Showing Posts For nzo.5176:

Let's make GW2 exciting to watch!

in PvP

Posted by: nzo.5176


Has anyone considered modeling it off of other eSports especially shooters where the first thing the modding community would do is customize the UI and in game graphics with a “pro” mode. This usually meant everything was clear to understand from a competitive and objective view. In other words there could be a different way to watch where the players team colors glow more and actions are more prominent in relation to each other. Also consider how technology is used in live sports to draw on the field. It does not have to be the same application but in the since you can have a SPECTATOR mode that shows more of what is going on through the whole map and simple icons and representations of who is doing “better” at any given situation. This way the commentary becomes just that and can still give insight.

Models can be totally different as well as colors in order to better distinguish the teams.

Animations do not necessarily need to be different but visual cues need to be present so that a spectator can follow what is going on.

Spectators that are “Hosts” or casters should be able to Draw on map just like in party but have some visual effect or maybe highlight a current player to focus attention.

Even joining as a spectator directly to a delayed server playback would be great so each viewer can customize their spectator options for optimal viewing.

Some of these features may already be there but i think the visualization and cues “dumbed” down would help to objectify and follow the game easier. This will develop a language and understanding outsiders can follow.


Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: nzo.5176


Please add these features.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nzo.5176


When in areas for a long group event with many people either of my machines my wife and play on will lag and delay sometimes for 1 full minute at times. One of us will be fine or slightly delayed and the others character will just become locked up then all the graphics and players will move in the last direction that client saw them moving and will continue to move off the screen or stay locked in place if they are not moving. Then when everything is cleared up it will play back twice as fast everything that everyone was doing. During this time that character (my wife’s or mine) can try to attack and participate but if you look on the other’s screen you can clearly see the boss has already dropped dead. At other times on WvW sometimes Enemy models are invisible because there are just so many people on the screen but I can see all my “team”. I would rather see where the enemy is first but realize the teammates may already be in memory and after x models it may not render. I would hope that if an enemy is detected that it could be rendered and drop the furthest character from memory that I can not see. Thanks.

Using AutoHotkey considered a hack? Will it get me banned?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nzo.5176


So I recently cut my finger making it impossible for me to hold down the mouse2 button without it reopening the cut. Resorting to taking a break but I am wondering what about people with physical handicaps everyday. I think being able to rebind all keys and set which ones should toggle is more than fair. Please add this feature. If anyone knows of a major thread requesting this I would like to know , thank you.