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Raid LFG alternative system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: psudoshot.5730


Before the in game LFG system existed there was

With all the complaints about the LFG system not working for raids, the lfg website might work as a substitute until the in game system is updated. No dropping squad to look for people, no suppressed messages, no cluttered LFG screen that’s constantly changing. It may even be a good option for running a taxi to meta event maps.

It’ll only work if people know it’s out there and use it but it’s just an option. If you like the idea and want to use it just remind people that it’s out there.

*I recommend using the ‘other’ option as an event, I have no idea if the site is planning on updating to include selections for raids.


[Request] Bank reclone/reset for BWE3+

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: psudoshot.5730


Is there any way to reset my beta bank? I’ve gotten new gear/sigils/runes/etc that i’d like to test for the next beta that you cant get from the gear boxes. Some people say that if you delete your beta characters then it resets but some other people say that it doesnt work.


WvW spawn bug/server lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: psudoshot.5730


Not sure if this was some sort of bug but after spawning as soon as the wvw servers reopened at least two servers were dumped on a spot at the edge of the map that you normally cant get access to. I know this spot is used as a bit of pre-loading area but i never see it for more than a half of a second. This time, though, everyone just loaded there together and never got moved to spawn. Needless to say, it was a very large battle (and quite entertaining) but unintended. I figured I should mention something in case this is a new bug and not just server lag. I did get a few screen shots.


Idea for excess WvW skill points

in WvW

Posted by: psudoshot.5730


Sorry if this has been mentioned before but…

I’ve finally hit the point where all of my WvW skills are maxed and now I’m just sitting on any extra points and waiting for new skills. I know a lot of other people are in this same situation too. I think it would be amazing if Anet introduced a vendor that you could spend extra rank points at for siege, superior siege, trade them for badges, or anything WvW related really. I know a lot of commanders out there have the spare points and would love to be able to buy superior siege. Any thoughts or ideas on the subject?


Escape from LA cinematic + Radioactive

in Community Creations

Posted by: psudoshot.5730


I was listening to the song Radioactive from Imagine dragons and thought that it would go well with what’s going on in LA. Without any editing, I found that it fit well and thought this might be a good place to share.

Slighty edited version.


(edited by psudoshot.5730)

7/5 CD - SoS - SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: psudoshot.5730


Yeah, its been brutal Yulo. We sat out manned basically all day in 4 maps, blinking on and off in EB. Tried to go head up with some of the SoS zergs, but it was impossible. They clearly have a much larger player base then last time. CD, also seems to have grown, they had a HUGE presence on our BL, I dont think we were able to field 35-40 people.
Might have to just consolidate to one map and see if we can squeeze a couple of kills out of the zergs. Oh well, just gotta take your beatings.

I am not sure if you still lead on EB but we give you guys ample room to push CD and push them off EB but you guys have a kitten for SM/WC or even coming behind us all the way to QL. If your NA is weak play the 2v1. I doubt SoS NA is any stronger then SBI since we outmanned on 2 bls and have to float across maps to keep things stable. CD is getting organized and has really big SEA crew it seems. Lots of fun in this matchup so far.

I can actually verify this. I was tagged in EB for around 10 hours last night and noticed a pattern. Not counting AP and MG, most of our stuff was left alone and SoS went for CD. Then when SoS went for the CD keep we got to ninja SM and a couple CD towers with our tiny overnight crew.
I had to laugh though when we went and took RQ, SoS brought the entire zerg and took speldon. They didnt touch AP or MG, they just zerged speldon. Like “you took our camp so we’re taking yours and you cant stop us. deal with it.”
But alas, once they had all of the CD area, they started on us and the siege of our keep began. I was waiting for a zerg at our gate so i could farm some bags but you guys held back and went with trebs. It was a good attempt but it seemed like you guys got bored after a while. That’s good, i was getting bored too



in Match-ups

Posted by: psudoshot.5730


Just for you I’ll make sure we spend equal times in both your borderlands, however some of us (Noodica) have developed this hate for SBI, so we may spend more time in their BL.

NSP, I missed you guys. Ronny raygun, oscularis and of course the biggest chest thumper.. Bird song!

Im flattered, actually missed you guys too. Raygun transferred back to GoM because we trolled him too much and yes you should look forward to Bird’s terrible memes bright and early.

Oh my. Ronny Raygun. I wonder if that’s the same Ronny Raygun from Aion that ‘tried’ running zergs there that always ended up kitten ing. I ran with him once and then for months after he PM’ed me constantly about joining him. he was worse than an army recruiter. I don’t blame you for trolling him until he left.


6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: psudoshot.5730


Anvil Rock might be able to put more pressure on us if your the SBI Zombie Horde did not keep flipping Overlook Keep every couple of hours or so.

I just had to.



(edited by psudoshot.5730)