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Level 51 not receiving Empyreal Frag from JPs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: oxolate.1268


According to patch notes:

Dungeons, minidungeons, jumping puzzles, WvW camps, and towers now drop Empyreal Fragments in addition to their regular loot, which can only be earned once per day per location.

It doesn’t say anything about being limited to level.

I have a lvl 51 that did Weyandts revenge and Urmaugs jumping puzzle in Lions arch and no Empyreal fragments.

I did Urmaugs jumping puzzle with a lvl 32 and no Empyreal fragments.

Are low levels supposed to be receiving Empyreal Fragments?

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: oxolate.1268


Got hit again this morning. I hadn’t played in 12 hours and didn’t even play much then. I log on this morning and check one toon to see if Shadow behemoth is up. It’s not, so I log into a 2nd toon in Wayfarers hills. I do an plug up the hole quest (1) and fight back dredge invasion (2), then start the maw. Protect supplies(3), escort scholar(4), kill totem(5), kill group of svanir(6), kill portals (7), kill champ (8) and I hit DR. This probably took 15 minutes. Please fix.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: oxolate.1268


I did about 14 events in a 40 min period and no DR. I’m hoping it was a one time thing.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: oxolate.1268


It’s a bug. I was farming exp on my level 59 necro in Wayfarers. I normally get level appropriate exp but on one quest I only got level one exp. I jumped to another part of the same zone, did an event and got level appropriate exp. jumped back to the previous spot and got level appropriate exp.

I didn’t report it as a bug at the time because I was confused. Lol. It’s a bug. You should get level appropriate rewards. The DR is only for material rewards. If it happens again I will report it so the Devs will know.

Thank you. That is what I was hoping to hear. I’ll report it next time as a bug.

As to the other discussion going on, I was referring to event rewards. I did 10 event with a normal reward around 500 xp, + karma, + copper and it was significantly reduced for three additional events. I was not referring to chest rewards.

Causual player getting hit with DR

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: oxolate.1268


I consider myself casual. I just checked my /age and I averaged 16 hours per week since release. Last night, I didn’t have much time to play so I just wanted to do my daily. I head over to Wayfaring Hills with my lvl 18 necro and the following occurs.

TLDR version (10 events in 35 min and I hit the DR. I log out, not sure if I want to return)

I log in and the Maw event is under way. I am able to kill some portals(1) and kill the final boss(2). As soon as that event finished, Ravi needs some help gathering armor. I help him out(3). I need to gather for the daily so I head to the crafting town, gathering on my way. The wolfmaster champion is in progress so I join in the fun and beat him down(4). I head to the crafting town and the ‘escort the beer along icesteppes road’ event is waiting to be started. I start it. While escorting, I’m able to heal up some refugees on the side of the road and gather some more. After that event is done(5), I follow the gathering nodes and I see another event to rebuild the statue and the NPC needs to be healed! I head up that way, revive and finish the event(6).

The town up north usually has some dead bodies so I check it out. Yup, 3 dead people to revive. I only have the healing, 50 kills, and laurel vendor dailies left. The wurm cave some times has some dead people so I start that way. The wurms are beating on the inn door. I help fight them off and finish the healing daily along the way(7). I only need 10 more kills. I head back to the crafting town, killing along the way. I get to the town and the beer escort quest is going. I help them out again(8). Along the way, the Maw is starting again so I protect the supplies from the grawl(9), escort the Norn to the totem(10). At this point I’m having a blast with the game and glad that I’ve been able to hop from one event to another.

When I kill the totem(11), as a reward get 58 xp, 6 karma, and some copper. I was severely confused at this point. I kill the elite guard and get the same reward(12). After I kill the portal(13) and get the same reward I realize that I hit the DR. Really? As a non-farmer and casual player, I actually hit the DR?

I finished the event(14), got all blues from the chest and headed back to the crafting town to unload stuff at the bank. The beer escort was ready to be started, but no way I was going to do it for nothing. I finished the daily and logged out, deflated. If not for the DR, I would have probably stayed around for a few more events.

The message you sent me with the DR was to log off. Nope, you can’t have too much fun playing the game, so we punish you. Since the only reason I play this game is for the events, and the event become useless after 10 of them, my desire to continue playing the game has been diminished. Instead of playing the actual game tonight, I’m writing a post instead. I hope this is a bug. I think your DR needs adjusting.