Showing Posts For nomatter.5198:

Gauntlet chance (item) results?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: nomatter.5198


opened ~90-100 “chances”, ran out of tickets from last year, didn’t get anything but tokens. Sad.

Are sPvP loot boxes subject to DR on loot?

in PvP

Posted by: nomatter.5198


In PvE there is a diminishing return system on loot (see which decreases loot quality if you kill a lot of mobs in a row. In a livestream I’ve heard that mob reward chests simply simulate 5 mob kills (or something like that) and give you loot from them. So, if I stockpile a lot of chests (which I think a lot of people will do to get most out of it with MF buffs), will they be affected by DR when I open them over a short period of time?

Mists: missing npc

in PvP

Posted by: nomatter.5198


Can we also have “daily activity” npc in the mists? A lot of PvPers don’t even know there are such things, even though they use your PvP armor etc. (also running to southsun on lvl2 is not very pleasant)

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: nomatter.5198


Completed world 1 zone 1 without realising that I could get extra checkpoints via clouds and baloons… Difficulty there seemed just fine for me, will continue tomorrow!

New player LF tipps

in PvP

Posted by: nomatter.5198


Click “spectate” button (the eye icon) and look up their build for yourself. You can only do this in hotjoin/custom arenas and not in tournaments.

Birthday presend booster bug?

in PvP

Posted by: nomatter.5198


If only proper bugs were fixed that fast…

SoloQ is so stressful!!!

in PvP

Posted by: nomatter.5198


Haven’t played tPvP for about two months, decided to check out solo arena.

First game I join – starts as 4v5 not in our favour, funnily enough we manage to keep score even enough till about 300 points when another player from our team decides to leave.

Clearly deserved lose for me I guess. eSports FTW.


I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: nomatter.5198


Oh, so thats why I cant control my char the way I want anymore. Amazing!

Custom Arenas April 30th

in PvP

Posted by: nomatter.5198


I am pretty sure there will be some people who would like to host public server to promote their website/stream/youtube channel through MoTD.

Will Anet have there own custom Arena?

in PvP

Posted by: nomatter.5198


Warriors only. Map-wide perma-Cripple.


If customization level like this will be possible I will be soooo happy.

A man can dream…

Custom Arena F.A.Q. (in progress)

in PvP

Posted by: nomatter.5198


I remember that we were supposed to be able to turn off points gain from holding objectives/disable objective capping entirely, but I dont see this feature in “options list”. Was this feature disabled/not ever implemented? This thing is crucial for creating diverse play modes on custom arenas.