Showing Posts For melimsah.6921:

Legendary Armor Sound Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: melimsah.6921


This could be cool

What's Missing from Material Storage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: melimsah.6921


I know you guys have said “no crafting components”, but I want to make a case for scribing materials.

With items like boot soles etc, if you make too many, you can for the most part sell your extras on the TP. But most scribing components are account bound, so you can’t even share your pens or nibs or anything else you’ve made with other guildies, let alone on the TP (which is probably also why a lot of the related mats are so expensive right now). As a result, these materials end up taking up an obscene amount of bag/bank space, but none of it is stuff I want to throw out, because it’s important to my guild to have these things, and often they have contributed to the materials but we’re missing items. I think if not in our personal material storage, there should be a special materials storage in the guild bank for stuff like this.

I also think vision crystals, tubs of wood glue, and amalgamated gemstones deserve a place in the materials storage (plz amal gemstones….)

What if HoT maps weren't as difficult?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: melimsah.6921


Honestly, there’s only two things I wish they’d change in the HoT maps:

1) getting rid of the swarms. They don’t bug me too much on my Ranger, but they freaking wreck my Ele that I’m still learning to play after power leveling. I just want to explore the world, not get face tanked by 15 pocket raptors. ESPECIALLY in VB, where waypoints are always contested and traveling across map is a joke.

2) Having a Silverwastes type setup for map metas rather than a timer. I don’t know if that’s even possible given how these metas work, but it’s worked fantastically for SW and it just confuses me why they didn’t draw from that for inspiration when planning out the new zones.

Guild Message Of The Day - Minor Edit Option?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: melimsah.6921


I dunno if anyone else has suggested this, but I wanted to suggest it to Arenanet.

I’d like a second option for posted guild Message of the Days. I hate it when I realize I made a huge typo, or forgot a piece of information, but changing it again means a huge spam to guild chat. Can we make a second button that’s just “Minor Edit” that doesn’t spam the chat box? Obviously people will see the newest message of the day upon logging in or when they access guild panel, but it wont be a terrible spam-fest when I’m writing out the message for the day.

No commendations from Guild Rush

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: melimsah.6921


I’m a co-leader of a guild. We did Guild Rush as a group last night. The event had not been done yet for the week. Upon completing our Rush event, not a single member received their extra chest with commendations in it. I assume this is a bug associated with the latest patch. My fellow guildies that have entered support tickets have gotten a pretty lousy response from the GW2 team, who seem to think we don’t know how guild missions work (we run them at the same time every week and have done so for a year). Has anyone else had this same no-bonus-chest issue?