Showing Highly Rated Posts By ozmaniandevil.6805:
I have really noticed a poor trend in calling everyone who does not instinctively know how to do everything in the game, derogatory names. Not everyone is level 80. Not eveyrone has played 3,000 hours of this game. English is not everyone’s first language. I am sure there are many, many, many peolple who are intelligent and experienced with MMORPGs that can have a tough time figuring out what to do for these events, due to those reasons, if not many more reasons.
Please refrain from calling people names and being insulting simply because their level of play does not meet your elite expectations at every single moment. By doing so, you give the game in general a bad vibe and are probably, unnecessarily and incorrectly, turning off new players all together.
(edited by ozmaniandevil.6805)
I am so sick of these things. Yes, I’m frustrated. I tried the jungle wurm garbage. What a fun time… not. Time up and boss(es??) were at 98%. So many champs spawn, and no one knows what to do. There’s no help in game. AT ALL. This kind of stuff makes me hate this game and want to uninstall it.
This really burns me too. I’m often leading the FGS champ train and trying to help new players with info and waypoints but i’m suppressed so fast it’s ridiculous. It would be nice to TALK to the community…you know…to enhance the COMMUNITY.