Showing Posts For maxray.8452:
hey as the title says i am looking for a tranings guild i have a little experians ( 2 bosses ) i play on EU vabbi
srry for my bad english
hey i have just brought PoF and i was wondering what the best way to prepare for it was i have 9 lvl 80 one of each class and 4 of them have fully unlocked there elite specs i have around 139 mastarys points too but i am not sure what is the most usefull thing to do whith my play time to help in PoF
ps srry for my bad English
ok thanks for the answer i will look into the daliy pvp one as that is the one i think i can do right now cant find a dungeon group and have yet to play fractals
i am really bad at making gold but would like to be able to buy some skins so i was hoping someone would tell me some ways to make gold
hey i play on a dragon hunter and would like to begin to raid and do fractals so i would like to know what is the easiest way off getting acended gear i have a nearly max lvl armore
p.s srry for my bad English
hey i would like the timekeeper longbow skin i unfortently dont have the gold or the clam tickets to get it my self but my dragon hunter would like it
thanks to the person who giftet me the skin here is a pic
i play on EU
srry for my bad English
(edited by maxray.8452)
hey i am a returning player i plan on maining my rev but i am unsure about what build to go whith i would prefey to play a hammer focused rev (got herald fully unlocked)
i play mostly pve whith a little pvp do anybody have a good build
( srry for the bad engilsh )
i plan on trying raids as i am primary a pve player( do like to play some pvp) i have unlocked all 3 but only the basic ( 2-3 on the unlock wheel thing)
hej i am just returning to guild wars 2 after not really playing since HoT launch i got 3 chars to 80 but i am not sure with one is good all 3 got exortic gear and weapon
i have a ranger a necromancer and a revenet i like to play all 3 but i would like to have a main i can begin gearing in acendet gear
( srry for my bad English)