Showing Posts For peroxil.1902:

Score Math

in WvW

Posted by: peroxil.1902


I can only assume, but maybe owning a structure during 10 minutes between ticks gives 10/15 *(points for this structure) to the team which lose it, and 100% to the new owner when the timer ends.
Which can explain double counts.

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: peroxil.1902


Ideally, we would see some people move from worlds with extreme queue times to worlds that need additional people and start building up active wvw communities there as well. Having more worlds with heavily active populations in WvW will be a very good thing for the long term health of the game, and spreading out the population will help reduce the queue times on the worlds with the longest queues.

Give us accurates statistics, and I think we will have 10 times more players queuing that available slot during prime time. (all worlds included and summed)

WvW is not a secondary activity, most of players are here for, so I hope for the future of this game, Anet will work on it.

We get it, queue times are too long

in WvW

Posted by: peroxil.1902


I don’t care getting my fps down to 10 being surounded by hundreds of players, give away thankittenWvW player limit! And let them in and play!
I did not buy this game for queuing!