Showing Posts For petrocksteve.8653:
No, the rifle inflicts burning often enough in practice. I haven’t seen a lack of combo fields, though I have seen a lack of stacked healing. Yes, with the longbow you can self-combo, but in practice, that isn’t very useful.
When I pug, I find the opposite to be the case. Even then, I would argue that the blast finisher in the fire field — giving everyone nearby three stacks of might — makes up for the difference in auto-attack damage. Smartcasting is a plus for this.
Ultimately, it feels like you’re advocating a build that has the highest theoretical DPS under ideal conditions and for a specific situation and that if you need something other than DPS, the group is doing something wrong. That doesn’t always match up to the reality on my screen, and I find it problematic if people expect everyone else to do the same thing.
Warrior is one of the classes that tend not to bring much other than DPS in pugs. The longbow does offer some support, same with the 7-9 skills (especially banners + FGJ). Classes like guardian, mesmer, and elementalist bring a lot of utility to a party. As you get more experience, you find that once your group has sufficient utility you might as well add more damage to move things along faster.
You had mentioned axe/mace before. The mace 4 and axe 2 stack vulnerability, applying 14 vulnerability to those hit by both. You then proceed to axe auto-attack them down or swap to a greatsword and 2-5 cycle. And yes, although it is based on ideal dps, you can come quite close even with dodges and the like.
- It should be impossible to avoid all damage and bosses should liberally apply conditions such as immobilize, weakness, vulnerability, blind, chill and cripple. Players should have to feel like they need to save dodges for the big crushing attacks. Regen, healing, aegis, etc. (as well as condi removal) should be required to stay alive between dodges.
This isn’t self-evidentally good, you have to explain why this is something we should want, not just declare you want it. I’m not against the concept of bosses that do condition overload, but you should be a bit more honest that what you’re trying to do is encourage use of tanky gear for survival.
I’m ambivalent about the attacks necessarily applying conditions, but I like the idea of not being able to avoid all attacks (or the cost of doing so would be too costly). I envision this as the various attacks dealing different damage (not all of them should be one-shots) and they come at you more frequently than you are able to dodge (plus some blocks?). This would require you to know which attacks you must dodge and which ones you would rather take the damage and heal afterward.
Is this necessary? Probably not, but it would provide another concern to handle during the fights.
I too would like this option.
The PUGs I’m with don’t always have the classes to maintain the projectile defense. That said, I should get on my gaurdian some time and practice the SE fights (I’ve been playing warrior primarily in dungeons).
I would bind dodge to a mouse button. Also, try to bind your keys so that you do not have to move your fingers that far to do the actions you want quickly. This typically means making the keys near wasd (or for me, qwe and camera rotate) actions in the game (preferably where you rest on the movement keys any actions that are usually done sequentially/simultaneously rarely are done by the same finger).
TA Forward: Rangers and Necros only
I found that even with PUGs, if a guardian/mesmer/etc has enough absorbs/reflects, it is faster to melee the carrier. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is faster even without projectile defense, just go until you die then respawn and continue.
To me, it means “I know how this is done in a PUG.” This is basic strategy and knowing how/where the boss is usually fought (in a PUG context).
I would like an invite to the NA guild so that I can learn the Arah paths.
Make story mode completion account bound.
I seem to be getting crash due to “disk read errors” quite often now. I couldn’t even load Kessex Hills at all, and had to switch computers to play for a little bit.
It has magically fixed itself. Weird.
I tried redownloading the .dat file and it, too, faile.
I am having the same problem. Running in compatibility mode did not fix it for me. Happens after 30.74MB of the update have been downloaded.