Showing Posts For napooz.1986:
Always try to read the patch notes. Not only will you see the dates, if they release them, but you’ll keep yourself current with other changes made to the game.
I do read but those are often lenghty and contain alot of information, cannot remember everything.
Talked with some friends and it seems they actually did not know either about the achievements going away. They read the patch notes too as we sometimes discuss about them.
Whenever there is ongoing the pvp events players are well informed about it, getting the buff and ads on screen. Would have been nice to get any kind of message saying something like “we are removing this content in 2 weeks, play it while you still can!”.
Was believing they added it to stay “forever”, especially after all the talk about the other content they added and then removed (LS1). Well, so wrong I was
It was nice to find out 2 days beforehand that capricorn stuff will be removed. Without a random player in map chat I would still not know about it. Maybe it is my bad for not reading forums/reddit often enough, but in my opinion Anet could have done better and informed players inside the game about the content going away soon…
80% of my matches are coliseum right now even though I vote for capricorn every single time. Feeling hopeless and frustrated. You sure know how to take all the fun out of your game :s
Lately I am bored in the game and have almost nobody to play with, only raids being exception. My old friends just share no same interests anymore regarding to the game, being almost full inactive for anything else than raids.
I am a little bit introvert, I don’t enjoy playing with LFG, in general I don’t enjoy having to play with strangers, but it is still nice to play with someone you know who also likes to play with you.
At this point, I thought it would be nice to meet some newer players of the game;
We can delve dungeons together, do fractals, do your achievements, play WvW if we are from same server (mine is Far Shiverpeaks), maybe even try pvp (which I currently dislike though), pretty much anything that comes to mind.
I am usually online during european afternoon and evening, weekends totally depends of my sleeping rhythm.
If you play on EU servers and feel lonely in the game, send me message! Maybe we can help each other
Got these both guild upgrades and I already regret using gold and effort for the materials.
First issue – Guild portal:
It spawned on top of the fountain I scribed, on the area I had decorated to look somewhat decent. Was nice place to hang around. However the design of it does not please me at all and I would like to move it somewhere else in the guild hall. I tried to google about it but found nothing of help (most threads over half year old), another possibility is that I am just bad at googling.
Anyway, it would be really great to be able to move the portal to another place in the hall. If this is currently actually possible, pardon me for this rant.
Second issue – Workshop restoration 2:
Honestly saying upgrading workshop restoration 2 was big mistake for me. I liked to have the shorter walk to the scribing station(restoration 1), have the Master Scribe right next to me for easy access to scribing supplies. Now with restoration 2 the Master Scribe npc is so far away so that every time I need to go buy more supplies I have to close the crafting window due to npc being too far, and after returning to the station I have to find again where I was at with my crafting.
I felt bad with all this and tried to look for solution to at least reach the scribing station faster. Behind the scribe station there are 3 open windows. I thought I could walk thru them and make a shortened road to scribing station with SAB clouds. But nope, not possible as the game does not allow me to go thru the window… Though graphics clearly show my character would be small enough to fit out of the window, so this does not make really sense. Still this would not solve the annoying problem of Master scribe npc being too far away. Only suggestion I can offer to that is move the npc closer, like it was when our workshop restoration was still lvl1.
I understand there are bigger problems too in the game but these few things still are annoying. I love our guild hall, I love to spend time there, it is important for me and I am having fun upgrading and decorating it.
If someone has any suggestions about how to overcome my issues, I am all ears.
I am currently so annoyed of pvp so I have to let some of my feelings out. I know I am not one of the best pvp players out there and there are many many better than I am.
But my matches often are total garbage and waste of time. I am stuck pretty much in diamond tier 2.
Yesterday had match in temple. At the start one went to cap our close, naturally. But rest of my team were chasing random enemy necro at the spot where stillness spawns. Not even trying to get single point. Running all around map like they had not even clue what they should do. I could with one another player hold middle neutral pretty much whole match against 3-4 opponents, so our other team mates could easily outnumber opponents elsewhere and cap 2 other points. But they couldn’t do it.
Today 2 matches in row I got same necro in my team. In both matches he didn’t even try. All of his playtime he was bragging about how he is the best player and everyone else is bad. He just stood there typing instead of trying to do something useful for team. I reported him, because he is obviously just ruining the games on purpose. It has been now many hours and he is still playing, guess report does nothing. Thanks to that guy I lost 2 pips.
I soloqued today and get put into 4 man guild team. Some diamond player thought it would be nice to play with his friends(and I can’t judge him for that), but his friends were still in amber division, and clearly not experienced at all in pvp. We lost the game by huge point difference. I can’t see how it is fair in any way I was put in same team with them. Opponent team had all ruby/diamonds.
Had a few other matches too where I am put into someones guild team. And those guild teams were bad. Maybe just some people who wanted to have fun with their friends, but it was not very fun for me.
In another match my team mates started arguing about builds of each other. All their attention went to arguing instead of playing. Lost this game too, and pips. I didn’t take part of their arguing.
And I feel players are now more toxic than before. I can understand people get upset when they lose pips, but such toxic environment pretty much ruins my mood to even play pvp.
Had also another bad match (our team got around 50points), the other team just was better than we were (and they also were 3man premade and organized). Then after match one of them starts spamming /dance to annoy us even more of our loss, which I also find toxic behavior. In other pvp games I have played people do that kind of things too just to annoy others.
I don’t mind losing if the match was good and fair. And dealing with all these toxic players seems to make me little toxic too, and I hate it.
I know I do a lot of mistakes and I am nowhere near perfect, but it just makes me sad to see people doing even worse mistakes than me, which has too often resulted to loss. Of course some losses may be my fault too.
That is my experience in diamond division.
Had also such nice loss streak so that might have lowered my mmr, which could explain I get this kind of matches. Though I have now gotten a few win streaks too.
I add toxic/afkers/troll players to block list and wait for their match to start so I can queue and not get into same team with them again. It requires lots of effort, especially now when my blocklist has grown alot in this season…
Sorry for long rant. I just wish there was pure soloque. If I que solo I don’t want to get matched against organized premade team, or have any guild in my team. Just solo players, or at max duo players.
This is total sanctimonious bs! Im at basically an 88 straight loss streak (2 wins in between). NO ONE is THIS BAD. If you have pvp’ed EVER logic would dictate unless there’s something wrong with you, you should win A FEW MORE THAN 2! Give me a break.
I can feel your pain. Even though I didn’t get that bad losing streak as you, my win ratio is for this season around 11%. Compare it to last season where I could have little higher than 50%.
Sure there are better players than I but I refuse to believe I am THAT bad. I don’t know how much better matchmaking will get in time but right now it is really unbalanced/broken. Can’t say I enjoy losing that much, especially if I can do my part but rest of my team can not, yet I still get punished by losing pips…
I lost 6 AP too. Would like to get them back. No point in getting 6 achievement points as reward if it gets removed from your total points every time new season starts, so it must be bug.
Legendary x1, still have the title
I also have account on both EU and US. I also have noticed huge differences between players there.
On US I see players small talking all the time where as in EU it is mostly quiet, or just talking about tactics to be used or other important game related stuff.
I like EU players more. On EU it seems players focus more on the game itself than being over social and friendly etc. Before anyone loses their mind for such rude comment – I did not mean to insult anyone. I play this game for sake of playing a game, chatting comes after it.
can you even get banned or suspended from playing pvp for leaving/afking in a game?
This is something I also would like to know.
Had today courtyard match where straight from start 2 players in my team started whining about the map and were suiciding on purpose so we would lose the match and game end faster. I reported them sending ticket with screenshot, though I doubt nothing will happen.
About every match I am in has players who do not even try to stand on point and giving free captures to other team while pew pewing from max range an enemy team player that is capturing the point, thus giving pretty much free cap to them. Not just that, they don’t also try to decap the point afterwards, nor trying to disengage and going to be more useful somewhere else. Surprisingly though this is balanced as these brainless players seem to be in both teams usually…
When your whole team goes to close point just to get farmed there. Respawn and go back, respawn etc… Match lost. They also won’t wait for regroup 5 seconds, they have to go die one by one.
Players who never look at their minimap. It is not even unusual to see 1 downed enemy and 3 of your team members finishing that one and wasting time there, when only one player is needed to finish him. It is even better when your fourth member also goes there just to see there is nothing left for him.
Regarding to minimap, in the temple of silent storm I may ping on map the stillness and tranquility before they spawn. Some of my team members are around but just ignore it. The other team gets them, gg
Not true. 2 of these people contacted me some months ago because of this thread. Now we play daily. One I knew from real life already.
Okay so now the situation is that we have party of 1 guardian, 1 thief and 2 eles but we need warrior!
If you are warrior and in need of party whisper me in game.
Also doing fractals and arah these days, along with all other earlier mentioned dungeons
My game runs very fine and decent fps on all other content of the game. No crashes at WvW, dungeons, pvp but about 25% of the times I go to tequatl it crashes my game during the fight.
Today this made me especially upset. I was in party with friend doing the tequatl event together, we came to the map together mayve 10 minutes before tequatl event would start. Suddenly my game freezes during fight and my only option is to close the game and relog. After quick relog (it took max 1min) my friend tells me tequatl is still on the first phase and I’d have time to spam the join button, which I did continuously until friend told me tequatl is now dead. Spammed the join continuously for maybe 10 minutes. I didn’t get back into the same map with my friend, until tequatl died and it was too late for me.
It is NOT my fault the game crashed, there is something wrong with your code yet I was punished for your mistakes. This tequatl was the last one before daily reset, so I wont get another chance today and therefore lost the rewards that I deserved from the event. I also lost the opportunity to play together with my friend….
My QUESTION for this is WHY megaserver can’t give crashed players 2-3 minutes to relog and get straight into same map. Server could free the place of crashed player to someone else if the crashed player doesn’t relog in that time range.
Sorry if I sound too mad, I am really upset of this and my wasted time, lost oppurtunity to have good time with friend, lost event reward that I deserved.
Also I’m sorry if I posted this on wrong forum section as this is clearly a bug in your game but I have also suggestion to improve megaserver experience for everyone.
I am also sure I am not the only one who has gotten mad at the megaserver that doesn’t let players back into same map after crash. Crashing at tequatl and other big events would not be such problem if you at least could get back into the same map…
I’d be really grateful if some game dev here could take my suggestion into consideration. Thanks.
Time to bring my post up. I have now an elementalist to play with, but we still need 3 more for daily dungeons.
LFG is getting worse day by day for us, and it really is taking out the joy of playing this game…
For those who care of stats, I have completed Hobby Dungeon Explorer now 649 times which means 3245 repeated dungeon paths. Really tired to not being able to kick burdens from team because of requiring 3 votes, carry people thru them and wasting much more time in there than actually is needed etc…
I play with another ele and we can keep might stacks up all the time but we have to use LFG to fill our party, asking for full zerk. Something we have got instead:
Guardian, over 10k ap. We were full might stacked and even full hp and this hero takes his staff and uses skill 4. During boss fight. Autoattack with staff for rest of fight spamming 4 whenever it is off cooldown. Told him to stop that, we don’t need his staff mights and his counter argument to that was “I have boon duration runes”.
Met also another guardian, who also got high ap. Asked for meta zerk, this hero joined and got some weird bad build and somehow he ended up linking his staff; he had sigil of generosity (chance to transfer condition to your foe on a critical hit). Asked about this sigil and his reply was that it does good damage because of returned conditions. Told him that his build is no good for dungeons in any way, he gets angry and tells us we know nothing.
One pretty day we wanted to run manor, asked for full zerk. Party had nice composition but terrible damage. Asked what gear those guys used, and our warrior bravely linked his. Half of his ascended armors had runes of scholar, while other half strength runes.
Rangers who keep hitting from max range, no frost spirit no spotter.
Warriors who run full signet build, or take just one banner which is defence or tactics, whose only signet is DOLYAK signet, when they could swap this one for something that boosts damage.
Warriors who take signet of might over banner of strenght – because common sense 404 – of course it would not be better to boost everyones dps instead of only their own personal dps.
My last 3 matches were against premades. I solo qued. Asked my team and they said also that they are solo.
I like pvp, but this kind of bad matches only makes me lose interest totally continuing playing pvp. Solo team vs premade doesn’t stand much chances. It is pretty much free win for them right at start of the match. Is this even supposed to happen, really?
If I solo join, it would be fair all the other players were also solo, like the old system was. Please bring it back, if I keep getting these bad matches vs premades I surely won’t stick around for long. I don’t think I am the only one who thinks same way…
I checked your guild, it seems ts3 is required. If I had to join guild, let it be rather less serious – without voice chat requirements.
Thanks for offer though
I have every class, but I am most focused on warrior and lately more on my elementalist.
I usually run AC p1-p3, CM p1-p3, TA up and fw, SE p1 p3, CoF p1 p2 and COE p1-p3. I know all the other less farmed paths also rather well, Arah being the only exception as I never have included it in my daily dungeon tours.
I can log in every day around 2pm gmt0 and on weekends I am usually free all day.
I don’t want to use TS or any other voice chats, these dungeons are easy so imo such things are not needed as long as everyone knows their job there. I also might not want to join guilds, but I am not either completely closing out that option.
I wish to find people who know what to do, play meta or whatever suits the group’s needs best, with who we can do the runs quick and without unneeded stress.
Using LFG has made me ill, no matter what I write on my LFG I still every time get people who didn’t match it or even bothered to read it. It is especially bad on weekends, so posting here is pretty much my last chance to find good full party for smooth and fast runs.
If you share same kind of thoughts and got interested contact me in game or here. Your home server doesn’t matter as long it is on EU.
Hi, today I was doing TA aetherpath. We cleared the way to the last boss pretty much without problems. Then someone in the party accidentally started the fight at the last boss room and we wiped. Ok, everyone wp and run back, everyone know what to do, let’s start.
We have to destroy the 8 generators before actual boss fight. We are in the room, we wait, wait… No holograms spawn, the fight doesnt start. We can not destroy the generators.
We tried to reset that part by wp’ing away and getting wiped. Didn’t help. Still stuck at last boss that can not be started.
Considering the length of the dungeon and that we had some first timers that needed the dungeon done, this bug was very frustrating to all of us.
I’ll attach screenshot of the part where we got stuck in case it helps something. At the point I screenshotted this my party had already left and I was alone standing in there…
Please fix this, any one who might experience this bug will likely feel very disappointed…
I have same problem. I have never tried to buy gold from these sellers and I will never try, but they keep spamming me. There was period when I did not get these spams at all, but now it totally has gone too far.
I checked my chat box and it tells me that during 25 minutes time period I got total of 8 spam messages from gold sellers. Each of these messages uses 8 text lines, which takes too much space on the Main chat tab. They all also sent me the exact same message and advertising same website.
Another thing I notice on these sellers it that; months ago I used to get randomly spam from account names that made no sense, like someone had just smashed their keyboard when creating account. Now all the spam I get is from account that could be someones real nickname in online game…
I log into this game to play the game, not to constantly report these spammers.
I can totally agree with what OP said. I also run dungeons and these spams disturb my gameplay.
As bad pvp player I am sorry to join soloQ and ruin the match from better players like you. However I believe even the worse players should have the right to compete for their title. You can’t really expect everyone who joins soloQ is actually good. Personally I hate the hotjoin with constant autobalance, zerging and in general tournaments still generate better fights and challenge for me.
What could these better players then do is to stop kittening and lowering team morale with that and instead give advices to weaker players about how to become better. Thanks.
+18 hours of patience. I will wait even more, just wondering will it happen, because that’s really a lot of time for being online during only 2 days.
Also things tend to happen when you start talking about it, who knows, maybe it happens next!
Hi, I missed the first evening of this release. During the first evening, scarlet attack happened in Fireheart rise couple of times.
Now I have done all other maps, but still waiting for the attack to happen in Fireheart Rise for 2 days – without luck. I have 2 achievements dependant of this map. Yesterday I played over 12 hours in hope to get that map done, today I have been online over 6 hours still waiting for it. I have seen the event happening in other maps even 2-3 times, but still no sign of Fireheart rise.
Am I waiting this for nothing? Has there been any announcement that the event happen at Fireheart rise only during the first evening? Because if so, I have totally missed this information.
Clockwork chaos has been fun so far, but I hate the fact its about luck/crazy playing time required to finish the achievements. Counting that in one event takes hour, and you got to finish 13 maps that already makes it 13 hours of playing. Then if you are unlucky and miss just one map, it can potentially take +13 hours of being online to get it done. Or in my case 18 hours in total waiting for this one map…
as the title say, I am looking for finnish or english speaking guild on the EU side. I like to do both wvw and pve, sometimes also pvp. Well, preferably finnish as I would like to try to play with other finnish people, but english is also not problem.
Currently I play on server Whiteside Ridge, but can change server as needed. I can represent.
However, what I expect the guild to be; active. Guild with lesser people is totally ok as long as people are active and not just passively afk’ing all their online time.
To tell something about myself, I am 22 years old and playing the game every day. My main character is ranger, but for dungeons and other stuff where rangers are not that great(or wanted), I usually log my warrior. Currently I am working hard to gather the remaining fine crafting materials for my legendary bow.
Pm here or in game
I still feel sorry for WSR for losing WBC, TEO and WAR (kind of) but this has made Tier 9 a lot more fun!
FoW’s sense of fun?
Well, it seems posting here, even though not directly asking for help, some kind people offered me help and I got paths 2-4 finished! I wasn’t very great, but I learned few new things and tactics for bosses.
I am grateful for all the advices in here, and special thanks goes to the [SOLO] guild who were kind enough to use their time to take me into the action!
And at last, good luck to other new players who are seeking to visit Arah. :P
Thanks for replies – and tips, and special thanks to the person who offered me help in-game/forum! Well, I have played the game now couple of months and finished all other dungeons except Arah, as it seems to be the only one being hard to find group.
I would go with my guild but I am afraid we don’t have enough manpower – we have many new players who are still on lower levels but despite that they are still great people with who game is fun, so leaving guild and joining another is not really option.
I will watch video guide to even have some kind of idea what to expect. I wonder what actually means to be “experienced” – being experienced in dungeons general, being experienced on some certain dungeon path, or just being experienced in the dungeon but different path?
I guess I keep trying to find group for p3, run it couple of times and then aim to finish p4, as suggested here. Maybe afterall I won’t be that bad compared to those “elite” runners.