Showing Posts For nuxotrix.8456:
i know that but the other skill they can use the focus skill 4 that did pull me down i know from walls and cliffs im also doing that but when standing on a roof then pulling down makes sence i mean how can they pull me trough the sealing
(edited by nuxotrix.8456)
Well iff this is a problem , then puling ppl down from a roof is the same was standing last weekend on the roof at the lord room in garrison near my 6 arrowcarts i was standing in the middle off the roof and not near the edge but then i pulled down in the lord room and died this really makes no sense at all
Only the beresker can do that and you also can use that reflect skill to that does not have a los to like the berseker
ive seen it now last scores why not let arenanet test it then we will see the results iff this works or not they all 3 servers have over 300k points so
well when all is balanced it wont be a problem i think
(edited by nuxotrix.8456)
Hi all
Ive been thinking about this for some time now .
I think the community will likes this and maby even YOU Arenanet
Lets take the total point gained from the 1 week from high to low(NOT THE OVERALL RANKING SYTEM)
Here an example
server A 175.000 points
server B 190.000 points
server C 123.000 points
server D 177.000 points
server E 155.000 points
server F 125.000 points
server G 100.000 points
server H 145.000 points
server I 115.000 points
server J 110.000 points
server K 140.000 points
server L 180.000 points
these points will add up to the overall ranking sytem
Then for the next week battle it will be like this
server B versus server L versus server D
server A versus server E versus server H
server K versus server F versus server C
server I versus server J versus server G
And ofcourse this will be changed each week based on the points a sever can get during that week battle
Maby this is a idea or just some rubbish
I would like the community and arenanets opion what they think about this
1. we need a working auto loot or let the badges of honnor put next to the karma points
2. sieges need to get a repair heal skill most off them have only 3 or 4 skills to use or give them a shield that absorb aoe dmg for a x time
Hi arenanet
As you can see my ballista got hit and destroyed by this ranger what not making sense as you look where hes standing from not even line of sight !!!!
just look at this
So Arenanet I would like an explanation about this and what you can do to fix this
For me its not the first time ive encounter this and probbly not the last time either
My idea
let workers be able to help build siege or repair them or let players be abley to repair or even give siege a repair (heal skill)
well at that point there where no upgrades running and the cannons where not destroyed and there where no people near the supply depo
Hi all
i want to report this
ive seen a worker taking all the supply from supply depo when the walls/gate are at 100% why is that ?
Sore losers + racism, forumers showing their true colors.
France isn’t a race, it’s a country
There are no races (if you believe otherwise, i have bad news for you, it’s called racism)… So there is no racism? Next time you try to sound clever, please have a clue.
pls shut up the one who started this about the word racism is you.. glor
All i hear is excuses (and blatant lies, but it’s still excuses, so who care if you are lying or not? Just sore losers).
We dominate.
pls stop talking all that high and mighty try play a week with no night cappers then we will see so who is the beter sever wouldend you agree we dont need a massive night ppl who can take all 4 borderlands in less then 2 hours and trying that in prime time is inpossible and thats the truth and aslo 1 off the reason off all en complaiment from night capping topics
standing still is not smart
but i self have never done 17.5 on a player only 15k on a ram with skill 3 taking rams out is nothing ^^ and i love that tower
yes i also want a auto loot and not pressing F all the time or when on a siege loot loot loot loot loot then back on the siege and iff you wait to long for to loot it disapear
First, I do not know if there already exists a thread about
I do not know if there are more people a bit annoyed by the current camera zoom out sometimes it is difficult to see your surroundings like for in wvw when useing siege like arrowcarts
Thus, it is possible to feather to be able to zoom out it will be very helpfull in wvwvw
I have only one suggestion but i dont know iff anyone else came with this idea
Is it posible to zoom more out then it is now?
I also have this problem sometimes its hard to see when you range yes or no so maby a range indicator can help?
And today i encounter this problem i was standing on the bridge at Dawn’s everie near the lord there at a arrow cart 1 invader came trying to kill me when i was standing on the bridge and he was right below normal something happens like this it should be
" Not in line of sight" and he also destroyed my arrow cart what was standing in the middle of the bridge