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I did the monthly before the 15th and now again after the 15th and I got the rewards again. I also have the daily reset glitch which doesn’t let me get the daily laurels anymore. Don’t know if they are related.
Yeah I also created characters and deleted them to get the starter gear skins and later found out that I had over 4,500 bonus world chests. However I have only gotten 6 rank ups so far and I had a few bonus world chests on other characters before the patch so I don’t think I have gotten any “reward” from the glitch yet. I have been waiting for the glitch to be fixed so I can use my wxp boosters without worrying about abusing a glitch and will also be putting any wxp potions in my bank for now so I can use them after this is fixed.
I also got this glitch, but it is far more extreme for me. I have 4,589 bonus world chests. I don’t know what caused it as I was logging onto my characters to get the dyes and skins and checked my wvw stuff afterwards.
I can’t reproduce this issue, and I can’t find any way that Hywel can be killed. He’s flagged as a “non combatant” so he’s not targeted by enemies, and not damaged by their attacks (poison), etc. I did make some minor adjustments “just in case” so he’s now rezzable, and I removed the “summon” skill from the krait witch since the krait were buffed recently, and now that end fight is tougher than it should be. I do not have an ETA for when this will hit Live, sorry.
Thanks for implementing the fix into the next patch. As for Hywel being a "non combatant I think that after killing the veteran by him, the non combatant flag must get removed. In my experience Hywel wouldn’t die before the veteran. That shouldn’t cause an issue anymore though since the changes you made mean we can just revive him now.
I will certainly appreciate the changes for when I have another character do that quest.
I have also encountered this glitch and made a bug report. However I think I figured out what might be causing it. On my second attempt, shortly after the veteran was killed, it looked like one of the minions that was still alive killed Hywel instantly and his body then disappeared before I could revive him. On my third attempt I made sure to interrupt the ability the veteran uses to summon minions. Hywel survived and the quest could be completed.
So it seems that any minions that are still alive after the veteran is dead are able to kill hywel and cause him to disappear. I hope this information is helpful.