Showing Posts For mordred.4610:
Oh it just keeps getting better and better.
So anyway I reset my password, Arenanet sends me the email to confirm and the link is busted and doesnt work…
So your first conclusion was that someone at Arena.Net logged into your account and removed the clothes from a single character.
L O L.
Reading is hard huh
no I first checked my other toons and my bank,then ran a full system scan THEN looked at the only other place it could be.
TY Drew, Im still waiting for a reply from them. My toon has been standing at the armorsmith station all this time,in his boxers.
I really hope you get it fixed and just play something else until they do. Don’t let it ruin your evening. It’s just a game. They will probably help you so don’t worry.
Ya it really sucks, I’m off work for 6 weeks due to a surgery I had on monday so i cant do much so I figured I’d play the game until I recover enough to be out and about.
Really dont want to reinstall Wow but im not spending one more minute on this game if they wont fix this.
TY Drew, Im still waiting for a reply from them. My toon has been standing at the armorsmith station all this time,in his boxers.
Maybe so but I see where you are trying to steer this…
I did nothing wrong, If i had I’d be in game right now going about my buisness,thankful I skirted a ban.
But I am here, screamin bloody murder because I dont have anything to be afraid of,they can snoop into my playing habits all they like.
Oh yeah Drew I dont blame her,if this goes unresolved I’m out. No point in investing anymore time in a game where you can be toon wiped and get no help from Arenanet.
its an urban legend until your standing in LA in your boxers.
I did report it, hence the “waiting for a response”
So I log in today and my main is naked, his weapons and armor and any rares are all gone. My money,mats etc are untouched.
At first I thought i was hacked so I ramped up the old Avast antivirus and run a full system scan. Nadda not even one whiff of a trojan,malware,etc nothing.
Then I went to my bank and the stuff from my other toons is still there, money,mats and all.
So let me get this straight, you Arenanet, stripped my main of all his gear, alot of it I got by buying gems FROM YOU,then did a currency exchange WITH YOU to turn the gems into gold to outfit my toon. I used YOUR system the way YOU set it up and you strip me of my stuff for playing by YOU RULES.
I mean seriously WTF is wrong with you guys, I didnt farm that stuff in dungeons,I dont run them so I sure as heck didnt look like a bot.
I dont farm pvp all day either so again, not looking like a bot!Fix it!
This happened to my GM’s girlfriends toon and Anet did a small rollback which didn’t help and she lost her precursor. I think this might be a bug and not a hack since they told her the account wasn’t hacked.
This could be a possibility, I heard people talkin about this type of thing in game,everyone generally thinks it is Arenanets doing, either by a bug or by seeing real money transactions and thinking it’s an expoit and stripping the gear.
I am not alone in this,they may not be here ranting,but it IS happening.
nobody has any info on this or any other account of mine.
Hard to understand why they didn’t take your money too if you got hacked.
exactly my point, I was hacked in wow before and it was a total wipe (this was years ago mind you) It doesnt make sense to log into my main,loot his armor and weapons and leave my gold and high end mats alone…
I dont share this comp with anyone, nobody else is here, I live alone so the only way an outside source would be able to do it would be to use malware and as I’ve said repeatedly, my comp is clean.
no way, i have some high end stuff in my bank that was untouched,also my money on all my toons is still intact. I had no issue logging in and as I said my comp is clean.
still waiting for a reply
So I log in today and my main is naked, his weapons and armor and any rares are all gone. My money,mats etc are untouched.
At first I thought i was hacked so I ramped up the old Avast antivirus and run a full system scan. Nadda not even one whiff of a trojan,malware,etc nothing.
Then I went to my bank and the stuff from my other toons is still there, money,mats and all.
So let me get this straight, you Arenanet, stripped my main of all his gear, alot of it I got by buying gems FROM YOU,then did a currency exchange WITH YOU to turn the gems into gold to outfit my toon. I used YOUR system the way YOU set it up and you strip me of my stuff for playing by YOU RULES.
I mean seriously WTF is wrong with you guys, I didnt farm that stuff in dungeons,I dont run them so I sure as heck didnt look like a bot.
I dont farm pvp all day either so again, not looking like a bot!
Fix it!
(edited by mordred.4610)
well good news, i logged into the game and everything is right where i left it when i closed my account and got a refund.
so if you have any friends who quit and got the refund let them know they can come back and pick up right where they left off.
while the game is updating , quick question.
I was here at launch , played to max level , got my armor , etc.
Closed my account due to the gear grind they added (ya ya i know kitten
But anyway now that the games 30% off i figured I’d give it another go.
My question is , Arenanet still had my account info on file so does that mean my toons will still be here or no?
Not a gamebreaker either way , just don’t really see anything about it one way or the other on the website or in the forums anywhere.
if you played for 6 yrs and never had enough money,then you are bad and should feel bad.
it makes your opinion on gameplay invalid as you obviously don’t understand game mechanics very well.
But by all means,return to sticking your head back in the sandpile and going LALALALA everything is awesome.
Didn’t know where to post to find an answer to this question. Can you get a refund if you did not purchase the Head Start? Also, does any refund include subsequent purchases of gems?
If you can, where do I need to go to start this process.
yes you can,currently the window for refunds is 6 mnths,you start the request with the “support” tab at the very top of the screen.
takes about 5 min to do,did mine last night.
as far as gem refunds, pretty sure that would be a no though,just the initial game cost ($59.99)
nobody solos the champ cave troll….nobody XD
all lies
this company is now blacklisted,wont ever see another dime.
now that they are doing a 180 and concentrating on the gear grind type of gameplay they are going to be trying to force as many people as they can into their dungeons (WoW does this as well, raid or die) and this is one of the ways they are doing it.
if i’m gonna go back to grinding gear, i’m going back to my toon who has a 7 year headstart on it, requested a refund late last night and not even gonna bother with this big event. peace.
this may prove to be a very fatal error on their part. ALOT of people came to this game from WoW to get away from the grind (myself included)
so let’s see,stay here and grind from scratch OR go back to WoW and grind on toons i have been invested in for YEARS.
people are invested in their WoW toons, they still have friends/guilds there. if you make them choose between grinding here or back with Blizzard, i’d bet this game will go down in flames.
How many games have tried to be WoW and died for it? This one will be no different.
respawn rates are STILL way outta control,one would think with multiple builds being added every day this would have been fixed LONG ago.
seriously,enough with the great pumpkin crap and fix your CORE game already.