Showing Posts For populationcontrol.5072:

How to get extra cogs?

in Wintersday

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


pfft. lemme sell the 200 extra useless cogs for 1s each.

Toypocalypse Achievement in a PuG is difficult

in Wintersday

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Second try also, and funny enough, we didnt even communicate or plan this as a team lol.

Building siege and upgrading it is the key.
Make sure you feed the weakest dollies with the hay that spawns after toxx is dead.

Music tabs for choir bell

in Wintersday

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Rage Against The Machine – Bombtrack Intro:

18757532 1875780>3 <187575321 8757531

18757532 1875780>34343434 <187575321 8757531

18757532 1875780>3 <187575321 8757531

18757532 1875780>34343434 <187575321 8757531 11111111…

Missing some half-tones, maybe it can be transposed…I have no more bells.
The ‘34343434’ is a rapid pull-off/hammer-on in 16ths. The rest is in 8ths.

> move up octave
< move down octave

Getting stuck in the map/seeing map art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


I recently made a thread in the bugs section about coddler’s cove lantern platforms being invisible…I have no idea why this thread didn’t come up on my earlier search (before posting the thread. This time, I was looking for said thread to add that I had tried to repair the game, as per the instruction in the support section and this thread showed up)… I can see them now.

Last month, I started doing wvw alot, and of course had to set my graphics to the best performance so there would be the least impact possible on my fps during big fights (40-50 people).

I’m glad I can now do this puzzle. However, this is still a bug. There is NO reason why there should be important graphics such as these platforms not showing up on the lowest setting, escpecially when the other ones ARE showing up.
I just bought my machine this summer and I feel it lacking in respects to wvw (my own problem). I can imagine how much stuff like this disadvantages people with lower end, or older machines. Some people trying to do the Winter Wonderland puzzle are loading AFTER the snow flakes have appeared, making it pretty much impossible for them to complete it. I feel this kind of thing should be taken care of. Add an even lower detail resolution or allow us to remove particle effects specifically, or SOMETHING that allows those people to enjoy the game just as we do.

Special skins - keep transmuting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Cool, thanks.

Message Body length must at least be 15.

Special skins - keep transmuting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


As the tittle suggest, I’m wondering if I can keep transmuting a weapon skin like the candy cane hammer, or is it a one-time thing? Like say if I used it on a green hammer, then wanted it on a rare or exotic one?


Coddler's Cove - Missing graphics

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


2nd screenshot, from a different angle…


Coddler's Cove - Missing graphics

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


I’ve been trying to do that jumping puzzle with my Norn guardian (which I had done with 3 other chars, no problem) and I kept missing jumps somewhere inside the first 5 platforms, even while using a speed boon…until it hit me. Or rather I hit ‘it’. The collision mesh is still there, but its graphic counterpart isn’t. This puzzle is already difficult enough, now it’s just near impossible…
I tried it a few more times and finally landed on one of those collision meshes. I have 2 screenshots that show what I mean and if you’ve done this puzzle a few times, you’ll notice how many platforms are missing.


Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


I thought of checking it, my fps were at 35 +/-. I’d also tried it with higher graphics, in case I wasn’t seeing an effect that could’ve killed me/made me fail.. All that changed is my screen loaded too late and the flakes were already melting…

I managed to do the puzzle 4 times, still getting some random fails :1

Heh. Kinda feels like the game is pre-emptively figuring out that i’m not gonna make it, so it kicks me off lol

Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


It seems challenging enough and for me it’s fun, just like the clock tower from halloween.

The thing that’s getting me kitten off is the random failure…wth? That also happened in the clock tower, so I figured you’d have fixed it for this one. For no reason, I fail the puzzle. 5-6 times I didn’t even get past the third snowflake…. nothing’s damaging me beside the debuff and I’m not out of hp, I’m not falling off, there’s no rising mist of death catching up to me because I’m too slow… what’s going on? I’m sure i’m not the only one who has this happen… it’s really annoying.

Monthly Fractal Achievement bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


I can confirm. I did a run yesterday and it only counted for 2 in the monthly achievement.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072



this is at least my third week match on Sea of Sorrows and still not getting bonuses. I was getting plenty on Ferguson’s Crossing. The Scavenger bonus is something I would definitely notice as I’m a compulsive miner/harvester.

Just adding one more count to the list.

EDIT: Wintersday patch…guess that’s next week… :1

(edited by populationcontrol.5072)

Power/Toughness/Vitality Legs for Medium Temple Karma Armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Same issue here… Just got my Guardian’s heavy legs. Switched char to get the medium type and couldn’t find it. I also checked to find out none of the vendors actually has it…

Would be great to have an official answer as to whether this is intended ( I doubt that…) or correct?

Wintersday speculation thread

in Wintersday

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


I see a jumping puzzle with slippery ice on each platform, and a lot of rage from people trying to complete it!

Or, in keeping with the ice theme, why not transform the keg brawl arena into keg bowling? You’re the ball, the keg (snowmen?) the pins. Run, jump, slide, smash!

I thought the halloween event was actually fun, so as long as its not another lost shore event…

What if the Manifesto is just wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072



But be all that as it may, (if it’s a wrong analogy or not, I just thought I should explain why I thought it was fitting), I think Anet should be upfront about making these kinds of changes. A sort of “hey guys, sorry but the horizontal progression thing…it’s just not working out…”.
I think it’s too early to be getting new gear. I just got my guild backpack, which was the best back item available. Now, it’s not.
I’d be content if the new gear could at the very least not be useable in WvW. Through something like adjusting player level to the zone they’re in. Maybe make players with Ascended gear suffer from agony while using it in WvW? * Evil *
Players with full ascended will have a noticeable advantage which I’m not sure just how well it can be bridged by player skill.

In the end though, hoping for no gear progression is a bit naive. It’s gonna happen. It would make for a repetitive and boring game. The question is: how fast should it happen and by how much?
Regardless of what the manifesto implied or “promised”. I’ll say it again: Ideals don’t work well in Reality.
Democracy works well as an ideal. By the people, for the people…everyone happy, right? In reality, it’s by the majority, for the majority. The rest can just suck it up until the next election and hope their demographic don’t get screwed too much in the meantime.
A static world goes against the “dynamic event” philosophy behind the game. So, how else would you add incentive to play, without better stats/abilities and harder dungeons and bosses? With new challenges, you need better tools to work against them, otherwise you’re at a disadvantage. You’d quickly get overwhelmed and skill would be useless without the means to counter it. But we have a chance to counter players with better gear: it’s also available to us.

How can you maintain the status quo when things, by themselves, tend towards change?

I long for a game where devs would listen to players and make the game evolve based on player needs. But that’s just an ideal. And ideals…well…

What if the Manifesto is just wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072



Your guitar playing analogy would make sense if you would have to have a better, more expensive guitar to be able to play more complicated songs. You don’t, a guitar wizz can play anthing on the cheapest guitar he can find. No matter how expensive your guitar is, if you are bad you won’t be able to play those songs.

You’ve just described a horizontal progression where your skill alone is a factor in your progression. Better amplifiers, guitars, effects, etc provide you with a different/better sound but that’s subjective and personal preference.

If you can’t play not even the most expensive guitar in the world will make you a good guitar player. Practice will.


You mention you play guitar.

When tackling a song that’s very hard to play, do you ever find your equipment is what prevents you from playing it (aside from, y’know, if it requires effect peddles or that neat thing that Frampton sticks in his mouth or a 7-string with splayed frets like Charlie Hunter)?

I’m guessing no.
I’m guessing that as YOUR skill increases, so does your ability to play harder and harder songs. Your guitar isn’t holding you back — at worst, it might look chintzy and sound bad, but getting a better one wouldn’t change the fundamental fact that it is YOUR ABILITY ALONE that determines what you can or cannot play.

That’s all I was looking for here. Not just another game where skill is determined by your gear, where player ability is meaningless and all that counts is your gearscore.

The 2nd post answers the 1rst one. I agree with both of you. Having an expansive guitar doesn’t make you a better player. But that’s not what I implied and it’s my fault for not going into details.

One of my favorite bands is Scale The Summit. They use 8-string guitars. I have 6. I can play their songs with my 6 strings, but I have to substitute every note that would be played on either the 1rst or 8th string. Usually that means the note is an octave higher or lower or on another string. There’s a big difference in feel to the ear as the same note on different string have different frequency content.
My guitar has no tremolo (a bridge with an arm that allows you to pitch the note up or down and do all kinds of crazy spooky sounds). That means I can’t do a “divebombs” or other tremolo techniques (Slayer – Reign In Blood).
I don’t have a “killswitch” either (Rage Against The Machine – Know Your Enemy). That’s just not doable with a pedal tremolo, which is automatic.
Pedals, fx, Stompboxes: I don’t need them to play my guitar, but it extends the range of sounds I can make and so, the music I can make. Music is very emotionally charged. FX don’t just sound cool, they have a tangible purpose within a song, just like the rhythm, the melody and the tone of the instrument. Without them, the song will sound dull and bland. Ever noticed how many guitars professionals can have? It’s not because they just can. Each has its own “personality” and is used for different songs. A Fender Stratocaster does not sound at all like a Gibson Epiphone. Just like a cheap strat doesn’t come close to what an expansive strat sounds like. It’s a matter of quality of the components = quality of sound.

Everyone of these things makes a song more complex (as opposed to complicated) and requires more components (higher cost for making the instrument) and requires more ability to coordinate the different techniques.

While my ability accounts for the greater part of what I can or cannot play. My gear allows me to put that ability to a greater field of uses.

You don’t get better at guitar because you have a more expansive guitar. You don’t get any better at playing because you have more expensive gear. Wait, we’re not talking about cost are we? You get better because your arsenal is more expensive. Notice the change from A to E. The first one meaning “costly”, the 2nd meaning “bigger, larger”.

Farming gear is akin to practicing playing the guitar: everyone can have it, they just have to put the time into it. Ascended gear is just that, it’s a new pedal fx that you didn’t have and that has its own uses (agony and FotM dungeon higher difficulties).


What if the Manifesto is just wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


I read half of the first page, and it’s pretty heavy to read…

And all I could think about is that life itself is a gear threadmill. It’s Darwin’s theory of evolution! You have a given environment and given abilities, adapted to this environment but the world is dynamic, so you constantly have to evolve and become better adapted to changing conditions.
We wouldn’t exist in a static world. There would be no need for us. No conditions to require something as complex as us.
If we suddenly didn’t need to learn to walk, we’d still be born with legs. And not using them would cause them to become unusable, withered and deformed.
If we don’t have something to work towards, to become better at, we wither and die. Or, quit the game. Pun intended.

I play guitar. Playing the same old songs gets boring, even if I love these songs and I always want to play them better. I need to learn to do things I think as hard, so they eventually become easy and boring and leave room for the need of something harder to learn to do. In turn, this new knowledge makes those old songs easier to play. Progression.

Just a note, musicians use chord progressions to make a song interesting…

A fashion sense is only gonna take you so far in a game, but that is a progression in itself. Better looking, more wardrobe and attitude options, etc.
Some people, like me, also like better stats, so we can do better in the game world, take down bigger mobs. Do things we weren’t able to do before.

Seeing the constant yet?

The status quo constantly needs to be challenged for things to become better. For things to evolve and for players to evolve, which is what keeps us interested.

Saying that a defining trait of mmo’s is progression (story, gear, difficulty) should be obvious to anyone. Life is progression. Everything in it progresses and changes to adapt to new conditions. Everything we create mimics this principle.

Anet’s manifesto is just a guiding ideal. An Ideal is static. Reality is dynamic. That’s why ideals don’t do well in the real world. That’s why when you put 2 volts signal through an amplifier that multiplies it by 2, you don’t get 4 volts. You get 3.9 volts. There is always some loss in one way or another. There are always conditions that require you to adapt, as in putting in a stronger signal to be amplified if you really want that 4 volts.

I’m just rambling. Meh, I felt like replying. Sorry if I sounded moralizing. Sue me.

Point is, things change. And staying or leaving is a choice. Just like when volcanoes erupts and destroys cities, some people chose to stay and rebuild, others leave to build away from volcanoes. They just have to deal with a new environment, with its own challenges.

They’re both right. They both adapt. That’s all we’ve ever done.

Let me be a nerd and quote my favorite movie: “All things change in a dynamic environment. Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you”.

Combat lacks: anticipation > dodge/block.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Before settling on gw2, I trialed TERA. I loved that I could move out of the way of attacks. This is something that annoys me in gw2.

You’d think as a thief you could avoid attacks like that of the golem or eye of zaithan by going stealth…nope. Mob still knows you’re there… You’re locked-on. During my personal story, I even had orrian specters FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE while I was stealthed. They were locked-on but couldn’t attack because “I was in stealth” and the code didn’t allow them to until I reappeared… You’d think stealth would cause mobs to lose/reset their target or continue shooting at the last place they saw you, till the skills ended…nope.

Stealth should cause enemies to reset aggro on you…it doesn’t. Soon as you come out of you 10 second stealth, they go “Hey, I remember you!” And somehow the damage others did in that time isn’t enough to get them the aggro? Screw the holy trinity. I’m still a thief. If I wanna tank damage I’ll play my war or level up my guardian. That’s what guardians are for, right? Tanking and healing? As OP said, you can’t really plan or use tactics to let someone who’s better equiped to take the damage actually do that. Maybe I should use green gear and auto-attack from the back so I do as little damamge as possible so as to not get aggro?…But….wait…if you’re…then that means….oh, boy….

I’ve been playing mmo’s for a while, but maybe I’m too stupid to get how this game works? After 3 Lv80 chars, 2500 achievement points, 6/8 crafts LV400 (all that farming…), 1700 events completed and 98% of the world map completed? And a good portion of this done solo…you’d think I’d have figured out how to take care of myself by now… Unless…

I like this game alot. But most of the “challenge” seems to come from surmounting my frustration of not being able to do things anyone would expect to be able to do… like being in the safe zone when a tar elemental is facing the other way and he launches his ranged attack…. wait, is that thing heat-seeking vomit… ewww

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


First of all, I think it’s great that your listening to and acting on player concerns.

Second, I just started using it today and it feels great. The view feels a lot less “constricted”. My norn is no longer takes so much space.

There one thing that bothers me a bit though: the environment looks ‘fuzzy’. When I first put it on, I kept rubbing my eyes thinking I had something in it! (I’d just woken up…). Don’t know if this can be helped at all, maybe it’s just my settings as the screenshots shown in this thread don’t seem to have this issue. I did a jumping puzzle recently, Chaos Crystal Caverns where there’s sparks that change the camera view and character size, etc. Didn’t notice if things get ‘fuzzy’ in that case also…

(edited by populationcontrol.5072)

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Hi all,

After reading some post about this ‘bug’, that said you had to get at it from the eastern side, I went there and tried. The cattlepult isn’t bugged anymore on Fergusson’s Crossing. I can interact with the cattlepult and get to the vista.

However I still get the ‘content disabled’ message from Mad Mardine.

(edited by populationcontrol.5072)

That content has been temporarily disabled in Romke's Final voyage

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Hi, if I remember correctly, there are Risen Grubs in that quest (to get a map back from some sunken ship, right?). There seems to be a problem with the loot table for those Risen Grubs, that’s why you get the message. The content that’s disabled is the loot, as far as I could figure out. It wont keep you from finishing the quest and getting whatever reward at the end.

Ebonhawke Organ Un-usable.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072



So, I happened to have logged there on my ranger, and I figured Id go check the organ again: I can play the organ, and the song opens the door, but the chest is already opened so not loot to be had.

Dunno who did what in the meanwhile between now and yesterday … Maybe a friendly neighborhood dev took a stab at it?(…)

Ebonhawke Organ Un-usable.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Fergusson’s Crossing
Ebonhawke Stronghold
Warrior Lv 43

I remember using the organ on my ranger a week or so ago, and I played the song, but nothing happened. Since then, I learned that the left door opens to a chest, so I went back on this character to try it, but the organ isn’t accessible, ie, it doesn’t give me the option to play it. I’ve tried moving around, to play the angle but no luck. I went back to listen to the music, in the cemetery, read Gwen’s tombstone, still no luck.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Bugged out. I didnt get a patch download today…

Edit: I tried it again, right after I posted. It worked fine. I made sure I didn’t move past the green circles and waited for every event to happen, can’t say for sure that’s why it worked tho.

(edited by populationcontrol.5072)

Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis

in Suggestions

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


you’ve put it in (many more) better words than I could (and it the right forum..).

Great job! And thanks!

Why Guild Wars 2 is doomed: 10 years of DAOC and dissapointed.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


“Putting other people down doesn’t elevate you. If you wanna gelevate yourself, rise above.”

My first PVP server experience was Rallos Zek on EQ, 5 levels above or below pvp. And it was hell. Zone camping, corpse camping, can’t do quests, people with lv60 gear that de-leveled to 30 to to go on masskittenpage. Stupid.
I could only imagine how worse it was for the players on Sullon Zek, who had to deal with getting killed by lv60 players at lv10. Like someone already mentioned, it seems to me to only be about grieving other players, getting them to rage and QQ and whatnot because they can’t actually play and get anything done.
True people who don’t enjoy getting killed over and over by idiots shouldn’t join pvp servers. I haven’t since then, on any game. I’d rather play with respectful players that form a respectful community.
I’ve PVP’d, I’ve dueled, but all in the spirit of sportsmanship. The goal is to measure my skills against others’, and I can’t do that if they’re not able to defend themselves. Either because they’re low level or because I stun-lock them, or go invisible or whatever keeps them from actually being able to attack or defend against me, other than by having charms or pumping pots of all kinds.
PVP servers are against sportsmanship. If that’s what you want, go play a deathmatch on some 1rst-person shooter. GW2’s goal is to incite players to work together to achieve their goals, to create a community where people help each other out, even when they might not mean to, but just happen to be there at the same time and have the same goal (took anything from doing your personal storyline?).
Just yesterday, I got some event done, and then a kitten boss spawned. Could do it alone, so I called it on /map chat and found a handful of players who wanted in, it was still a hard fight, we died a couple times but we killed it. While we were fighting someone said “man, this is so cool!” (I don’t pretend to quote exactly). He was having alot of fun. Another thank us for inviting him cause it gave him his level. I think some then, went on to do a dungeon.
This is the kind community I wanna be part of. This probably wouldn’t have been possible on a pvp server. Certain players would have come just to keep us from achieving our goal. They wouldn’t have gotten anything, except maybe the fleeting feeling of power they get from making others lives as miserable as theirs. If you know how kitteny things can get, why the hell would you want other people to feel it too? More so if you’re being the cause of it?

Getting a bit over-philosophical here…
Point is, this is far from what GW2 seems to want to be. The game is obviously meant to break away from most of what we’ve known from other games, and I support that, and I’ll stand up for them to be able to do it. As will others.
If you want GW2 to be another game, then just go play that other game.

Just a thought.

FOV in GW2 headaches and claustrophobic sensations.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


Hi, I started a thread very similar to this, about allowing 1rst person view and further camera zoom out.

Anyway, +1.

It’s a real problem when people are actually getting nauseous and have a bit of a claustrophobic feeling. Personally I need more space to feel comfortable.

And about that WvW looking-over-the-walls thing, easy fix, build higher wall models :P

Suggestion: Camera control range.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: populationcontrol.5072


First, I’m new on the forums, so, hi all!

Second, I’m beginning to find the camera action really frustrating and annoying, it’s straining my eyes and giving me headaches. The problem happens during jumping challenges mostly, especially those that involve jumping around a lot of jagged mountain walls, buildings with over-hanging roofs, balconies, basically anywhere where there are complex collision meshes. The camera will jitter back and forth as I try to find a good angle to see what I’m trying to do, where my next step is. I know this is unavoidable as a general thing, but on all the games I’ve played, I could go into first person view, effectively negating the problem or I could pull the camera further away from my character and move it on top, which brings me to my next point…

I find myself confused on the battlefield, during and out of events, because of how restricted my field of view is. As someone else put it, it kind of makes you feel claustrophobic. The closeness of the camera makes it hard to find targets, see what others are doing and how you can assist them and better strategize . I feel the need for a better overview of the field I’m on.

I don’t know how else to put it, if others reading this would like to add their voice, please do leave comments or just ‘+1’ this post.

Not sure if this is the right forum or way to do this, but it’s worth a shot.