Showing Posts For mbk.4926:

Versatility will never exist: Arcane Attune

in Elementalist

Posted by: mbk.4926


I think they missed the point with elementalist. The problem is most of traits in a single line affect only one attunement, instead of boosting elementalist overall. Why does Internal Fire work only in fire att? The good start would be fixing Lingering Elements to work with more traits in one line, not only with the first minor. And this new Fresh Air trait.. why cannot it recharge ALL attunements but with different condition? For example, on crit but with 12s cooldown. That would be nice alternative for going 20 and more in arcana.

I can't log in my character

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mbk.4926


Same happens to me. I wp to Metrica Province.. I’m on Desolation server if it does matter.

Boon duration runes

in Elementalist

Posted by: mbk.4926


Some people use updraft to get 10s (and one extra second for every 10% boon duration) additional swiftness. They often use it with about face key, because it causes character to evade backwards.
Personally, i use glyph of elemental harmony while attuned to air followed by shocking aura. With 70% boon duration it gives you 17 + 8.5s of swiftness on 25s cd both skills. Then i switch to water (pop frost aura if active) and after 10s again to air to keep it up.

But I would love to find out how to keep other boons all the time. I imagine that perma fury can be obtained by constantly switching attunements (and by constantly I mean switching to next attunement when it’s ready, not using any skills on active attunement except auras). With normal switching imo perma fury cannot be maintained, probably it drops a few times during combat.

I don’t think perma protection is possible. Well, maybe with signet build and fire aura but i guess you need to constantly popping all signets like a crazy.

Can someone clarify this bunch of text I’ve wrote?

Log in issues

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mbk.4926


Same here. This happened to me also about an hour ago and nothing has changed yet.

Monthly Achievement - Repeat Dungeon for Completion?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mbk.4926


I don’t think it’s true. I have done all (three) paths of TA since yesterday and it counted as 3. Also I’ve done today CM story, so story mode also counts.

Character stuck on loading screen Hoelbrack/ desolation

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mbk.4926


I have the same problem with LA-Hoelbrak on Desolation server.

Can't craft Perfect Jewels.

in Crafting

Posted by: mbk.4926


Same wondering. Orichalcum filigree description says it is used to create Perfect Jewels. Term “perfect jewel” I understand as masterwork things (like lower tiers, combined filigree + gemstone). However orbs and filigree don’t show up in Discovery pannel. I think it is rather a mistake in description than bug since 400 lvl allows us to create exotic exquisite jewel. There is no “need” to masterwork production at this lvl although it could be an alternative to expensive exotic..