Showing Posts For nanoages.7693:

Breaking the ice (exploit)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nanoages.7693


Ya, you know something is VERY WRONG when even the story dialog told us to DO THIS ALONE to please the whitebear or whatever

and then they put it in the normal map! wonderful!

The Sheet Music Collection

in Community Creations

Posted by: nanoages.7693



final fantasy 9 main theme

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: nanoages.7693


As I said,

We care about winning, if it true that we buy guilds (which i dont know if it true) but what the deal? If your server cant find new guild, even have to buy them, its your problem to concern

You cant expect a football team which losing their important players and dont buy or recruiting any new player to win the tournament.

And if you think to have more guild is only way to win then you are wrong, we are hardcore wvw server and we put our time and afford into it, even our NA commanders and their guild have to stay late every night to make sure to bring us a win.

Or you cant find someone willing to stay overtime at night? Again, that’s your problem

In the past SoR always have a fearful number but now that number just show up on friday krama train, even so we had fight that greater number of IRON many times and still win. Dont forget BG have some of the best commanders and guilds even we dont have ZDs (which is helping us a lot) we will still pull a win out of these matches, even with more hard work and more overtime, but we will.

And to SoS guys, you still have a good chance to win 2rd place of this match up, keep fighting!

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: nanoages.7693


Every one said they didnt care about winning this ss1

If they dont care, why bother us? They just jealous us because we are winning and they have nothing to complain but we are buying guilds to stack.

I dont know if we buying the guilds is true or not, it s about political

But i do know one, WE WANT TO WIN this ss1 and we dont care wtf everyone saying, if you guys cant even pay gold to win or find guilds to cover your timezone so it s find!

You dont care about winning but WE DO!

I wont say “stop trolling !” because it proved they care about winning but they cant do anything but trolling, but i’m sure there r planty of players in their server willing to fight and keep fighting in WvW rather than typing.

Jade Quarry, Sanctum of Rall or Blackgate?

in WvW

Posted by: nanoages.7693


If you want to win now, as a BG member, this time is a hard time for us, we lose couple of good wvw guilds, teams, people and we always outman on every fight.

JQ and SoR had better politics, larger zerg but if you want to fight til the end of time, BG is the option

pictures show more than words

but we wont give up!, if you want a good fight, join us in BG!
