Showing Posts For mattkoko.6029:

I can't believe Arena Net did this!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mattkoko.6029


Enjoy it for what it is. And if you don’t like it, you can always take a break and come back when something about it appeals to you again.

How is that going to happen when those who don’t like it are deemed salty and told to leave? Then you have a forum of people saying it’s great and nothing ends up changing and or the game dies.

I agree with what you are saying and I am all for constructive criticism. The keyword there is “constructive.” Here is my problem with a lot of posts in this forum. "The expansion sucks, I don’t like it (some use “we” don’t like it as if they are talking for everyone)" is not constructive feedback. A lot (not all) of the negative feed back is a lot of complaining, but offer nothing as far as what they dislike or how it can be improved. Instead it is just relentless crying and bickering.

Regardless, as a game company, they know they can’t please everyone. Before the expansion, people were complaining the game was too easy and they ran out of things to do. After the expansion, all of the sudden, those people are quiet, and all the people that thought it was fine the way it was are now saying the exact opposite. It is too hard and everything is such a grind. If they really listened to everyone and implemented all of their suggestions, it would be a disaster. Unfortunately, too many people have the mindset of, “if it is not the way I like it, then it sucks and everyone else who disagrees can eat kitten.”
Edit: I actually find it quite funny that the censor of “kitten” sounds worse then what I actually said.

If people were actually nice about it and more respectful and didn’t come in with fists swinging non stop, then there wouldn’t be much of a problem. But as you can see, someone makes a positive thread and 3 posts in, the OP catches crap for it. So much for being nice.

(edited by mattkoko.6029)

Is HoT worth getting?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mattkoko.6029


OP, don’t waste your money. You can read thru-out the forum how bad the expansion was. Don’t have buyers remorse like most of us.

This proves nothing. People voice negativity much more then positivity. The main reason why is the people that actually enjoy it are playing the game, rather then crying about it in a forum. Besides, just saying the expansion is horrible is not constructive feed back which is basically what you are doing. Because that is just your opinion. An example is, some may dislike the fact that the expansion requires groups to complete most of the content, while some people love it. Neither opinion is wrong. It is just a matter of preference.

With that said, if you like group content, that is challenging, and enjoy raids, jumping puzzles, and endgame type content in general, you may enjoy this expansion.

Personally, I enjoy the story and the elite specializations as well as the Revenant. I consider myself a pretty casual player (I play maybe an hour or 2 a day at most and some days I don’t get a chance to play) so I enjoy a lot of the smaller things like leveling, farming hero points etc. and I do enjoy the challenge of the content. To me the expansion was worth it but that is just me personally. It keeps me from blowing my money on console games every month which is 60 dollars a pop these days, so it was well worth the $50.

Will you prepurchase next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mattkoko.6029


Honestly, I rarely preperchase any kind of game, so I don’t really know for sure.

I will say that I am enjoying HoT so far. I just want to clear something up. A lot of people I notice like to categorize the Original and the expansion as, the original being more for the casuals and the expansion being more for the hardcore. What I want to clear up about that is I consider myself a casual player. And I must say, I have been enjoying the new areas in HoT. While I may take longer to get things done then many of the hardcore players, it is still enjoyable to me. I welcome the challenging content. I don’t look at things like farming hero points as a grind because I actually do enjoy the process. I just took my time with it, and the same thing with mastery points. I was able to get my Dragonhunter a few weeks ago and now working on Scrapper. Again, it took longer because I only get to play 1-2 hours a day, if at all, but I still did it and I still enjoy it.

So Basically what I am saying is, casual players are still able to have fun in this expansion, especially if you enjoy challenge.

Keep in mind, I am not saying the expansion does not have it’s draw backs. I am well aware of them and I understand why some people are turned off by a lot of the content. I can say myself that I don’t enjoy EVERYTHING about the expansion and the game in general. But in order for any game to be fun to someone, you have to enjoy the process. If you don’t enjoy the process and look at it as grind or work, then this game or at least the expansion is probably not for you. I enjoy the process mainly because I know once I have everything I need, then I probably won’t touch the game until the next content release.

As of right now, I have 6 more professions to get through as well as 8 more elite specializations, so I will be busy for a while. And I will enjoy every minute of it.

By the way Vayne, I would gladly join your guild of casuals.

(edited by mattkoko.6029)

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mattkoko.6029


Since this thread was already made, I have a question. I have a macbook pro running mountain lion. Does anyone else have overheating issues on it while playing guild wars 2? My mac is fine until I get into game and it overheats within 10 minutes and the keyboard gets hot to the touch with fans blaring. This never happens unless I am playing guild wars 2. Any other game it works perfectly. Has anyone here figured anything out about that because I have looked in other places and it seems I am not the only one having this issue?

Account will be shutting down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mattkoko.6029


So, I am back in the game. Long story short, who ever got my account did get me banned. At first I was banned for good. However, thankfully the guild wars 2 support team looked more into it and realized that a 3rd party had my account. I literally went back and forth with support all week and I was impressed by their quick responses and their patience. Usually I hear horror stories about games and their customer support. therefore, I would like to praise the guild wars support team for being so helpful and supportive.

As far as what happened with that mail last week, I make no excuses for myself. I was hesitant at first and responded anyway and I paid for it. In no way do I blame Anet for it. They do give the warning signs that it is not mail from an Anet staff member. Unfortunately I acted rashly and did not notice that until it was too late. But anything that asks for account and personal info should be a red flag. Thankfully, nothing was really lost and I got it all figured out.

Thank you again to the support team and thank you for those in this thread that gave advice on what I can do.

Account will be shutting down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mattkoko.6029


Well sounds like I am pretty screwed because they got a crap tone of info from me. since I thought it was Anet

Account will be shutting down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mattkoko.6029


I figured since it took me to the actual Guild Wars 2 site for verification, it may be legit

Account will be shutting down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mattkoko.6029


oh crap, I just gave a lot of info to. they told me to go to a website and they were named GM mptrebor

(edited by mattkoko.6029)

Account will be shutting down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mattkoko.6029


So I received a letter from a GM that my account will be shutting down. the letter basically says my account will shut down partially within 72 hours due to real-world money buy for item or abnormal login. I took all the necessary steps to remove these restrictions.

Will I get a notice from Anet if and when this is resolved? Out of all my years of online gaming, I have never done or have been accused of such a thing and I have no clue where this is even coming from since I am pretty much broke both in and out of the game. I also recieved a text giving me an ArenaNet code which I have no clue what to use for. any information would be great, Especially from Arenanet, as I have played both the original and guild wars 2 and have thoroughly enjoyed both.

Thanks in advance