Showing Posts For nevertrending.5632:
We read the TOS a few times, this doesn’t seems to be any kind of exploit, an organised raid if anything.
If you’re trading kills, it can be viewed as match manipulation and you could be banned for it.
It’s not really policed though.
I see where you are coming from, but there is a flaw in that logic, there is no match to begin with, you can’t win or lose, especially since the kills don’t contribute to wvw score. Viewing a situation from a broken perspective to make a point doesn’t mean that point will be valid, it will just be a point along the line, but you are right, if Anet would decide to twist words and say tomorrow that what we’re doing is wrong, we’d have to stop, but it would still be a butchered rule they placed upon us as a superior cause they didn’t like how their game was played, not cause what we’re doing atm is wrong.
(edited by nevertrending.5632)
The only thing i’d feel wrong about it is getting the Ultimate Dominator title in (maybe)less than a month, while people are doing hardcore wvw for years to get it.
I doubt wvw folks care much about achievements, for me it just means a player played a guard in SFR EoTM. This farm has been ingame since the very start so if they actually did, they would have chosen this way cause it’s faster, if Anet tells me I get an achievement for getting from LA to Divinity Reach it doesn’t mean you have to walk the whole route, how is thinking outside the box a bad thing. If you wanna suffer thought it, be my guest, none is going to stop you, but I’m still going to chose the most efficient way, especially since I don’t care much about wvw.
To answer some questions though, the events usually don’t last long, about 30-60min cause we hit Diminishing Returns and leachers multiply. We usually get 2-3k+ kills in that amount of time and there are about 4 events a day, so no, it’s not happening 24/7 in OS. We read the TOS a few times, this doesn’t seems to be any kind of exploit, an organised raid if anything.
Hey SFShinigami.2015 /o/
For someone who calls this disgraceful we sure see you there a lot somehow ^^
I’m one of the Officers in Ultimate Dominator Day [ULTD], ask me anything
Aside from farming bags and rank, what purpose does this serve?
Do you often get people raging or trying to troll for “not playing the right way”?
What caused you to start doing this?And for those who don’t like this practice:
Why not?
Does it cause harm to the game?
Does it interfere with the normal WvW?
Some people like farming different spots, I’m one of those I guess, calling me dead inside really won’t stop me from doing this either and to be honest I had fun while doing this cause the idea alone is ridiculous and I love it. GvG and duels are still possible on their usual spots, this doesn’t stop people from doing the JP and the kills don’t attribute to server points so WvW score can’t suffer under this.
We only did 4 tests so far most 30-60min long to test diminishing return and to test the loot. In general for every 10 kills you are getting 1 bag with T5 or T6 materials inside. There will always be trolling and it can’t be stopped, so we just adapt to it. The 250k kills achi is what made us start it. I don’t see any harm being done to the game this way either, economically or otherwise
I’m one of the Officers in Ultimate Dominator Day [ULTD], ask me anything
500-700g, please… that price is way too high. No buyer will do it for the amount of risk involved for that price unless he’s taking hard pity on you. 50% of profit margin if the legendary would be sold on TP or 350-400g is what you can hope for atm. If anything it will be the buyer setting rules cause there are enough people around who have Account Bound gifts willing to sell them, on the other hand finding a buyer who’s willing to risk 1500g gold is way harder.
Don’t kid yourself.
You call people “elitists” but you know nothing about “these people” that world bosses bring to the surface.
I know from other mmo’s that this is a toxic downwards spiral, these people just want more more more more more. It is never enough, they burn through content rapidly and are never satisfied. They get there “euphoric fix” within the first week of content being released then complain that there is nothing to do in game. They want vertical progression and expect the very best from everyone, if you make a mistake expect a barrage of abuse thrown at you.
I disagree with a lot of things you posted above as well, but let me point this one out specifically. I won’t even deny the people you mention in post above don’t exist. They do. What you fail to mention though is that for every vocal idiot in mapchat there is also 10 guys that are doing their very best, spreading tips others in /say, placing trays with food, banners or god knows what trying to succeed and balancing out that idiot. For this particular event alone I gave away 50+ Superior Bloodlust sigils only putting my faith in the fact that people would use them for 1 try and you might think I’m bragging now, but i don’t care cause for me my experience with people in that map is what counts. When I posted 10 first time and asked people whole needed one only 8 raised their hand. 5 of them paid me back afterwards even though I told them it’s free. For 4 days no one was trying to scam sigils from me, they all knew that if some new guy showed up that couldn’t afford Force or Bloodlust sigils they could get one from me, usually by whispering me since someone in their party had told them to. Hence I cannot agree with the toxicity you are referring to. People that wanted to be there, where there, stayed there as long as they could and kept trying till late at night. I’ve been on Deso main doing Crimson Wurm over and over and over with different parties pretty much since start, 30% of those were guests. Each try we failed actually counted, no one was raging when Amber was failing to get to 50% while we were at 10% with other worms. Instead we were sending rescue parties if needed cause it was the right thing to do. While the Commanders had their job testing different mechanics, my party was silently talking from necro to necro as well trying to figure out how we could maximise damage, how to trait, how to pull Husks together, how to sync Signet of Vampirism (btw don’t do this, at least not till head is up, we gave up on it because of survival). The more we did it the absolutely better we got at it. If someone complained about Husks being a bother, we wouldn’t take it the wrong way, we would talk about it as a group afterwards and tell Commander what we think went wrong, in our case usually spreading conditions so much and getting all agro since everyone else was skipping mobs that we could succumb under it without our A-game or if one of us DC’d (agro, also the reason we couldn’t use keep signet of Vampirism perma on Wurm) It took us a while figuring out how to sync epidemic with each other but it was beautiful spiking a husk with condition as they approached the still invulnerable Wurm during dps phase and our condo team doing an absolutely perfect epidemic sync bombs to get it on Wurm as it became vulnerable and spreading further to anything around in the area. Our condition team never stayed the same, but the knowledge we shared always was. Over the past days I have seen THE BEST coordination in pve we ever had as a large group on TS, the single amount of people listening alone was staggering and I only got 1 thing to say about it; these people were amazing and I’m glad I was there for their first kill.
PS. Now what was happening on overflow, after all I had my share of disconnects as well? Yes there were a decent amount of annoyed resident Deso people that couldn’t get in main, but guess what, after they were all done with blaming Anet for the stupid overflow system, they would try getting the easy achievements out of the way or do a triple kill cause it gives them good practice, a chance to get important mechanics under the feet.
PS2. Sry for millions of mistakes, it’s 4 AM and I’m not where I’m supposed to be, gotta get back to forge /o/
You can lvl up very easy using minions, even before this patch it was never a problem, but if you think you are dedicated to actually playing the class I’d suggest you start with Cond builds, they might not be as effective in early stages, but it’s a great opportunity to learn those basics from early on.
Guess my point is just that your time is better spent on teaching how to max out conditions and time those macros, since minions is the easy way out that you’ll be able to pick up at any point.
EU – Desolation open. Started 15 min ago
Desolation [EU] has been clearing Balthazar usually once or twice daily for the past week so far. It is open right now if you need. Killed 20min ago
Desolation EU is uncontested atm
I guess I’ll keep this short.
WEEKLY GUILD MISSIONS so you can farm your commendations if you missed a run with your own guild.
We’re a small guild on Desolation [EU] (10man core/60 total atm) with an Open Guild Policy that just likes doing the Guild Missions. We actually support you being in another Guild to reap their benefits. So far we’ve been doing runs every Mon – Wed – Fri and trying to get more members in map chat 1h before the mission starts or posting a GW2LFG so we can get more experience, test our organisation skills and simply get better at what we do.
(so far we’re only able to get together 20-30 people for a run)
If you’re ever missed your commendations and got the ability to guest on our server feel free to join us. You can be invited and kicked as many times as you like until we reach our max capacity.
Feel free to mail or whisper me in-game.
Find more info on (you can join trough here as well)
Cya around folks
(edited by nevertrending.5632)