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Hello Everyone,
I’m looking of a small starting guild. Going into a huge guild and trying to get to know people is really overwhelming. The leader/s of the guild need to be dedicated GW2 players. Nothing worse than having your leader offline most of the time.
If you are like me and looking for a guild… why not start our own?
I do a lot of WvW and Fractals.
You should just transfer somewhere that you can have fun at. Server pride is one thing, but sticking it out when you are not enjoying the game for months on end is just insanity. Those serious about WvW should face the fact that Ferg is dead, and move on, that is if you want to actually enjoy the game.
I know it’s sad, but it’s true.
So my game is missing a feature. lol. What kind of business model is that ArenaNet?
I will never leave Ferg!!
Well Said!!
I’m losing my passion for WvW, which doesn’t only affect me but it affects other players. A domino affect! If things continue as is, WvW will be dead on our server.
I’m fine being out numbered, but we must be given the tools to deal with those numbers. As things are… No matter what we do we just cannot deal with 3 keeps being attacked at the same time. Also WvW focuses a lot on offense. In any game (sports and what not) when you are out numbered you play it safe or defend more effectively. How can you do those things in WvW? You cannot. WvW is a slap in the face.
ArenaNet needs to address the problem fast.
I did a similar thread for my server (Ferguson’s Crossing) and I didn’t get a single reply. That shows our current WvW condition. I wish you all the best!
As you know ferguson’s crossing server is getting owned.
Sure there are balance issues, but still we can do a lot better. How can we organize ourselves? Can we open some kind of communication channel between the different guilds? How can we get more people to join? I’m open for suggestions. Is there a special forum or website for our server? I know there are good WvW players out there, it is time to get together and turn things around.
I want to enjoy WvW but at the moment is sucks and a big wast of time.
I’m from Ferguson Crossing. Everytime I log on WvW I find my server greatly out numbered. Last sunday I logged on almost the whole day just to see what is going on and again we are out numbered. Everywhere my guild went we would encounter at least 8 to 10 Ehmry bay players.
Is there a way to see the number of people on every side?
Today I asked a guild member to go into WvW and the reply was what’s the point we will wast our time. We will lose and we will not get anything out of it.
Once the dominating servers go head to head at some point they will realize that the power distribution is not equal from the start and then you will “cry” and say its a joke.
After trying WvW couple of time I’m strongly turned off. I agree you win some you loss some in team sports, but the freaken match doesn’t last a whole week. Whats the point to log on for the rest of the week when you clearly lost.
With my new wings
Is that a Tattoo? I never saw that in the game?
BAM! You all lose!
I’m in love!