Showing Posts For morpai.1528:
Hello dungeon crawlers!
I want to go back into pve by rolling an alt (my main being guardian), and I can’t decide between thief and necromancer. I like them both equally, but I have no experience with them outside spvp, so I wonder how they fare into dungeons, and who brings the most between damage and utilities for the group.
If possible, can you also post the builds suited for dungeon, so I can have a look at what would be the gameplay with them.
thanks a lot! : )
wall of reflection – countered by the ESC key
Hello! I looked if there were already answers at this, but couldn’t find any.
1- If I’m using a sword and a shield, and I put on both the Sigil of Accuracy (+5% crit), do I get 10% crit boost, or the 5% is only applied to the weapon where the sigil is socketed?
2- Similarly, if I have a sword and shield, and on the shield I put a sigil with a proc effect like 30% chance to heal, does it trigger only when I use the shield skills, or will trigger also when I use the sword ones?
thanks a lot
Hello, I recently leveled to 80, and want to start doing dungeons runs as support – but have no clue on which stats to pick.
I’d like to run a build on the lines of 0-0-30-30-10 with shouts and altruistic healing.
I’m slowly crafting myself a full suit of cleric armor, to be socketed with dolyak runes, and cleric trinkets. Since i’m a casual player, I only have time to farm this once (for now) so I don’t want to pick something that won’t work at all.
My main concern is that, with this kind of gear, i have tons of toughness and healing, but won’t have any vit and i suppose i might get easily one shotted in dungeons.
what’s your suggestion? So far I got my hands on exotic legs and chest of the cleric, and the dolyak runes, but I can sell the runes back since i didnt equip them yet.
thanks a lot for the help!