Showing Posts For oscillons.8790:

Fix the camera scrolling, already!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: oscillons.8790


Please stop ignoring this problem, Anet.

On four different computers using four different mice, in three different places, scrolling in or out (especially out) is awful. I put this in bug reports because sometimes it works correctly, and sometimes it does not, and almost every time that it DOES work correctly, the scroll is clunky / not smooth scrolling. Lack of consistency says bug to me, but I apologize if I am incorrect.

Let players zoom out more than what is effectively several meters behind the character. I get your “mega zoom” dynamic choice for huge enemies—until the fight ends and my zoom is forced tight on my character rather than what I had it at to begin with—but the lack of ability to scroll out as far as we choose and keep the zoom there keeps the motion sickness that you enforce as a “feature” for players sensitive to it. The camera is the main reason why I left GW2 within two weeks of playing around launch, and after almost a year away, I come back to see that the camera, right down to the temperamental attitude and often-clunky scrolling, is as much of developers ignoring a necessary standard of the genre as it was at launch.

Plz fix, too much action when forced to be up close and I cannot scroll out like all players should have the right to do.

(edited by oscillons.8790)

Make Super Adventure Box permanent!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: oscillons.8790


Hello! The reason why I am posting is that a GM told me to. I am not the only one who feels like making Super Adventure Box a permanent feature is a fantastic idea, although as game forums historically go, this idea will probably be met with much player refusal just because that is the nature of game forums; the dissidents are always more vocal than those in agreement. This post is for hopefully someone with power to read.

My girlfriend and three of her friends have all seen Super Adventure Box. They play other MMOs, WoW and SWTOR, specifically, but they have not purchased GW2. All four of these people have told me that if SAB is permanent and will not be removed at any time, they would buy this game immediately. If four MMO players that I know personally would buy GW2 on the basis of SAB alone, after which they would inevitably fall for GW2 itself, how many MMO players out there would do the same if they knew about SAB? One of the four has been going out of her way to spread how awesome SAB is, and she has already heard similar ideas in her social circles—that if this were permanent, GW2 would make some new sales fast.

Hopefully this gets through to the right people, and it is decided as static.

Unrelated, bring Cantha back to relevance!

*This post will not be checked by me in the future for replies.