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[SUGGESTION] Ride The Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


Everyone throwing in pretty numbers. I am not even looking at the math because my jaw is on the ground.

No one here that is saying to change RtL is giving anything that will compensate for our loss. Think about this. How long will it take for people to get use to cripple/immobilize/chill the ele before an RtL? Do you honestly think we can go toe to toe with others.


This post seems like a bunch of warriors who just want to smash something. The people who grew up thinking magic is for wimps. There daddy was a warrior in ultima online, and they are carring on the torch.

Please think about what you are saying. You are going to kill the class. We already have bad damage compared to others. We have low hp and armor. And now you taking away our ability to escape every now and again for free kills. IS THAT REALLY FUN FOR YOU? I bet there are some twisted people here that just want mages to que up then do nothing but yell in chat free kills free kills while dancing and harlem shake videos playing on their 2nd monitor and bacon in their mouth.

Get real. If you can’t compensate for a significant loss as your guys are asking, then cut the kitten and ask for arenanet to just remove ele all together.

Calm down man.

Ele’s are overpowered right now.

Until you realise this, you aren’t really going to be able to make sound balance decisions.

Until you realise RtL is not the problem, you will understand this post is not necessary.

[SUGGESTION] Ride The Lightning

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


Everyone throwing in pretty numbers. I am not even looking at the math because my jaw is on the ground.

No one here that is saying to change RtL is giving anything that will compensate for our loss. Think about this. How long will it take for people to get use to cripple/immobilize/chill the ele before an RtL? Do you honestly think we can go toe to toe with others.


This post seems like a bunch of warriors who just want to smash something. The people who grew up thinking magic is for wimps. There daddy was a warrior in ultima online, and they are carring on the torch.

Please think about what you are saying. You are going to kill the class. We already have bad damage compared to others. We have low hp and armor. And now you taking away our ability to escape every now and again for free kills. IS THAT REALLY FUN FOR YOU? I bet there are some twisted people here that just want mages to que up then do nothing but yell in chat free kills free kills while dancing and harlem shake videos playing on their 2nd monitor and bacon in their mouth.

Get real. If you can’t compensate for a significant loss as your guys are asking, then cut the kitten and ask for arenanet to just remove ele all together.

The reasons why SPvP is bad and feels awful to me

in PvP

Posted by: mega.7816


This proves my point. Heavy’s should only be viable in pvp. How is that fair?

The reasons why SPvP is bad and feels awful to me

in PvP

Posted by: mega.7816


So to sum it all up. Make melee stronger, and make range useless. After you fix that light armors have no reason to be in pvp because I am heavy. I pick warrior to go toe to toe and ranged people are too cheap. It’s ok for ranged to have ranged weapons, but eliminate any chance they have if I get in close. No running away….nothing. I don’t want them to do anything but fight me as I slaughter them and laugh, “You are too weak”. L2P noob. I want to prove my sword is stronger then your bow/magic/pistols/etc.

When that happens in a game. Expect it not to sell, or a very very very small community. Yes balance the game, but think about what you are asking for. Just like in real life don’t try to rationalize anything when you mad. Calm down, think about it, then discuss. Because ultimately your decisions can kill a class(es) that someone likes to play.

Damage output VS Survivability

in Guardian

Posted by: mega.7816


Sorry but if you are a guardian and your team is dying, and you done nothing that can help prevent it, you are doing it wrong. Didn’t know this game is all about dps and not group support. You have a tool far more then what others can do, and I think it is silly to not use it to your ability. Not saying you should put your dps on a back burner, but help the team.

I like the game mode in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: mega.7816


I seriously disagree with pvp being bad. As in for how you get gear yes it sucks that you have to traverse to pve to get some pieces that make you competitive. But really it wasn’t that much of a problem if you are in a premade. Matter of fact it completely eliminates being on a gear curve if you have a good premade. You and 90% of the time steamroll over your opponents.

Also, gw2 pvp will never be as good as wow if they don’t add in more game modes. Wow had AB, AV, EoTS, SotA, and WG. They have options. I like options. I don’t want to play the same thing over and over again.

Don’t get me wrong gw2 has a nice start. But add some more modes, and not just conquest. And actually WSG from wow i began to hate because its all there was. Now they have options. GW2 needs to follow suit.

My elementalist is too OP. Anyone also bored?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


Yes the d/d ele is currently the best roamer class for WvW in the game. It is getting annoyingly popular as well, with d/d eles coming out of the woodwork in wvw these days. D/D ele is not particularly hard to play. You pretty much just cycle attunements spam abilities and use certain utility skills as necessary. I think the main issue with D/D eles is not that their skills are overpowered so much as the fact that they get 4 attunements, each on separate CDs with 60% reduced swap time. The attune swap mechanic is the problem. When you can attune swap every few seconds you basically always have a powerful skill to use at all times and you are never that far away from gaining access to something you really need like ride the lightning. A normal class has to wait 15 seconds to swap back and forth between just 2 weap sets. Ele can swap to a new set of skills every couple seconds and return to the original set in less than 10 seconds.

1) YOU DO NOT SPAM ELE ABILITIES…….EVER! Ele require more thought then any other class because of being so squishy. Your heals mean nothing if you stay in close range to melee classes, and don’t use environment to your advantage. I don’t know where you thought spamming is winning. I think you mean warrior or thief.

2) Just because you put points into arcane doesn’t mean much as people think. You can use any move, switch attunements, switch back to the first attunement and still have a cooldown on that spell. We deal with, not 1, but 2 cooldowns. So regards if you can switch attunements faster or not, you still have to wait on spell cooldown.

3) We are the MOST predictable class in the game. Which also destroys your spam comment. Every class has everything they need to avoid ele damage. And trust me ele has to learn more about you and his environment, then you having to learn about the ele and environment.

For everyone else, this topic is a joke. And baffled that people call ele, of all classes, OP. People are slinging the word around like nothing. OP is an obvious troll, and you got people following him. So sad.

To put it into perspective. There will be no ele that is close to the best of ele’s in any short amount of time. All these new ones coming out are newbies and didn’t put in the time that others have. If you are struggling with them, go back into learning mode in t/s pvp and get out of your just having fun mode. Because I can guarantee you can beat them.

Also, if you want an OP ele, bring back bwe 1 ele. Then you have all rights to complain. Until then, for the love of god, dev close this useless thread.

to glass cannon or not to?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


There is no spoo….I mean cannon.

Elementalist cool looking gear and daggers?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


I personally use;view:1948. Would be nice if I could get a glow on them though to make them more mage like.

I like it with my armor. Though my armor is made up with a bunch of leveling karma vendors, dungeon set pieces, and some things I bought on the TP.

Elementalist 1v1 viable?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


Bunker builds are the way to go. It seems the cookie cutter bunker is 0/10/0/30/30 d/d ele using cantraps as utility.

Just put in the time. There are way more things to look at then just the build itself. Watch your surroundings, opponents behavior, etc. You need to pay attention to your cooldowns, and need to memorize everything you and your enemy can do.

Basically we aren’t faceroll.

Elementalist 1v1 viable?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


Bunker builds are the way to go. It seems the cookie cutter bunker is 0/10/0/30/30 d/d ele using cantraps as utility.

Just put in the time. There are way more things to look at then just the build itself. Watch your surroundings, opponents behavior, etc. You need to pay attention to your cooldowns, and need to memorize everything you and your enemy can do.

Basically we aren’t faceroll.

Looking for a Final Home Any Server

in Guilds

Posted by: mega.7816


Sorry for being a bit blunt. I did take a look at your website to get some more info about you guys. Very detailed and clean.

Anyways, why gentlemen in the title? Do you not have ladies? Not game chick hunting, just curious.

The other thing I wanted to ask, and I can’t seem to find it on your website, how do these scheduled events work for dungeons? Are there multiple groups running? Are there tier spots so people have high priority to be in the group then others? Is it on a time frame, or like an all day kinda thing, or until everyone gets to run it whoever wanted to? What about things not running on schedule, as you can pretty much do these dungeons everyday, do you believe that your schedule hinder the ability to take advantage of running a certain dungeon over and over to gear up?

I been in many mmo’s and I never really put the effort into getting the gear I wanted/needed because I either I started late and the elites pros want decked out players, or can’t make that schedule (I like to work weird hours with 3rd shift being my favorite. Currently looking for a new job on top of that).

I just want to feel included, and that I can benefit from what you guys have to offer. And, of course, talks to chick too. LOL..j/k…or am I?

Edited to fix some grammar.

(edited by mega.7816)

Looking for a Final Home Any Server

in Guilds

Posted by: mega.7816


Hello, I have been in my guild for a very long time. It was called Angry Army. The thing is, this guild was made by the youtube reviewer Angry Joe. Since I joined I have not even seen him play. Whats worse is that all the leaders have moved on. For him being a reviewer and all, he took most of the leaders to Planetside 2. Now even the guild there is pretty dead. I don’t mind game hopping, but I need a true home for guild wars 2.

I play ele mostly, but will get my guardian up as soon as I get at least my epic armor. I already have the jewelry. But I need tons of AC runs.

Anyways, I am 30 years old who lives in Chicago (central time zone). But I do work second shift. So I usually play from 12:00am to about 6:00am, again central time zone. I can be a very chatty person, but usually quiet. I do have vent, mumble, skype, teamspeak, and can get others if needed. It doesn’t have to be a big guild, but if you are not a big guild, I need to know if my time will be well spent with the guild doing dungeons. WvW I can go by myself and team with people there.

I don’t cause issues, fairly well mannered (though i do joke around), and love an active guild that can learn from me, as I can learn from them. Thanks for reading, and if you want to know more let me know.

3 people racist but nonracist gets banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mega.7816


I sense the censer in your post. But to speak more openly, this is a reason people leave games. Ok we understand arenanet makes the game. And they can do what they want. But without the people, your game is nothing. They should be doing everything in their power to actually look at those chat logs. Do a real investigation, and stop this nonsense of suspending people just because people report.

We play games to have fun. And unfortunately some people take it upon themselves to ruin other peoples playtime. Yet the ones that play and support the game, and abide by the rules, are the ones punished. How hard is it to do research if someone is flagged for something? Are you really that short staffed that you no one checking into flagged reports, that everything is automated. kitten it pay me 4 bucks an hour and I will do it, because at this point in technology there is no excuse for this at all.

3 people racist but nonracist gets banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mega.7816


And it was suspension not ban. My apologies. But still. I know you guys are not on bbb but this will be added to the others on there. Un kittening acceptable!!!!

3 people racist but nonracist gets banned

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mega.7816


I am angry, and sorry I came off rude. But this is totally bull that there is a system in place, but you guys aren’t utilizing it. Yet you guys are going on word of mouth.

Ok lets get this out right now. My in game name is Black the Ele. Easy target to pick on right?

So some guy asked a question which was really badly worded, so much so, that I did not understand what he was asking. So i replied with “sentence”. In the mist of explaining myself , 3 guys jumped in thinking it was ok to start bashing me. So I am not gonna let people I don’t know me try to make me look bad, so I stood up for myself. Names were called yes, but nothing really warranting a suspension. So still confused. I know I used two words. I called them all cheerleaders for sticking up for one another. And I said they just wanted chat claps. Ok fine back and forth we went. But still nothing was said that purposed a ban.

After that someone said do you know what is a good game to play. And they said throw snowballs at black.

After that point I stopped talking. And all of a sudden they start talking about being racist and everything else. Then one person out of the blue said black must suck big kitten because thats what black people do. I said see that right there will get you banned. Its all fun and games until you are locked out of your account. They go on about racist people and people who hate racist people etc. I stayed on for maybe 20 mins later then log off to play some saints row 3, and get some sleep.

I wake up and I am suspended. FOR WHAT!!!! The only racist thing said came out there mouths. I never mentioned anything about it. Knowing that I let it be known I am black, playing a mostly predominate white rpg, why would I even consider making racist jokes, and then can’t even get a party because everyone hates me. But then these other guys are scott free playing the game. The irony. I think I just need to get that off my chest. And arenanet you are dead wrong for what you did. I know they are still playing because I have some friends telling me so. But its cool. I will still play because I like the game, but don’t expect me to put any more money in this game. And when/if you do need it I am gone. Only reason I am playing now is some friends, but your business practice is wrong. We get enough of people walking over others in real life, and now its happening in a game where you suppose to leave reality. Nice one arenanet. Nice one.

{Vid/Guide} Guardian Combos Extended Edition

in Guardian

Posted by: mega.7816


Since I am on the guardian forums. You can affectively frame cancel LoF into JI. The difference in this combo is that you won’t actually cancel out of LoF, but you will hit with both moves instantaneous. The frames that is canceled is the JI causing LoF to overide it, but will be like 2 moves in 1.

{Vid/Guide} Guardian Combos Extended Edition

in Guardian

Posted by: mega.7816


That is not what linkers and cancels are. MMO’s have a type or resource that will limit what you can do with cooldowns.

Cooldowns or not, if the moves are available to you, and successfully landed 2+ moves that reduced frame animation but all connected and damaged, then that is a frame cancel.

There is one I can tell you right off bat that a lot of people do it, but don’t know that this is actually an advanced fight tactic. I will give the easy one since I don’t want to release what I know.

As an ele you can do a rtl to updraft. Affectively still hitting your target, not finishing the animation, and go right into updraft. Yup you can wait for rtl to finish then updraft, but you can “cut” frames from the animation to perform something else to affectively get the damage in as fast as your hands can move from 4 to 5.

{Vid/Guide} Guardian Combos Extended Edition

in Guardian

Posted by: mega.7816


You explained it a bit better then I did. And this news got me excited. Gives me the chance to oomph a bit more out of my guard and ele. I just can’t imagine the outbreak of qq’s this is going to cause. But enough of the posting, and more testing.

{Vid/Guide} Guardian Combos Extended Edition

in Guardian

Posted by: mega.7816


Yes gadgets and lanterns used this techniq a lot. To the point where I made me a gadgets guy. So now I see in almost every game that envolves fighting has this mechanic…intentional or not. The true fighting finatics will find it, and abuse the kitten out of it.

{Vid/Guide} Guardian Combos Extended Edition

in Guardian

Posted by: mega.7816


I don’t post much. But I do follow a few people, and you are one silent. I think you should have used DC Online rather then Street fighter. I am big on fighting games, and what you describe is what the norm is on DC Online where you would do a bunch of moves in a short period of time, with each move canceling out one another, but still hitting.

I don’t know about you, but that game has caught a lot of flak for having it. So I would be wise when you release your knowledge to people who don’t understand, or just don’t want to have a mechanic that seems to give advantage to people who abuse it.

So in essence…..ssssshhhhhh!!!!!

Why would you play this class?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


I’m having a hard time not feeling discouraged with the class given the broken abilities, lack of good damage options, and generally underwhelming class balance. However, even with all its problems, for me this class still has the most fun, engaging and dynamic play style in the game.

This, though I feel guardian has just as much dynamic (multiple) play styles within one build that also keeps me hooked. Everything else is boring.

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


This is why they should be our only means of weapon swap. Give them stats based off our weapons we have equipped. Get rid of the second weapon and add the charges to the conjured weapon in your hand.

If done right that could also help eliminate the other major flaw with elementalist which is if you start a fight with ranged you are stuck with ranged. I would love to throw in fiery gs or hammer with my staff build. Or using daggers with a frost bow. This gives us more options. And it just seems that conjures are just half complete.

I want to really love them and depend on them more. I never really liked pets, but I am stuck with elements as the only decent elite. Why can’t conjures, especially the elite one, be game changing?

Ideas about conjures

in Elementalist

Posted by: mega.7816


I think its ok to share your conjured second weapons with others. But I think it would be nice to have another trait in fire, or anywhere really, that will allow your second weapon to not summon and you will have the extra charges with the one conjured in your hand.

I don’t mind sharing, but its usually when I need it most that someone takes my conjured weapon.

This way, it still allows people to conjure up the second weapon if you chose. But give us players that use conjures as a psuedo weapon swap from range to melee and vice versa, to utilize both conjured weapon without traveling back to get it, and losing any combo’s we were in the process of finishing.

Also, we do get our attunement weapon swap skills replaced to just one elemental theme, so I think it would be only fair that we at least get a way for our mainhand weapon stats and upgrade transfer to said weapon we just conjured.

These are all just ideas I was thinking about after noticing people taking my fiery GS and wasting it. Again just ideas, but something needs to change how these wonderful weapons on paper are just not ground breaking to consider using.

(edited by mega.7816)

Guardian WvW - Guerilla Warfare

in Guardian

Posted by: mega.7816


Video is good. And I use to use this until i went support since I hang with more buddies. But man the music I just can’t bare. Volume ftw.