Showing Posts For plushiesoda.8150:
i for one will not use discord for privacy reasons
so you’re saying you prefer a program that
- OPENLY gives away your IP adress to whoever the admin/moderator of the channel is, even if that person is a 14 years old griever.
- OPENLY displays the country where you’re at. Which you cannot hide unless you use a VPN or the like.
- OPENLY displays your network, ISP speed, info, SO version and even hardware information (depending on addons) to whoever the admin has set rights to see it.
- That can OPENLY read the API of your gw2 account (depending on addons again)
“for privacy reasons” eh… ok
well personally i’d never join a random’s (even guildmates) ts3 server. Remember that you share your ip with whoever the server owner/admin is/are.
While someone that knows what she/he is doing can do the same regardless of which program you use, you expose yourself to “teenager grievers” more “openly” when using ts3 making it an insecure choice all around.
(without taking into account it’s lack of privacy like country flags, isp info, internet speed, even os version depending on addons)
or just rework them as inge kits. I’d love the idea o being a “magical archer” even if it were suboptimal lol
y run the fresh air scepter/warhorn (magi for more crit %) f/a/t build in “open” world with a celestial set and play with the utilities depending on map (usually for more blast finishers)
it lacks a little damage-side (especially with the last overload and scepter fire 3,5 nerf ) but when I run into champions or hero points i just blast some fire fields up to 25might and end up with 2680 power or so (almost the same as zerker ele without might), with 18k of hp, perma fury an almost perma protection/regeneration when overloading
it has decent damage, great survivability, insane support and great group healing (around 600 healing power) and it is fun for me on top of that
it may be not optimal, but I just love celes
sorry, i’m no pro but this seems like a l2p issue. As someone with an over 2000 3vs3 rating on WoD season 2 and Legion season 1 and 2 I cannot take you seriously when you say things like
“Everythings balanced and its based on team play and strategy, face rolling will get you rofl stomped, especially when it comes to rated games where people pvp like its their job
Rn it feels like every class is just broken in some form or fashion and needs a nerf
In WoW there is no “this class counters the class that counters this class” I mean there is, but everyone regardless of their spec can hold their own against another”
And I’m pretty sure unless you’re a druid or a legion season 1 dh, monk. No WoW player with a rating over 1500 would say the same thing, especially with the melee meta that plagues it nowadays.
I understand your point though… an encounter can last a couple of seconds over here, and feel like… oh come on! and support builds can be frustrating on a 1vs1 basis
However as an active wow pvp player i can ASSURE you that the current state of the (pvp) game (before the 8/8 path) is way, way, WAY more balanced (unless you’re a revenant, a core game player or an elementalist trying to do damage) than wow’s
personally i hate the guild halls, they’re too big, clunky and don’t feel like “guild halls” they feel like a whole map. Personally i’d prefer a SMALL fortress… or a house, hell even a small room would be better umu
I know I may sound as a QQer, but if you’re a long time gw2 player, you probably already know THE FACT that after every release/update we get days, sometimes weeks… even months (oooh dry top~ the memories~) of daily hotfixes, which is a good thing!! however…
Sometimes we get them once a day… twice… thrice… 4…. didn’t we end up getting 6 on the same day when bitterfrost’s released?
For a HUGE part of the community this may just be of little annoyance, _ you have to update 300 files every couple of hours??? so what!! shut the hell up frigging QQer!!!!!!_ you may think…
However, the world ain’t that perfect, gw2 is a game that goes beyond the so called “first world countries” and “lovely” internet connections sadly are still a thing even in parts of Europe and North america.
Just a small 66 files update may interrupt their gaming to a couple of thousands of players for “more than a couple of minutes”, me and my friends among them.
I know Anet may have better places where prioritize their resources, “love” happens, game-coding may be hard and fixing something without breaking anything’d be next to impossible, I’m not really blaming their errors.
I’m blaming the feeling that everybody reading this probably may be thinking* if you bothered to reach this part without skipping ahead*, whether you want to admit it or not Anet doesn’t beta-test enough before releasing something.
I know nothing about programming or how the inner-workings of a company such as Anet may be…. but…. is it too much to ask? a Public Test Server before releasing a LW update? must we take the “days” worth of hotfixes way all the time? just look at the last GemStore update from a couple of days ago, they’re still releasing hotfixes for it at least once a day.
Maybe I haven’t investigated enough and gw2 has a Public Test Server of sorts…. if that’s the case… how come I have never heard of it? are they promoting it? then why no matter what they update, a couple of hotfixes will always come along with it?
sorry for the long post o/ I know it may not among to anything, but hey! I can dream… umu
At least for daily fractals people (including me) want to be fast and efficient. Thats were meta builds come in, people dont wanna spend an hour on daily fractals just because someone wants to play his own build that doesnt synergize or has terrible dps.
Unfortunately the only solution to playing w/e u want without salt or drama or w8ing is to go with full guild group and not pug at all.
whenever I organize pugs on LFG, unless we’re farming. I add the keywords “casual/friendly run” to avoid salty people as even if me and my friends are running meta builds (and trust, me chances are we easily outdps you), though not always. The average so called “elitist METAer” (see what I did there? xP) can be a pain to deal with.
Sometimes things go fast, sometime slow, but hey it is fun, that’s the point of a game, I rather make fun of that ele that forgot to avoid the AOE, instead of blaming him/her and rage-quit(ing) in the middle of a fractal or kicking that necro cuz he/she ain’t running a zerk build (seriously, see what I did there? xP). If your reason for doing dailies is just to get rewards in 20 minutes or less, then clearly YOU should be the one considering getting into a constant party instead :/
that’s my opinion though, everybody has their own way of playing/enjoying the game, however the fact that the salty “elitist” METAer stereotype gives a bad image to (des)organized pugs is a reality that unless arenanet add something like random-LFG-queuing is and will continue to hurt the fractal/dungeon(ing) fan base.
your average new player miss dungeons/fractals because they’re afraid of messing things up, hell even I avoided them for months because of people like that (not like I’m blaming you though, please don’t misunderstand) as it’s happening right now with the raiding-community.
this is a problem that “other games” addressed incorporating “mythic difficulties” aka hardcore mode to almost every dungeon or raid. messing on a hardcore pug? GTFO from my raid noobster!!! … however going full kitten for messing up in a trivial difficulty thing as dailies are? pfff sorry kiddo you’re what we call a “rat kid” over here. (again, i’m not talking about you, it’s just an example, don’t misunderstand)
that’s why I avoid, make fun of and block so many “METAers”
HoT for 30$ worth it? definitely, don’t even doubt it if you can afford it
while expansions on mmorg are an stupid blizzard-ripoff-model that shouldn’t exist (there’re LOTS of better ways to get our money than locking out new content behind a new paywall in order to “stay competitive” [please read, observe, analyze this statement before opening your mouth and misunderstanding… as some people seem to love… sigh) 30$ is a fair price, even at this point of the expansion
However you’ll be missing chapters 1-4 of the L.W. season 3 I believe, but it isn’t that hard to earn the gold for it, just with the log in rewards.
Besides, chances are that HoT maps are going to receive a huge lose of population after the next expansion kicks out, even right now some meta events require you to use the LFG tool to find a “populated” map.
I just hope they don’t get greedy again on the next expansion… 30~35$ is a fair price for an expansion, even if the game doesn’t have monthly fees…
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: plushiesoda.8150
Hot was good enough they are making another expansion (you wouldn’t do that level of investment on something that has proven to fail)
right… failures from the past are never repeated, human history has proved it so far. You’re so right… oh wait…
please stop talking about expansions, what if they listen to you?? haven’t you learn about what happened last time they released one?
This isn’t wow, this game doesn’t need expansions… sadly only pre HoT players would understand… sigh