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in Thief

Posted by: noodless.6438


Im not saying im briliant my friend.
What i am saying is that in all my years of MMO experience i have learned to stay away from “fotm one shot builds”.
Am i better than these players?
99% of the time i am, because i have learned to play the class as a whole and use all the tools in my bag not just macroing 3 buffs into one key then hitting “backstab” or “pistolwhip” to chalk up a win.
Would these guys be better than me if they played different specs that had a higher skill threshhold?
Quite possibly yes.

Look other forums.On every one,you will find players complaining about Thief’s being OP.Every 1.Now,in my opinion,most of players like that never used “circle strafing”.Never.Most of them are still “clickers”.I’m sure you can tell by the way they move.Bud,I played rogue for 6 years.Thief is far from OP.If anything needs a buff.Try Warrior.And yes,same as you I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to play this class.
If is to listten ALL others,why not complain here and diffend our class?
Having so many threads about same thing is problem for is their answer about anything? Where is somebody from to say:“Yes,we are looking for this and we will make it work”.Anything? Why not moderate this forum and place ALL similar threads on 1 place? There is only official info after fix or patch.
Sorry for my English.


in Thief

Posted by: noodless.6438


I’m tired of those so called “good players:” saying that everything is just fine,and how they never had a single problem with a character they role.Looks like cheap commercial,like :I’m the Wiz and nobody beats me" .They made this forum to see different opinions.They want to get feedback from all players.
Only thing that gets on my nerves is crying how this game is not like “other” MMO’s.
“Where is my mount”..“dual specs”….“flying mount”….I did not buy this game to play “other” with no subscription.

How to build thief that kills players in 1.5 seconds?

in Thief

Posted by: noodless.6438


Assassin Signet down to 15%

in Thief

Posted by: noodless.6438


I gave up on my Thief.High mobility with next to nothing of defence,in the game where NPC’s are respawning every 5 sec.Now damage is OP)) What a joke.