Showing Posts For mingde.7910:

False Bans

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mingde.7910


Anet won’t give you official answer, just get banned->wait for appeal 5+ days ->get unbanned for account was blocked in error.

i sent ticket regarding mailing gold/items to help my friends in crafting/wvw. And their reply is

""To answer your questions all of those things are allowed though. You can freely send items and gold to your friends, the action on your account was purely an error and should not have been placed. So please feel free to help out your friends all you like.""

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mingde.7910


i got banned for sending 90g to my friends and it been 4days. 121225-000415

Unfair Permanent Ban Accused of Gold Selling

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mingde.7910


According to Anet forum admin, as long as the gold is earned by you, they wouldn’t ban you for transfering gold. Can Anet clairfy on this statement ? i sent 150g to my friend, will i be expecting an ban?