HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lithiumwing.5493
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lithiumwing.5493
But it’s not $50 for the bundle, you’re buying the expansion for $50 and they’re throwing in the core game as a bonus. :/
Go google guild wars 2 buy, and look up the cached page you’ll see what I talked about in another post. Those new players will have to deal this this. Because, two hours ago Guild Wars 2 “DIGITAL HEROIC EDITION” was sold for $40. Then they added the expansion for $50 including the $40 game without the 3 extra meh items… that no one cared much for anyway. So yeah.. we gotta buy the game again for $40 it seems, and then pay $10. Great job.
Yo I was just responding to Clarissa. They just stated on Facebook in a replay that $50 is for the expansion and the core is a freebie. Scroll down from what you quoted or look on the prior page because I’m not happy with the price either for what’s being released.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lithiumwing.5493
I hope I didn’t come off aggressive to you either, Zappix. I’m just hoping Anet looks at what their play base are saying and maybe do something like during the games release and ongoing living story. I’d hate to see this game fall.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lithiumwing.5493
But it’s not $50 for the bundle, you’re buying the expansion for $50 and they’re throwing in the core game as a bonus. :/
We already know that. What use is the core game for Veteran players? We have no use for it, so instead of throwing in the core game free, why don’t they chuck in a free character slot instead? Or something that us Vets could actually benefit from?
But no, loyal customers have stayed with Anet since the beginning and have spent money on the game.
You harm your core and dedicated player base and you will see a massive drop in income.
Short term gains like this ploy have long term consequences in the form of loyal players that spend more in the long term than a few new players that give up after a couple of weeks will see Anet’s revenues in the form of microtransactions drop like bricks.
That is the concern, that is the upset. No one has a problem with the price, people have a problem with Vets being shafted yet again.
I was replying to someone who was saying what if the game was separate from core. I’m just as upset with this pricing. Look at Destiny: $60 for a game in which the content was distributed into paid dlc’s. It’s pretty much the same here. We’re paying for a full game, but with a fraction of actual content. Hell, atleast Blizzard’s expansion for WoW were pretty much standalone games with hours of content and updates.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lithiumwing.5493
But it’s not $50 for the bundle, you’re buying the expansion for $50 and they’re throwing in the core game as a bonus. :/
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: lithiumwing.5493
I’m sorry, but when Bungie puts out a half built game and feeds the players the rest thru steeply priced dlc’s it’s wrong. But it seems ok to pay for a full game with a fraction of content compared to the core game with Guild Wars 2? And don’t forget in the core game how much of updates and expansive living stories we got. It’s no excuse to have HoT to be at such a high price. If you say that Blizzard’s expansions were just as much for a sub game, you forget the amount of content you got along with updates and that server’s on such a massive scale need income to keep them running. I love the game with the detail and amount of things to do, but if we’re just getting an area that’s the size of Caldeon Forest and Metrica combined with one new class for $50 then you’ll lose a chunk of your player base that already has shrunk.
It doesn’t seem to matter with how some are able to use ac’s to hit into a lord’s rooms from outside the second gate or any spot on the opposite side of a wall.
Will the Molten Gauntlet skin, when added via wardrobe, be for only the armor class it was applied to or can we put it on any other type?
I had to get them for my engineer’s condition/tank set for wvw Now her look matches her build hehe.
If I catch a thief with iberserker, they’re pretty much dead already. I use staff as a backup and can easily kite, if not, fool the thief into attack my clones. Decoy and using Diversion/Distortion can be life savers. You also have the moa ability that pretty much shuts a player down if you know you can nuke shatter. Mind wrack and Cry of Frustration are some serious damage dealers if you know how and when to use em. Mesmers have enough damage dealing abilities at their disposal.
I just bought since I missed out on the other perma sickles. It would be cool for that 20% thing, but I do like that it’s account bound even after putting it on my engineer. maybe that’s why it costs more :P
Farmed 30 and got a ticket. Gonna farm some more later for that shield.
I usually tip em 2g just because they take their time out of what they could be doing and I doubt many get enough tips. I love jps, but not too fond of Southsun Cove :/
25keys=1 ticket. I’ll still buy more keys because I want my endless mystery tonic to become furniture XD
Thank you Anet for the perm dances Fun times ahead. Hope to see more with this being volume 1.
I love this class. I haven’t noticed much changes except the fix to EG’s #5 which doesn’t bother me when I heal in dungeons like CoF and TA or even in WvW. I noticed the fix lto FT last night which allowed me to burn a group trying to take out our siege, but I prefer my prybar :P I never saw anything wrong with this class, just takes more time/skill to adapt to. I will still play this class regardless before going back to my level 80 mesmer and thief.
It doesn’t seem too bad since it sorta felt the same early today in WvW at 255hp a tick. Kept my small group up while being outmanned at Vale on our borderlands, but the ‘broken’ version pre-patch just felt like a solid support skill for engineers at 500hp a tick for one field.
Why the hell did they change Super Elixir S? Seems pathetic on the pulse heal even with all healing+ gear. I loved my build for dungeon runs in CoF and TA as well as supporting in WvW occasionally, but now it feels worthless. I’ll give it a try or two in a dungeon, but probably will be hopping back onto my mesmer >.>
I must thank you with coming up with a fun build. Had a blast in WvW not too long ago. Too bad two of the minidunks were not completed with the foe disconnecting quickly.
Haha if it isn’t a bug or exploit, is it?
I was still stacking up to 1min swiftness yesterday while running around wvw and in Bloodtide, though, it did reset if I fell underwater. I do have speedy kits to help maintain it :/
in Mesmer
Posted by: lithiumwing.5493
I run a GS and sword/focus build with no problems in tagging or farming in Orr or any event. Usually I send in an iBerserker followed by a shatter after it whirls through the group to tag a good amount of the mobs. If I really ‘need’ to do something drastic to tag, I send out my Mistfire Wolf or a golem(very rare for either since i like to use em for kicks since my elite skill tends to be Mass Invisibility to move de groups around). Lv40 is the magic number when mesmer gets good at leveling.
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