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Best Wvw memories.

in WvW

Posted by: not under warranty.4217

not under warranty.4217

SoR/BG/JQ in T1 NA pre-season 1 days.
Full of good guilds around, fights 24/7, server loyalty was still a thing so people really cared about the server, plenty of guilds with different sizes and different focus, no big drama in any of the servers or anything like that. Everybody was having a blast.

^^ This – pre adrenaline nerf when commanders would yell HAMMERSTUN, frontlines were meta and you could actually move after engage. Fights were fast, flowing and a lot more fun. (I ran with Omen on BG)


(edited by not under warranty.4217)

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: not under warranty.4217

not under warranty.4217

I don’t mind which BLs we have but whichever maps we end up with they should cater to all the different things that people enjoy – fights, PPT or a mix of both. Right now WvW is very polarised, one camp just want fights, one wants just PPT. I think the BLs should really cater to both, that’s the competitive factor that is missing from WvW most of all atm.

Currently it is leaning too far towards defense, so much so that it compromises the strategy of WvW itself. Therefore I’d suggest if the current BLs are retained, make it easier/faster to get around (more waypoints/portals?), de-emphasise defending overall.

When you play WvW , it should have the feeling of urgency for everyone, and helping your server win every week should feel a bit more satisfying than it currently does. This to me is the most driving factor for most people who play WvW.

So I don’t mind which BLs we have or what small things are adjusted, if you Anet guys can maybe restore or enhance the things that address intensity/fun/strategy/server pride then I’m sure that you will please most of the people, most of the time.


Ascended Collection Weapon Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: not under warranty.4217

not under warranty.4217

Hopefully not repeating any previous posts, would be nice too see a FULL stat selection available for the Asc Weapon Collection weapons, they do take some time to get. Does seem a bit odd that the rare versions that build them have more stat choices than the ‘finished product’.
I made mine for use in WvW , so being able to select ANY stat combo would make sense.


Guild Chat bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: not under warranty.4217

not under warranty.4217

Same deal here, bug activated on joining 5th guild , workarounds of old ain’t fixin it Jim.


Siege Troll Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: not under warranty.4217

not under warranty.4217

If it hasn’t been suggested earlier, maybe add tag on each piece of siege on mouseover “Source <char name>” and add report drop-down function.


10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: not under warranty.4217

not under warranty.4217

Fann, they’re not that elite in terms of play. Those pugs you used to lead in sbi could wipe them easy.

That’s the funniest post I’ve seen in here for ages, Good Job, especially the signature !


6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: not under warranty.4217

not under warranty.4217

MMAD guild, part of SBI night crew, just lmao. You guys tickle my kitten <3. Nice going away gift for IOJ.

Well IoJ took one of our camps …….. we couldn’t just let that go without payback – Garrison and Hills seemed fair lol

Naughty IoJ (admonishing finger wag) don’t do it again