Showing Posts For patteSatan.4561:

client crashes on update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: patteSatan.4561


I want my 99 euros back, I can spend them on a game that has a working support staff, and a working client.

I just wonder why I payed 99 euros

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: patteSatan.4561


Arenanet, fix this piece of crap

I just wonder why I payed 99 euros

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: patteSatan.4561


I cant update this piece if kitten, the furthest I got, was downloading 233MB
Gimme a standalone update patch, pls

Launcher / Updater keeps crashing.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: patteSatan.4561


I get the same error without “-image”

Launcher / Updater keeps crashing.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: patteSatan.4561


  • Crash <—*
    Exception: c0000417
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 288
    Cmdline: -image
    BaseAddr: 00D00000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54522
    When: 2015-10-23T22:06:37Z 2015-10-24T00:06:37+02:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:00:05
    Flags: 0
  • System <—*
    Name: TJOFLÖJT
    Processors: 6 [AuthenticAMD:15:10:0]
    OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)
  • System Memory <—*
    Physical: 5486MB/ 8189MB 66%
    Paged: 12905MB/16381MB 78%
    Virtual: 3679MB/ 4095MB 89%
    Load: 33%
    CommitTotal: 3475MB
    CommitLimit: 16381MB
    CommitPeak: 9310MB
    SystemCache: 5406MB
    HandleCount: 38305
    ProcessCount: 93
    ThreadCount: 1750
  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 236MB
    WorkingSet: 187MB
    PeakWorkingSet: 191MB
    PageFaults: 212515
  • Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    Root 64.28 8298
    Programmer Data 33.57 3404
    Uncategorized 24.61 4824
    I/O 16.90 590
    Collections 16.35 2637
    Dictionary 13.04 27
    Archive 10.70 152
    Collide 6.10 70
    Collide Havok 6.10 70
    Asset Service 5.04 420
    Set 2.15 69
    File Service 1.15 12
    BTree 0.31 26
    Networking 0.20 41
    Event 0.07 3
    Game 0.02 50
    Engine 0.02 12
    Threading 0.01 15
    Model-Programmer 0.01 1
    Content 0.01 1
    UI 0.00 32
    Web Browser 0.00 18
    File Core 0.00 3
    Services 0.00 8
  • Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    Uncategorized 24.61 4824
    Dictionary 13.04 27
    Archive 10.70 152
    Collide Havok 6.10 70
    Asset Service 5.04 420
    Set 2.15 69
    File Service 1.15 12
    Collections 0.85 2515
    BTree 0.31 26
    Networking 0.20 36
    Event 0.07 3
    Threading 0.01 15
    Game 0.01 41
    Model-Programmer 0.01 1
    Content 0.01 1
    Engine 0.00 6
    Web Browser 0.00 18
    File Core 0.00 3
    Services 0.00 8
    Download 0.00 3
    CharClient 0.00 4
    Text 0.00 1
    String 0.00 10
    UI 0.00 14

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 10.0.10240.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)]

  • Thread 0×4b2c <—*
  • Trace <—*
    Pc:1002a622 Fr:05d9c814 Rt:1002a66e Arg:00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    Pc:1002a66e Fr:05d9c834 Rt:10007120 Arg:00000000 1003ddd0 00000007 4f7ab10e
    Pc:10007120 Fr:05d9c8c8 Rt:10007481 Arg:000000e8 4f7ab0da 08ed08a8 00000000
    Pc:10007481 Fr:05d9c91c Rt:1000750b Arg:1587b9e0 000000e8 00000001 06d405c8
    Pc:1000750b Fr:05d9c960 Rt:1001de6e Arg:05d9ca90 00000001 4f7ab39e 1001dca0
    Pc:1001de6e Fr:05d9ca58 Rt:76c6cf4f Arg:000004b8 05d9ca90 00000001 05d9ca9c
    Pc:76c6cf4f Fr:05d9cab0 Rt:01015cbe Arg:000004b8 1587b9e0 000000e8 00000000
    Pc:01015cbe Fr:05d9cae4 Rt:0113473e Arg:0a43d010 1587b9e0 04bf26cc 04bf2630
    Pc:0113473e Fr:05d9e0f4 Rt:01133d8d Arg:1587b9d0 1587cb70 0000ea60 04bf266c
    Pc:01133d8d Fr:05d9e14c Rt:01134a1f Arg:1587cb70 04daa408 04daa3d0 00000000
    Pc:01134a1f Fr:05d9f760 Rt:0111b276 Arg:05d9f77c 1587cb70 1581f128 000c4f86
    Pc:0111b276 Fr:05d9f9b4 Rt:01119920 Arg:000c4f86 001314a5 020751cc 05d9fa00
    Pc:01119920 Fr:05d9f9e4 Rt:01117015 Arg:020751cc 05d9fa00 1581f140 05d9fa0c
    Pc:01117015 Fr:05d9f9f8 Rt:01117b6b Arg:1587cb74 1581f128 1581f090 05d9fa60
    Pc:01117b6b Fr:05d9fa0c Rt:01115903 Arg:1581f09c 1581f090 00000000 1581f090
    Pc:01115903 Fr:05d9fa60 Rt:01115e8f Arg:00000000 04d71420 21d19448 01117195
    Pc:01115e8f Fr:05d9fa90 Rt:0100ef28 Arg:01160a1c 006604c0 00000000 05d9fadc
    Pc:0100ef28 Fr:05d9faa4 Rt:01160970 Arg:04bf27f0 b183f8bd 01160a1c 006604c0
    Pc:01160970 Fr:05d9fadc Rt:01160a98 Arg:01160a1c 05d9fafc 76cd3744 006604c0
    Pc:01160a98 Fr:05d9fae8 Rt:76cd3744 Arg:006604c0 76cd3720 c5539eda 05d9fb44
    Pc:76cd3744 Fr:05d9fafc Rt:77cca064 Arg:006604c0 c452b509 00000000 00000000
    Pc:77cca064 Fr:05d9fb44 Rt:77cca02f Arg:ffffffff 77ced7cd 00000000 00000000
    Pc:77cca02f Fr:05d9fb54 Rt:00000000 Arg:01160a1c 006604c0 00000000 00000000
  • Thread registers <—*
    eax=05d9c514 ebx=00000002 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=c0000417 edi=08ed08a8
    eip=1002a622 esp=05d9c7e8 ebp=05d9c814
    cs=5d90023 ss=5d9002b ds=5d9002b es=002b fs=5d90053 gs=c452002b efl=00000216

eax-32 05D9C4F4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax-16 05D9C504 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
eax 0 05D9C514 00010001 00000001 05d9c678 05d9c538
16 05D9C524 74e3f736 00633988 c769dac2 05d9c77c
eax+32 05D9C534 76d16854 000004e4 00000000 05d9c678
eax+48 05D9C544 00000009 05d9c834 00000080 00000000
edi-32 08ED0888 00420033 00310042 00370032 00460039
edi-16 08ED0898 007d0043 00490000 4bb8074a 00005224
edi 0 08ED08A8 08da22e0 08edcf60 00000000 00000000
16 08ED08B8 656e616e 726f0101 632e736b 08eda3e8
edi+32 08ED08C8 00000000 72702f74 6172676f 08ed9c18
edi+48 08ED08D8 00000001 6d617267 00000000 00000000

  • Code <—*
    1002A602 8b4dfc5f 33cd5be8 eec7ffff c9c38bff .M._3.[………
    1002A612 566a01be 170400c0 566a02e8 c5feffff Vj……Vj……
    1002A622 83c40c56 ff1530c1 031050ff 1510c203 …V..0…P…..
    1002A632 105ec38b ff558bec ff3590dc 0410ff15 .^…U…5……
    1002A642 fcc10310 85c07403 5dffe0ff 7518ff75 ……t.]…u..u
    1002A652 14ff7510 ff750cff 7508e8af ffffffcc ..u..u..u…….
  • Stack <—*
    05D9C7E8 1002a622 00000002 c0000417 00000001 "……………
    05D9C7F8 08ed0978 1002a661 00000000 00000000 x…a………..
    05D9C808 00000000 00000000 00000000 05d9c834 …………4…
    05D9C818 1002a66e 00000000 00000000 00000000 n……………
    05D9C828 00000000 00000000 10028165 05d9c8c8 ……..e…….
    05D9C838 10007120 00000000 1003ddd0 00000007 q…………..
    05D9C848 4f7ab10e 08ed08a8 08ed08ac 1587bac8 ..zO…………
    05D9C858 08ed08a8 08dabff0 00001000 08dacf10 …………….
    05D9C868 6b6f6f63 613d6569 00656363 00000000 cookie=acce…..
    05D9C878 00000069 00000032 08edcee8 6b6f6f43 i…2…….Cook
    05D9C888 613d6569 00656363 00000000 00000069 ie=acce…..i…
    05D9C898 08dabf08 08da0740 6f72702f 6d617267 …..../program 05D9C8A8 0030312f 00000000 0000002f 4f7ab102 /10...../.....zO 05D9C8B8 4f7ab10e 05d9c910 10038508 00000002 ..zO............ 05D9C8C8 05d9c91c 10007481 000000e8 4f7ab0da .....t........zO 05D9C8D8 08ed08a8 00000000 00000001 08ed08a8 ................ 05D9C8E8 1587bac8 000000e8 00000000 05d9c914 ................ 05D9C8F8 100047ed 08dabf08 00000000 0000000f .G.............. 05D9C908 000004b8 4f7ab0da 05d9ca4c 10038538 ......zOL...8... 05D9C918 ffffffff 05d9c960 1000750b 1587b9e0 ....`....u...... 05D9C928 000000e8 00000001 06d405c8 000004b8 ................ 05D9C938 05d9ca90 05d9ca90 06d405c8 05d9ca90 ................ 05D9C948 08ed08a8 100275f0 00000144 05d9ca4c .....u..D...L... 05D9C958 100384d3 4f7ab0a6 05d9ca58 1001de6e ......zOX...n... 05D9C968 05d9ca90 00000001 4f7ab39e 1001dca0 ..........zO.... 05D9C978 00679360 000004b8 1001e1eb 00000000 `.g............. 05D9C988 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................ 05D9C998 00000068 00630000 00000060 00000000 h.....c.`....... 05D9C9A8 00000000 00000000 00000000 003907d0 ..............9. 05D9C9B8 0ce0683c 00000068 00000000 006f9870 <h..h.......p.o. 05D9C9C8 00000000 05d9c9f0 00004000 00000001 .........……
    05D9C9D8 00000000 04b115d0 02075b1c 021dff5c ………[..\…
    05D9C9E8 0a4380d8 0a4380d8 00000024 0a4382f4 ..C…C.$…..C.
    05D9C9F8 05d9ca9c 05d9ca90 0ce07280 00000000 ………r……
    05D9CA08 000004b8 08ed08a8 00000000 00000001 …………….
    05D9CA18 ffffffff 05d9caa8 b5b5c2a7 05d9ca58 …………X…
    05D9CA28 01138f15 05d9ca4c 746e6f43 0a438010 ….L…Cont..C.
    05D9CA38 1587bac6 0207557c 0a438010 05d9ca54 ….|U….C.T…
    05D9CA48 4f7ab39e 05d9facc 10039793 ffffffff ..zO…………
    05D9CA58 05d9cab0 76c6cf4f 000004b8 05d9ca90 ….O..v……..
    05D9CA68 00000001 05d9ca9c 00000000 00000000 …………….
    05D9CA78 00000000 0ce07280 05d9caa8 000000e8 …..r……….
    05D9CA88 05d9cba8 00000000 000000e8 1587b9e0 …………….
    05D9CA98 0063caac 00000001 00000000 0ce07278 ..c………xr..
    05D9CAA8 00000000 c54e63c3 05d9cae4 01015cbe …..cN……\..
    05D9CAB8 000004b8 1587b9e0 000000e8 00000000 …………….
    05D9CAC8 0a42a010 0a42a048 1587b9d0 05d9cae8 ..B.H.B………
    05D9CAD8 05d9cbb0 00000000 0a43d080 05d9e0f4 ……….C…..
    05D9CAE8 0113473e 0a43d010 1587b9e0 04bf26cc >G….C……&..
    05D9CAF8 04bf2630 0a42a010 00000001 00000001 0&….B………
    05D9CB08 000000e8 01cb9ec4 00000000 00000000 …………….
    05D9CB18 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    05D9CB28 00000020 01cb9ee4 00000001 05d9cd68 ………..h…
    05D9CB38 0a438010 00000000 00000001 00000000 ..C………….
    05D9CB48 00000004 00000000 0000003f 00000000 ……..?…….
    05D9CB58 00000000 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 …………….
    05D9CB68 00000000 00000000 05d9cb74 05d9cb98 ……..t…….
    05D9CB78 00000fa0 00000001 00000000 00000000 …………….
    05D9CB88 05d9cb98 05d9cb98 00000001 00000000 …………….
    05D9CB98 05d9cb88 05d9cb89 000001c0 00000000 …………….
    05D9CBA8 000000e8 1587b9e0 158777a0 00000000 ………w……
    05D9CBB8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    05D9CBC8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    05D9CBD8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
  • Error Logs <—*
    Failed to create THIRDPARTYSOFTWAREREADME.txt(4)

I can’t update

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: patteSatan.4561


I can’t even log in, to the game, I get a crashreport in w10, and got like 4 sms login things, but cant update, cant login, it just crashes, even when I try and run gw2 as administrator

Permastealth still after april's giftpack?

in WvW

Posted by: patteSatan.4561


Are you guys serious? “perma stealth” is both stupid to use, and kills all initiative very fast…

All I see is nubtards playing other classes complaining…

I, who actually have some successful rogues in other games, think the stealthmecanism in this game is totally broken, and useless, except for the healing I get.
I like the wow and rift style, where you can permastealth, but it also is a very risky thing to do, as you have to go, in rift at least, so deep into assassin, that you are very easy to kill…

I would like guardians and warriors to be nerfbatted, those 2 classes are seriously overpowered, and yes, I have one of each, I know what I’m talking about.

Tonight we dine as Victors!

in WvW

Posted by: patteSatan.4561


Btw, so even ppl that hate [RUIN], will understand, Im not from USA, I live in europe, many of us actually do……but I think we only got 1 person that speaks french in the guild…


Tonight we dine as Victors!

in WvW

Posted by: patteSatan.4561


I will actually thank the french players, in the last 48+ hours, I have never played better pvp, and I think it was fun for you also.
