where players cluster around; the issue I have is that it feels too scripted. I don’t really know what can be done for Jormag so I guess I’ll leave the creativity to ANet. As an exchange for making it harder, make the rewards significantly better for level 80 players, for e.g., given them a random level 80 exotic, a random shop item (from the value of a black lion key to a total makeover kit for e.g.), 1-2 rare materials and 2 more random gear subjected to MF.
  • There has to be a better way to get players notified when a major group event is taking place. My suggestion is to notify players when it is about to happen by sending them a mail, if they have previously visited that zone, to reinforce the fight. Better yet, allow us to track which events we are interested to be notified. I think epic battles are only fun with a large group of people (if the server can take it) running around. One of my gripes is that I have to resort to a third-party source to stay informed of when an event might take place if I’m in a different zone. Being a ‘hero’, why can’t the Vigil call on me when they need help?
  • The lack of a holy trinity needs to be compensated in some form to make an encounter more tactical. In group events which are not meant to be of epic scale, the champions should be cc-able but their damage should increase such that failing to cc would result in serious consequences. In epic group events, however, bosses should be un-ccable but have some ways to discourage players from clustering in one spot so that they always have to keep moving and death must feel imminent. And for such events, there could be some ways where various types of damage become more effective at varying phases. E.g. in phase 2, some bosses have increased toughness and condition damage becomes more effective at dealing damage.
  • Improve the rewards for Cursed Shore and make it rightfully the current choice for level 80 gameplay. E.g., if all temples are taken, anyone in the area will get MF and GF buff for as long as the temples remain uncontested or for the next 1 hour (whichever is longer).
  • Do something about WP costs. For a casual player like me, the amount of silvers I spend moving around can sometimes exceed what I earn for that session from loot alone.

Perhaps some of the things I’m suggesting here may have impact on the economy. My worry is that if things don’t get better, we’re probably gonna start hoping for henchman and heroes soon.

Individual Keybindings

in Suggestions

Posted by: levionan.8506


I strongly agree with this. Having this would greatly enhance my playing experience.

If this is too difficult, would allowing us to reorder the skills be possible?