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Viz/SFR/PS - after League fun

in Match-ups

Posted by: naestho.4376


Can’t understand why someone from your guild asked for 20-25man skirmish around the map if you run with whole zone.

Thanks for the fights on VS bl tho.

I can make you the same question

Personally I’m happy to see more guild’s raid on Viz and guild like WL, WLR, ELY that are very strong.. but why you add to all the battles? What is the problem to be wiped?! Yesterday my guild had a raid with 14-18 pll (some went afk) and we had no problem to deal with WL (were you? don’t remember!!) or ELY that were more than us.. we got wiped many times.. no problem!
By the way, ty to both Pik and Viz for the week.. probably we will fight for the eternity with the new Anet system…!

I’ll add, to pryda’s post, that i remenber exactly this fight, and WLR just watched the fight beetween us (20) and you (NOE) without helping us at all. We have a strong policy between WLR and WL to add each other as less as possible, im not expecting everyone to do the same. But its hard to hear “a nice fight” when you face à 50 man zerg… Anyway gg for this week, and gl for the next one, hopping to face everyone of you once again.

Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]

Desolation / Vizunah Square / Seafarer's Rest

in Match-ups

Posted by: naestho.4376


Ty [Run] for fun a bit smaller scale fights! Very refreshing to have some 20v20 action instead of two guilds forming 40 player blobs to lag each other out.

Cheers mate, idd it was fun,even if it was more of a 11v20 .

If any guild is up for a gvg from 10v10 to 12v12 we are always up to it!

Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]

Vizunah / Jade Sea / SFR

in Match-ups

Posted by: naestho.4376


thx for the gvg NoE this evening, if any guild from SFR or MDJ is up for a 10v10, 11v11 or 12v12. contact me plz.


Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]


in Match-ups

Posted by: naestho.4376


Had quite a fun week here even if we are only roaming in a 10 man team.
To end the week on an even brighter note, we are up for any gvg (10v10) so plz send naestho if you are interested.

Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]

WvW Videos

in WvW

Posted by: naestho.4376


Here is a video my mate Finnsi did, [run] is a new guild, that only plays with 5 to 12 players, which purpose is pure pvp.

Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: naestho.4376


I can’t tell about those guilds’ skill or coordination, never saw them run alone, never saw them not play for points. So I disagree about the points part and dunno about the skill part (they lost in GvG to guilds we beat flat IIRC).

Didnt knew we lost a GvG so far… not that we’ve been doing hundreds of them, but still…

And yes we play for the realm, not onlyfor ourselves, but never, o never we’ve been crying for help or anything else, we dislike as much as u do, when some adds come and destroy a good and/or long fight. We just can’t always express it cause we take into account whats for for the “greater good”. Anyways, if u look at our stream u’ll see that we try as much as possible to run on our own… But no one can just forbid someone else to follow him, its part of the games mechanics.

Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: naestho.4376


we broke the south gate?
i think if u go and have a look as we speak, you ll still find 2 of our rams on aska’s south gate..

Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]

(edited by naestho.4376)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: naestho.4376


@Ascata, There’s no point in saying that, even if u had any proof, just report the man and keep it to yourself. One moron aint gonna represent a whole GU and even more a server.

The only thing your doing, is harm to your own server…

Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: naestho.4376


LOL sup with Vizuna at EB? its primetime, i doubt they dont have queues….

EB is only PUGs on Vizunah, sometime it’s enough, sometime not.

Those War Legend puggies, at least their side admits it as well.

Hey mate,

Alright you might be one of the finnest guild out there, but still no need to free taunt. It was the first time we ran into you, so we will try to work on something to be able to counter your optimized Lawn mower tactic!
Looking forward to meet you again IG!


Naestho| WarLegend and [Run] RL
[Vizunah Square]