Showing Posts For lycoris.6578:
Dear ANet,
We have been friends for quite some time, ever since GW1 if you can believe it! But I am starting to question our friendship. I have waited patiently for 2 years for your developers to introduce GvGing into the game (and HA please!). I am not going to say it has been an easy 2 years, we have had our ups and downs, you stole my feiry light armor and replaced it with a blasphemous looking set. But that is neither here nor there. You and I both know that you have the capability to add GvG to GW2, you shouldn’t done it instead of EotM, but since you guys have neglected addressing this like the plague, I would like to propose a solution for you. GvG’s would be broken down into 3 maps, the map would be random (much like sPvP). Each map would have a unique objective (rather than capturing points over and over and over and over). Without furthur ado here are my map suggestions:
Map #1
The concept is simple, you combine aspects of WvW and sPvP into one map that can hold 40 players. Essentially a 20vs20 sPvP round with keeps on each side. Take the inner portion of Dreaming Bay, slap it into an arena, add some foliage and some pathways and BAM! map created. The rules of this would be simple. The first guild to claim both keeps is declared the winner, and the round will last until that is achieved. Inside each keep, a seige merchant will supply 5 pieces of siege (of the guilds choosing) to the team leader (or person who initiated the match). The seige is only replinished if all 5 pieces of seige have been used and destroyed (preventing people from throwing up 5 arrow carts, because then they can’t actually seige the other castle!). When a player dies, they cannot WP back to their own keep for 2 minutes (however, they can be revived by an ally). Just like keeps, guards are placed at the doors and on the walls and a keep lord must be defeated before being able to claim. UNLIKE WvW, players can always respawn back at the keep after 2 minutes, so guarding the respawn point may be crucial to winning.
Map #2
This one is more like sPvP than WvW, but with a new feature that I quite fancy. So you know those crazy balls of death in Arah? Well, this map would revolve around people holding them and passing them to friendly players. They deal massive amounts of damage just like in Arah. There are a total of 4 balls at the corner of a square shaped map. The two teams start in the middle of the square with rooms that block them from each others view. Killing another player gives no points, however, if a team is holding a ball they generate 2 points per second, with 2 balls, 5 points per second, and with 3 balls 15 points per second. Players can bass these death balls to each other, however, if they are downed with the ball in their hands it resets to it’s original position. Anyways, I think you get the point. All of these features are pretty much in existence, all you have to do is tie in points with holding the crazy balls of death.
Map #3
This one is one of my favorites simply because it is fast paced: Deathmatch. Everyone knows what deathmatch is, so I don’t feel the need to explain it in depth. Insta respawn, full on PvP action. Guilds fight it out until one kills X number of players. You could even take that new map you added to sPvP, scale it up a little bit, and BAM! map created.
Anyways, I feel it must be said, HA needs to be added as well. GW2 could definitely use some new types of PvP. sPvP is stale, capturing points is cool and everything, but having every map except one revolve around capturing points is killing me. I don’t know if I can take it anymore. I love you guys, but you really need to step up your game where PvP is concerned. GW1 had so many PvP choices I never got bored with it, and I was expecting GW2 to offer the same kind of diversity. I have waited a long time before requesting this, and I am sure that others have requested it too, but I think you would attract a lot of PvPers back to the game if you added some amazing features.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Honestly it become more difficult where this game will lead from now on, I am feeling that most posters recognize that there is a tier system in the game as in fine->master->rare->exotics. What is unprecedent is that now Anet strays away from the premise of the game and decided that they are able to add additional stat tier whenever they feel like and forces you into grinds before you can come in par with other people. Maybe in another 2 months Anet will throw you into another grind because now it is difficult to predict if Anet can keep their promises. This may rinse and repeat and personally is not the way I envision this game to be. I can go on a vacation at sometime and if there is an update I can expect myself to jump right into the new contents without having to first grind all the precursor gears just to remain competitive whether it is PvE or WvW. I feel if Anet do not address this issue properly their reputation may be tainted from hereforth and they will not want it this way. By all means, perhaps one day sPvP may also be altered.
For analogy it is alike you are in the last year of university and suddenly the adminstratives tell you that you have to study for another four years in order to obtain the diploma. You have to obtain the diploma in order the stay competitive in the job market so all you can do is accept the fact. Not the best analogy but I feel that everyone has the right and should try to express their position as people cared about this game. As far as the thread goes, many people have addressed concerns on Anet’s decision and presumably everyone has a rightful cause like I have my own this suggests that the decision by Anet is overwhelmingly unfavourable. Similar to politic campagins, people have the right the justify their angers if the elected do not keep their promises.
I, for one, am not hardcore and I bought this game for its premises, that I will always be competitive and able to enjoy the game’s contents without grind. For now, Ascendent gear may just be a minor stat boost, but no one knows that for sure in six months. Maybe another tier set will be released and will cause one person with the set to one shot another player without the set as for all we know, Anet may not have rules. The example may be exaggerated but for all we know, it might be possible if tiered set does not stop at its infancy.
In my view, GW2 should be a game about “fun” but not gear progression. From dev’s post and blogs I feel they are placing too much attention on the gear progression factor rather than implementing new ideas into the game, its unfortunate. People are posting to express valid concerns and are trying to help the game in their ways. It is a little bit saddening that from here on forth it will not be so easy to advertise what is unique about GW2. It will be harder to convince your friends that this is the next generation of mmorpg that is not just another WoW mimic.
(edited by lycoris.6578)
I haven’t seen this much rage since Swtor cut ranked battle grounds from patch 1.2.
That is because people cared about the game and wants to right the wrongs before it is becomes a catastrophe.
Considering individuals that do not keep their own words, even if you can persuade yourself to accept Anet’s strategy for the time being it won’t be long before the game is changed inside-out until you (players) can bear no longer. It will always be easier to break your promise or commit a crime the second time once you’ve been through the first, not hard to understand. If Anet does not provide an adequate explanation to this matter, though it might be hard to envision before this incident, it may not be long before you’re forced into endless grind to explore the out-of-reach contents or simply pay-to-win.
As for the people stating that the stat increases aren’t significant, I doubt it. There is a reason why people opt to go for exotic instead of rare, this is a similar idea. Just by looking at the ring it gives approximately 5power+5precision+3% MF over the exotic version.
Ignore that some equipments provide greater stat differentiation through tiers and assume all equipments provide the same stat increments through tiers. This means that 5 trinkets-1 back-6 armors and 1-2 weapon for a total 14 pieces of upgrades will yield approximately 70 power, 70 precision and 42%MF. Anyone like to farm with 42% less MF?
For a berserker build on WvW you may be able get 70 power 70 precision and 42% more crit damage if the stat combination allows it, is it not significant? Consider facing steal backstab thieves with these stats. This is almost a free rune set of superior divinity if not better. Adding on top the fact infusion may not just be for dungeon.
I personally do not feel these are factors that can be simply ignored or cast aside by stating that you don’t have to get it if you don’t like to. How do you feel if you are running in WvW with exotics knowing that you would most likely lose unless you are the few minorities that are far superior skill-wise, some stats do change how the game plays. In the end you are pretty much forced into getting these tier sets in order to remain competitive whether PvE or WvW, I sincerely hope Anet reconsider their choice.