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2013 Summer Guild Games (Concluded)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Crafe.8017


July 12 – 14th 2013
Start Time (Server Time): 5pm Friday, 12pm Saturday and Sunday
Events will take place on the Fort Aspenwood Server

Events are as follow

Opening Trek
All guilds will form up outside the Black Citadel. From there we will travel to Hoelbrak, then to Divinity’s Reach, The Grove, and conclude at Rata Sum. This zerg through the zones will serve as an open ceremony and is open to anyone to participate in.


Wildspine Mortar Challenge (1 Participant from each guild)
Each contestant will be given 10 shots to hit as many targets as possible. (Note multiple targets in the same shot only count as 1 target and you can not hit the same target twice in a row.) The Top 8 Scorers from round one will advance. Top 4 from round 2 will advance to the finals.
Points are awarded as follows: Make it to the 2nd round 1pt. Make it to the finals 1pt. 4th – 1pt, 3rd – 2pts, 2nd – 4pts, 1st – 6pts.

Wildspine Ballista Challenge (1 Participant from each guild)
Each contestant will be given 60 seconds to hit as many targets as possible. (Note multiple targets in the same shot only count as 1 target). The Top 8 Scorers from round one will advance. Top 4 from round 2 will advance to the finals.
Points are awarded as follows: Make it to the 2nd round 1pt. Make it to the finals 1pt. 4th – 1pt, 3rd – 2pts, 2nd – 4pts, 1st – 6pts.

Wildspine Hill Climb (1 Participant from each guild)
Contestants will line up at a pre-determined start point and race up the hill. There will be a banner waiting at the finish line and the first to pick it up wins the race. All races will be in 2 rounds – 4 groups of 4 in the first round with the winners facing each other in the final race. NO TELEPORTING of any kind will be permitted. Speed buffs are fine.
Points are awarded as follows: Make it to the finals 2pts. Win the final 4pts.

Stormbluff Isle Cannon Challenge (1 Participant from each guild)
Each contestant will be given 10 shots to hit as many targets as possible. (Note multiple targets in the same shot only count as 1 target and you can not hit the same target twice in a row) The Top 8 Scorers from round one will advance. Top 4 from round 2 will advance to the finals.
Points are awarded as follows: Make it to the 2nd round 1pt. Make it to the finals 1pt. 4th – 1pt, 3rd – 2pts, 2nd – 4pts, 1st – 6pts.


Divinity’s Reach Foot Race (1 Participant from each guild)
Contestants will line up at a pre-determined start point and race around the circle of Divinity’s Reach. There will be a banner waiting at the finish line and the first to pick it up wins the race. All races will be in 2 rounds – 4 groups of 4 in the first round with the winners facing each other in the final race. NO TELEPORTING of any kind will be permitted. Speed buffs are fine.
Points are awarded as follows: Make it to the finals 2pts. Win the final 4pts.

Ebon Hawke Foot Race (1 Participant from each guild)
Contestants will line up at a pre-determined start point and race around the circle of Ebon Hawke. There will be a banner waiting at the finish line and the first to pick it up wins the race. All races will be in 2 rounds – 4 groups of 4 in the first round with the winners facing each other in the final race. NO TELEPORTING of any kind will be permitted. Speed buffs are fine.
Points are awarded as follows: Make it to the finals 2pts. Win the final 4pts.

Singles Dueling Tournament (1 Participant from each guild)
Will take place on a private sPvP server. Contestants will stand idle while waiting for their duel. Others can spectate. Duel will start on a countdown from 3 and end when one contestant is dead. There is a pre-established boundary that can be crossed accidentally or if pushed out, however blatantly running out of it will result in a DQ. This event will be in single elimination tournament format until the final 4.
Points are awarded as follows: 1st – 6pts, 2nd – 4pts, 3rd 2pts, 4th 1pt.

Team Dueling Tournament (5 Participants from each guild)
This event will take place on a private sPvP server. The 2 guilds facing each other will be assigned to red or blue. Each guild must decide which order their participants will duel in. Then a series of duels will take place (Guild 1’s first vs. guild 2’s first, and so on) It will be a best of 5 series so first to 3 wins will win the match. This will be a single elimination style tournament until the final four. There is a pre-established boundary that can be crossed accidentally or if pushed out, however blatantly running out of it will result in a DQ.
Points are awarded as follows: 1st – 6pts, 2nd – 4pts, 3rd 2pts, 4th 1pt.

(edited by Crafe.8017)

05/17/2013 NA Tier 2: DB/TC/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I’ll just leave this here:


L’enfer, c’est les autres

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Bananasmile.4126


What I find amusing is how people can speak for an entire server in this forum. When you open your sentence like “FA/TC/KN does this and that…” you lose all your credibility because you can never truly speak for the rest.

I also find it dumb that people judge an entire server based on a few outspoken forum warriors. This being said, the picture is quite simple. TC is winning, FA and KN is trying to hold on the 2nd to avoid going down to Tier 3, no more if’s and but’s. This is WvW, not Deathmatch PVP.

I know how to take a loss, and we are losing. FA, if you really believe that we are truly better than TC, then be better, take a loss graciously. If you do this, I guarantee you, we’re automatically the better men/women. Please do your best and try not to engage in this silly word war, we will get our turn someday, a couple of months ago, we wouldn’t even consider being in this spot. Let TC throw all the sarcasm, witty remarks, and other stuff they usually do (I don’t read much)…and show the rest of our server what we’re truly made of.

Just my 0.02 cents.

Strikethree, Kinetix (Ki)
Aug 2012 (IoJ) → Jan 2013 (FA) → June 2013 (BG)

4/5 TC/Kain/FA Week 5

in WvW

Posted by: Andy.9137


Late night score update. No map because I’m tired and lazy, but most of it was green anyway.

<3<3 to both KN and FA. Great fights this week!

Ya it looks like FA has mostly given up meh we could of came in first this week but i guess the want to be in T3 is stronger then the will to win. I guess good job to TC getting to T1 soon i hope that what you wanted.

I don’t think FA has given up at all, I think FA is just doing what it has always done, having fun killing and not losing sleep over ppt. To be honest I think that attitude, while looked down upon or disagreed with by many, has allowed FA to survive situations that other servers have fallen apart under. In the long run FA is more sustainable that way, in my opinion.

Don’t understand why that attitude is looked down upon. Couple friends from TC casually told me they had like 2 hours of sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday just so they could pass FA.

It’s nice being in a server that hasn’t bandwagoned elsewhere even after losing for months. Enjoy the win, TC. Should be easier next week.

Contrary to what some people have been saying. No fa has not given up and never will. We’ve been pushed back hard the last two days for obvious reasons on your part and don’t believe many of us care that much.

(edited by Andy.9137)

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Squibbles.8724


We are stuck with each other!

The horror!

Hmm, on reflection I’ll apologize if any of my posts were too trolly. Part of it is I’m stuck visiting relatives for a few days, and thus, unable to WvW. Relatives-induced stress + no WvW outlet = forum trolling.

Another part is that I think I have a skewed view of WvW. Because I almost exclusively only ever run with guild groups (sometimes if RET isn’t in force, with BT, PRO, or AVTR), I guess my experience has been mostly one of dominating uncoordinated zergs. Occasionally we’ll stack against guild groups; those are my favorite fights and are much more interesting and I’ll give due respect to good enemy tactics. RET is still developing and learning/trying new tactics, so any good fight we have is one we relish.

So, when I see TC, or anyone for that matter, boasting about their PPT or success otherwise, part of me goes “WTF we roll those fools so hard.” And then I troll.

Naturally, I’m sure a lot of TC’ers see us boasting and just think “LAWLZ those sobs are sore losers and need to grasp at straws. Suckas need to learn the meta game.” And then they troll.

Rinse, repeat. Vicious cycle.

FA definitely does suck at the meta game. We need to improve on that and could learn from TC. Also, I think some of our fairweathers may have disappeared now that things are actually challenging, putting more pressure on the big WvW guilds to carry the server. At the same time, I think, barring a few guilds, TC could stand to learn a bit from FA and/or Kaineng about tactics, builds, open field combat, etc.

Squibbles – 80 Engineer. Littles – 80 Guardian. Ripples – 80 Necromancer.
[VL] & [RET] of FA