Showing Highly Rated Posts By mooty.4560:

"Experienced lvl 80 ONLY", PSA

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mooty.4560


This is a completely reasonable thing to ask of people. As far as I’m concerned you can be as ridiculously prejudiced as you like, i.e. 6,000+ AP & dungeon master title, etc. Everyone has that right and everyone has the right not to join such groups. You likely will have a conflict of interest anyway if you join a group where the leader is asking for path experienced players and you do not fit that criteria.

Also, in my experience people often just join groups whether they fit the criteria or not because they’re hoping someone will carry them along.. while the leader is hoping they won’t have to do just that.

My advice, look for groups that are looking for players like yourself, it’s the conscientious thing to do.