Showing Posts For mesquitad.6845:

[sugg] dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mesquitad.6845


Yes, I agree. Implementing more quests in any way would be good, PvE needs good, solid content.

Japanese Kana doesnt work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mesquitad.6845


I believe it is of knowledge of many players that the two Japanese language (???? don’t show up. Hiragana and Katakana are shown as blank spaces in the chat, although Chinese and Korean work on the chat (from what I’ve seen and heard or read about people using these alphabets ingame). I can’t seem to type in neither Katakana or Hiragana in the game chat. Any reason for this? Any solution? I searched around here and on google but could not really find a solution.

Can I get some feedback? Maybe some players that know how to use Japanese in-game? Because it is of my interest to do so.

Thanks in advance, and thanks for reading my topic.


White Screen Background, can't enter dungeons

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mesquitad.6845


It says the game is not able to gain access to the login server ‘’this time’‘. Happens whenever I enter a dungeon, and now is happening even more just after selecting my character. Yesterday I was playing just fine, what caused this? I am almost sure that it’s not firewall. In game bug? Crashes when you enter a dungeon? This has been poking me out. Anyone else?

Thanks in advance,

Why is WvWvW exploration obligatory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mesquitad.6845


Thank you for the replies, Banquetto and Lisa. And all the others too. Things are clearer now. Thanks again.

Why is WvWvW exploration obligatory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mesquitad.6845



I believe this is not the point here. ’’WvW’’ players play PvE too. I don’t understand why you are saying that you carry a burden bigger than people who don’t WvW as often? I WvW from time to time, too, as I play sPvP (which tests actual skill, if you want to know my opinion). Either way, thanks for your imput.

(edited by mesquitad.6845)

Why is WvWvW exploration obligatory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mesquitad.6845



Thanks for the quick answer. I hope it solves my issue.

Why is WvWvW exploration obligatory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mesquitad.6845



As of last month, I started a goal in my ranger. The goal was to get 100% Map Completion for the first time, so I could receive the title and the other benefits. Upon spending two weeks of exploring, I got to about 95% of map exploration. My guild leader told me that WvWvW exploration is necessary to achieve 100% map completion, and that I could not get it because of the contested zones. I went on doing what I could to get more of the map completion on my character and end up at 99%, a status that is current for over a week or two now.

There are two Points of Interest and three Vistas left for my world completion. I cannot get them because these points in the map are under an enemy control. My guild leader said that when monthly reseted, the server rotation would reset too (or something like that), so I was looking forward to today for a while now. So, at 8PM local time (reset) I went to Gate of Madness’ Borders battleground and could not get these points. And still can’t.

My question is: why is this OBLIGATORY? Why? I cannot see this being fair or reasonable in any way. You, me and everyone knows that the chances of my server getting players up to the battleground to dominate the giant enemy’s keep in the middle of the month, or at the end, is are nearly 0%.

I still don’t have my map completion. Do I need to MOVE to ANOTHER server just for this? Why is this IMPOSSIBLE? This may have come out as a little rant, because it was frustrating to me. It was (is) for sure. What do I have to do? How can I get my map completion? And why is it obligatory? I feel nothing but frustration towards this right now.

Thanks in advance,

(edited by mesquitad.6845)

Repeatable GW2 endgame content <3

in Suggestions

Posted by: mesquitad.6845


Yeah, 10 or more players dungeon would be a great idea. Maybe 20 to 40, I’d support that. If well designed, it does provide challenges. And mostly: content. The possiblities that would come with a big group-raid dungeon would expand the content quite a bit.