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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: magicthize.5603


I created a guild on the first day of play during the preorder headstart. I had tried inviting other people but it didn’t work. I didn’t know at the time the that there were problems with the guild system so I left/disbanded the guild to try and recreate it to see if it resolved the issue. Since the name was then taken and I wasn’t able to retrieve it (even as the original creator) I had to create a (rather naff) alternative.

I’d really like to get the original guild name back as the alternative annoys me.

Guild: We Are Geeks
Server: Ring of Fire
Guild Leader/Creator: Talyn Sol

I did try and resolve the issue via the ticket system but got only standard cut and paste replies.

I’ve since created We R Geeks. I’m sure you can understand my loathing.