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What happend to Gunnar's Hold?

in WvW

Posted by: porem.2601


I am not sure how many of the other posters here are GH or Vabbi, but as a Vabbian I thought I’d share my thoughts on this.


Its not Vabbi nor GH fault, blame Anet here.

U had no problem because u were linked into T1! In fact, u had massive population boost by all these bandwagonners who transfer to Vabbi for cheap T1.

GH on other hand had link with UW… and there was this MU: AM x DZ x GH+UW and it was always close one. Now they give us Vabbi instead. Because ye… on paper i think u had similar population as GH… but surprise surprise only original Vabbians stayed on server. So instead of UW who had few public commanders, raiding groups we got Vabbi who have few roamers. So we get linked with lower populated server than before and we got MU where for example Dz + AM are linked together.

GH had lowest pop from all host servers and yet, we got linked with lowest pop guest server. So no surprise there is no chance.

There is no massive exodus cuz u know… even if whole server transfer off GH u cant point it as massive ^^

World Linking 8/26/2016

in WvW

Posted by: porem.2601


Hello everyone,

I know a lot of EU players are asking why Far Shiverpeaks is linked with Whiteside Ridge and Fissure of Woe so I figured I would clear up why this link was made.

Our goal with World Linking is good matches. This doesn’t necessarily mean that worlds in tier 4 are intended to be competitive with worlds in tier 1, but ideally every world in tier 4 should be competitive with the other worlds in tier 4 and likewise every world in tier 1 should be competitive with the other worlds in tier 1. It would be nice if worlds in tier 4 were competitive with tier 1, but it’s not realistic since the distribution of players across worlds is not consistent. The issue is compounded in EU, due to the fact that we are avoiding linking worlds with different languages. For example, there is only one Spanish world, so they’ll never be linked and thus might never be competitive in tier 1 worlds. Similarly making each set of German worlds have equivalent populations has proved equally impossible because if we were to link them they would have a much higher population than other worlds, making match-ups against them not competitive.

Far Shiverpeaks was linked with two worlds because we needed a third world that would have similar population to the French worlds, specifically Jade Sea and Vizunah Square so that the matchup could be competitive. Far Shiverpeaks, Whiteside, Ridge, and Fissure of Woe linked together gave us the best population to create competitive match-ups for that tier.

It is also important to keep in mind that this is the very first week of match-ups and it will take time before glicko adjusts worlds into their correct tiers.

So u basicaly saying that lower tier servers just should give up fighting for better/different mu and u will decide who they can fight? I mean… u want ppl to enjoy the game /or at least u saying that/ and yet even if some link from lower tier start /highly doubt it/ growing and ranking up, after 2 months you just could say… hey guys, but we need you fighting down here in plastic league. Here, take this empty server and go back where u belong. Yeah, this will motivate ppl in lower tiers pla… for sure :]

I guess community (or whats left) hoped that this server linking thing is here to close gaps between tiers and access greater diversity of MUs. Now u saying that FSP is here to fight FR servers… Ok im not sure if that is sad or funny anymore.

Also in your equation… how will be GH+Vabbi competitive with anyone for this linking?

(edited by porem.2601)