Showing Posts For mrmoeman.8049:
It was inevitable that they would try and shut it off eventually, we were never supposed to be able to reach there in the first place, but try as they might, Anet aren’t very good at stopping players from exploring. Uninstanced Salma is far from unreachable, its still as easy as ever, you just have to take a different route. Try this for instance:
I’m sure you roleplayers could come up with an imaginative reason why players must request entry from a mesmer to get inside.
For all of those who still want to use uninstanced salma, you can still get inside fairly easy plus get others inside easily too, here’s how:
I don’t see how anyone can say this is worse than the fused weapon tickets, the fused weapons tickets were atrocious, the fact that you needed keys to open the chests which anyone not low level is extremely likely to ever loot, the fact that the keys and the chests could come from any mobs. that was bad.
This however is definitely a step in the right direction, people are always moaning that there aren’t mob/boss specific drops, well this is a lot closer than there has been, karka themed weapons from southsun cove and southsun cove alone. the RNG on the chests are a hell of a lot better than the RNG for the tickets, i’ve been playing since the update in southsun, and many people have not only looted the chests but got the skins from them as well.
And don’t moan about people being able to pay for new fancy looks, its a hell of a lot better than them being able to pay to be straight up stronger than you, remember you’re playing this game for free. And even those who still buy the chests still face the same RNG that those farming for chests would.
So i applaud anet for a step in the right direction and hope they continue the good work, this update has been the best since SAB in my personal opinion, and i’ve been loving every minute of it.
Thanks, i have also now managed to reach Necrolith Bay, the Sea Rider’s Gate and Sea Watchers ledge, although there is nothing at any of these locations, nor does the land match up with the map for these places.
so i was looking for a way to get into the areas outside of the grove, and managed to get myself into privet gardens, its really pretty and filled with fireflies at night time, although i forgot to take a screenshot of the fireflies, but here’s what it looks like:
can someone explain why you decided to remove respawning during combat in dungeons? just did a run of AC with 5 level 80, and its near impossible, with us nerfed even more than before and with healing nerfed, it seems that you’ve made it near impossible for anyone to complete dungeons. we’re five fully geared level 80s, i have no doubt in my mind that people who are at the level the dungeon requires will struggle even more than us.