(edited by psykles.1573)
Showing Posts For psykles.1573:
You have to really like thief to bring them to dungeon.
I see no reason to bring a thief over a guardian for instance for most dungeons. Anyways, I like the thief though…. I don’t think it’s that horrible, we have a bad rep mostly because all thieves feel like they have to run full zerk.
Black powder can make a full zerker group pretty much invincible on trash pulls.
Shadow refuge is a free revive.
Smoke screen is a smoke field which blocks projectiles on a short cooldown.
No class, not even a guardian, can compete with a thief’s blinds and evades.
Guardians become more useful than thieves on bosses where aegis becomes more reliable than blind and they can keep high uptime on group protection and retaliation.
Not that many guardians do actually provide these benefits in a pug.
Tactical strike is a 2 SECOND DAZE.
Larcenous strike steals 2 boons from a target and hits as hard and usually even harder than other class’ abilities.
The list can go on and on and on.
(edited by psykles.1573)
I play as a full zerker with 12k hp.
Spec is either 25 30 0 0 15 or 0 30 0 15 25 depending on the mood.
Weapon sets are based on what the fight requires.
I find myself using s/p with d/d as the 2nd weapon set quite a lot. Sometimes replacing s/p with s/d, sometimes d/d with d/p, it all depends on the encounter.
You need to know when to dodge.
15 points in acrobatics for extra dodges and vitality, and signet of agility are both real lifesavers.
This gives you about 5 dodges in a row, and you can use weapon skills for extra evades in between to have a nice evade rotation if needed.
In a pug, I would certainly recommend having those 15 points in acro as a zerker.
It’s more than possible to be a full zerker and be successful without getting downed at all, let alone too much.
To help you start off, get a full zerker set with valkyrie chest and legs and practise dodging. The extra 2000ish hp from the chest, legs and traits combined will put you close to 14k health without losing the zerker’s most important stat – crit damage.
This will let you survive almost any aoe in the game so you can start learning when to dodge.
Don’t listen to people who say it can’t be done.
It can be done anywhere in the game, it just takes practise and it does pay off.
(edited by psykles.1573)
Has anyone tried x/30/x/x/25 ?
The damage is very nice, especially when keeping initiative over 6.The best thing about it, imo, is that it works with every weapon set and combo and you don’t need to keep switching a trait out in deadly arts whenever you go from dagger to sword mainhand to keep max damage.
Also, the regen is pretty crazy with it, especially when you have the trait which has a chance of giving 1 regen on any weapon’s autoattacks and steal giving initiative for even more hs spam !
I’ve tried the 25/30/0/15/0 build, but when you run out of initiative, you’re pretty much stuck with autoattack.
With x/30/x/x/25, you can free up a utility slot by not having infiltraitor’s signet or roll for initaitive although they would enhance this build even further still.For absolute farm mode, you can have haste, assassin’s signet, signet of agility and never have to worry about initiative.
Thoughts ?
It seems interesting but if we get 1 dagger auto attack chain + 1 part of double strike in 3 seconds then that means on average you looking at +1 initiative every 9 seconds IF all you are doing is auto attacking which means in most cases this is worse than just having an infiltrators signet. not to mention the loss in dps due to not having points in the 1st 2 trees.
you would have to weigh the ini gain vs damage lost from stats and traits in the 1st tree to get a clearer answer. You should also weigh the benefits of the ini gains from the signet and roll for initiative vs the damage bonuses from the signets like agi/power. Feel free to set the math up lol I’m still working on the shadow arts one and with the new event coming up idk if im going to have time to spend doing all the math just yet :S.
The math for it would be fairly difficult.
There’s a very large number of variables involved and time is a sour factor.
The initiative gain also comes from Opportunist from the critical strikes tree rather than just from Kleptomaniac and Initial Strike from the trickery tree.
Since Lead Attacks from trickery is a percentage based increase, it plays very nicely with the crit damage multiplier making for insanely high crits especially when vulnerability and might are factored in. The damage increase feels exponential !
While dagger autos can sometimes feel everso slightly smaller, everything else gets a huge increase and only gets higher with more boons and conditions thrown into the mix.
It feels mostly the same as 25/30/x/x/x except there seems to be no shortage of initiative letting you throw out more concentrated and focused bursts and keep up higher autoattack dps across all weapon sets without so much trait switching except for when/if you’ll be using p/p for the majority of a fight.
Give it a try some time !
The last 15 points can be thrown anywhere, even in deadly arts for the extra power though shadow arts could make very good use of it with the init gain on stealth making for even more backstabs and higher sustained autoattack dps on s/d.
I want a dps meter to see how it all pans out, but at the same time, people reviving each other because there is no dps meter is also a good thing XD
Has anyone tried x/30/x/x/25 ?
The damage is very nice, especially when keeping initiative over 6.
The best thing about it, imo, is that it works with every weapon set and combo and you don’t need to keep switching a trait out in deadly arts whenever you go from dagger to sword mainhand to keep max damage.
Also, the regen is pretty crazy with it, especially when you have the trait which has a chance of giving 1 regen on any weapon’s autoattacks and steal giving initiative for even more hs spam !
I’ve tried the 25/30/0/15/0 build, but when you run out of initiative, you’re pretty much stuck with autoattack.
With x/30/x/x/25, you can free up a utility slot by not having infiltraitor’s signet or roll for initaitive although they would enhance this build even further still.
For absolute farm mode, you can have haste, assassin’s signet, signet of agility and never have to worry about initiative.
Thoughts ?
I was doing FotM today and my inventory was full when I got back to the lab.
I repaired all my items, right-clicked pants in my inventory that I normally wear, clicked equip and the pants I had on vanished into thin air with no confirmation dialog or anything – they just vanished.
Those pants were Corrupted Orrian Pants purchased using Arah tokens.
I received an email from a GM stating they can’t be replaced, neither can the tokens.
Has this happened to anyone else ?
Does this seem fair ?
It’s not like I salvaged the pants, or destroyed them myself. They unknowingly disappeared and there’s nothing that can be done about it now ?
Does it seem worthwhile or fair to do anything in this game when things can just vanish without a trace and never be returned ?
Sydney, Australia on Sea of Sorrows.
Game has been completely unplayable today.
Massive lag.
Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 17 ms 17 ms 18 ms xxxx [hidden]
3 18 ms 18 ms 17 ms xxxx [hidden]
4 17 ms 16 ms 17 ms xxxx [hidden]
5 17 ms 19 ms 19 ms xxxx [hidden]
6 18 ms 19 ms 19 ms 26629.siko06.cu.telstraglobal.net [
7 20 ms 20 ms 19 ms i-0-7-1-0.sydo-core02.bi.telstraglobal.net [202.
8 175 ms 174 ms 175 ms i-0-0-4-0.eqnx-core01.bx.telstraglobal.net [202.
9 175 ms 174 ms 175 ms i-0-4-0-2.eqnx03.bi.telstraglobal.net [202.84.25
10 170 ms 173 ms 170 ms l3-peer.eqnx03.pr.telstraglobal.net [134.159.62.
11 208 ms 203 ms 202 ms vlan70.csw2.SanJose1.Level3.net []
12 204 ms 203 ms 203 ms ae-72-72.ebr2.SanJose1.Level3.net []
13 203 ms 202 ms 203 ms ae-2-2.ebr2.SanJose5.Level3.net []
14 208 ms 213 ms 208 ms ae-6-6.ebr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [
15 207 ms 208 ms 208 ms ae-6-6.ebr2.LosAngeles1.Level3.net [
16 207 ms 207 ms 208 ms ae-83-83.csw3.Dallas1.Level3.net []
17 203 ms 208 ms 208 ms ae-83-83.csw3.Dallas1.Level3.net []
18 220 ms 220 ms 250 ms
19 220 ms 222 ms 209 ms
20 202 ms 203 ms 209 ms
21 202 ms 202 ms 203 ms
22 * * 206 ms
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.
Trace complete.
What is there not to love about a 25% speed signet?
The fact that our 9k shatters will be almost unavoidable and will cause everyone to reroll mesmers making spvp boring.
Every day I get into, on average, 2 games consisting of 10 mesmers.
What is there to love about that ?Now imagine if we became 25% faster and clones ripped across the screen.
We’d be the gods of gods.there are many more reasons, i just cant pinpoint how this community thinks.
Some are asking for it in combat, some want it only out of combat.
Others want it “only out of combat but it would help so much in combat”
Who knows…Sword #3 is a 600 range, which will miss most of the time when people are running with a 25% speed signet.
Please feel free to leave CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.
If I really want to catch that person, I’ll use blink then sword 3 and they’re immobilised.
Is that constructive enough ?
Use your imagination and make the class come to life.
If you don’t want to catch someone, then don’t use the tools that we already have.Why should we become even more faceroll than we already are ?
Do you not like this game enough to want people to continue playing it by having a diversity of classes and situations to react to ?blink doesnt work anymore when ur in combat and they arent, if its a 2v1, to catch one, and there arent many mesmers in pvp. and why are u always in pvp? endgame content is dungeons and wvw
I’ve been using blink all day with no problem (in spvp). Countless times, 0 problems.
There are TONS of mesmers in pvp, sometimes 10 in a game, average 3-4 per game.
I’m always in pvp because I enjoy it, no repair bill, free respecs to try everything out.
Endgame content is whatever you make of it.
25% passive speed increase in combat for mesmers is a bad idea.
It’s 4:30am. I’m going to sleep now and probably never coming back to this thread again.
you are missing the constructive part of your comment, please elaborate.
the illusions only come in combat. the reason we want a 25% speed signet if for outside of combat, so we can move freely to explore map and assemble in wvw.
i cant be bothered to decipher your weird code of skills and situation.but let me ask you this, why are u so against mesmers having a speed signet? 25% helps a bunch in any situation, if you get bursted, you got unlucky or outplayed.
A side note, you should consider taking in account:
gs is only stronger on long range, at close range its weaker than the sword auto attack.
mesmers are squishy, and vs other classes in situations that u have to chase or run, you will get outrunned and/or killed when being chased.I re-read my post and can see that I haven’t missed anything contstructive.
There is no need to decipher any “weird code of skills and situation”.
All the skills mentioned are mesmer skills that are available to all mesmers in the game.
Simply reading the tooltips will “decipher” it all for you.Outside of combat – I don’t care.
I’m happy enough to swap to focus for a 33% speed increase.
33% > 25%.
It’s not that different to switching to a signet.
In fact, if it’s only out of combat, then the signet would be a waste of a utility slot wouldn’t it ?
Focus #4 does it already..I have considered the range damage on the gs which is why I don’t use a gs in pvp.
More and more mesmers and fail rerolls are catching onto this.
When was the last time you saw a high rank mesmer or a good mesmer use a gs ?
It’s very rare for a number of reasons, and this is one of them.Everyone is squishy if you’re specced that way.
Name me one class that can’t be dropped in 5 seconds if they’re specced full glass cannon ?
(Rhetorical question by the way)
Some in even less time.
Mesmers actually have more base hp than most other classes.gs is the best damage a mesmer can have ranged, i use it and ive seen 50-50 mesmer use gs/staff and carry a gs with them for dungeons to be ranged and use staff to support. the other “50” a different weapon
ive played engi to lvl 80, ranger and warrior and i have to say i dont mind the slowness of warrior and i do mind mesmers being quite slow for lvling.
if they add a signet, i assume its gonna be the same for in and out of combat. i didnt say it should he for only out of combat, i said its nice to move freely outside of combat. (just as fast as the other classes that have signets for speed)
I use a gs for dungeons when I’m damage specced.
My main weapon is sword/sword and switch to gs only when I can’t melee.
So I understand the benefits of gs in pve when range is required.
I’m lucky that I roll with an organised group so I’m either full support, or full damage.
There are very situational times where different weapons are used to suit.
I think my opinions will always clash with others though since I’m prioritising the effects this would have strictly in an spvp environment.
If it were to be only in pve, then I’m all game, couldn’t care less one way or the other.
What is there not to love about a 25% speed signet?
The fact that our 9k shatters will be almost unavoidable and will cause everyone to reroll mesmers making spvp boring.
Every day I get into, on average, 2 games consisting of 10 mesmers.
What is there to love about that ?
Now imagine if we became 25% faster and clones ripped across the screen.
We’d be the gods of gods.
there are many more reasons, i just cant pinpoint how this community thinks.
Some are asking for it in combat, some want it only out of combat.
Others want it “only out of combat but it would help so much in combat”
Who knows…
Sword #3 is a 600 range, which will miss most of the time when people are running with a 25% speed signet.
Please feel free to leave CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.
If I really want to catch that person, I’ll use blink then sword 3 and they’re immobilised.
Is that constructive enough ?
Use your imagination and make the class come to life.
If you don’t want to catch someone, then don’t use the tools that we already have.
Why should we become even more faceroll than we already are ?
Do you not like this game enough to want people to continue playing it by having a diversity of classes and situations to react to ?
you are missing the constructive part of your comment, please elaborate.
the illusions only come in combat. the reason we want a 25% speed signet if for outside of combat, so we can move freely to explore map and assemble in wvw.
i cant be bothered to decipher your weird code of skills and situation.but let me ask you this, why are u so against mesmers having a speed signet? 25% helps a bunch in any situation, if you get bursted, you got unlucky or outplayed.
A side note, you should consider taking in account:
gs is only stronger on long range, at close range its weaker than the sword auto attack.
mesmers are squishy, and vs other classes in situations that u have to chase or run, you will get outrunned and/or killed when being chased.
I re-read my post and can see that I haven’t missed anything contstructive.
There is no need to decipher any “weird code of skills and situation”.
All the skills mentioned are mesmer skills that are available to all mesmers in the game.
Simply reading the tooltips will “decipher” it all for you.
Outside of combat – I don’t care.
I’m happy enough to swap to focus for a 33% speed increase.
33% > 25%.
It’s not that different to switching to a signet.
In fact, if it’s only out of combat, then the signet would be a waste of a utility slot wouldn’t it ?
Focus #4 does it already..
I have considered the range damage on the gs which is why I don’t use a gs in pvp.
More and more mesmers and fail rerolls are catching onto this.
When was the last time you saw a high rank mesmer or a good mesmer use a gs ?
It’s very rare for a number of reasons, and this is one of them.
Everyone is squishy if you’re specced that way.
Name me one class that can’t be dropped in 5 seconds if they’re specced full glass cannon ?
(Rhetorical question by the way)
Some in even less time.
Mesmers actually have more base hp than most other classes.
@ psykles, what about necro? super tanky and 25% speed signet, spectral walk and warhorn speedbuff+ cripple,
mesmers are squishy, they need to survive. seeing the other classes have their passive speed buff buffed, making mesmer “less” survivable.
blink wont be enough to run away cos they can catch up, also not all mesmers use blink.
Mesmers can be tanky as well if specced for it.
I’ve seen glass cannon necros get dropped in a few seconds, just as squishy as glass cannon mesmers.
A big problem is people go glass cannon then complain about survivability.
People go full tanky them complain about DPS.
You can go half and half – have good survivability and good DPS.
This isn’t the same as some other MMO’s where everything is cookie cutter.
Just because you don’t have 30 points in a trait line, you’re not useless.
Not everyone uses their speed increase signets/weapons/traits.
They can if they want.
We can if we want.
Why is there a problem ?
ok well spvp is only one aspect of the game and a small one at that. its no fun being half a map away from your team in wvw because your cant get swiftness at all ever. and teleport is not a reasonable alternative. sure you port away but then that thief or war runs right over to you, walks you down and pwns your face for free. a movespeed buff outside of combat would be fair and one of the main reaons why im never on my mez is because i just feel so damn slow all the time compared to my engi and guardian.
Some people ONLY spvp.
If something like this happened, spvp would be non-existant altogether because mesmers is all you’d ever see.
At least right now, there are a mix of other classes every now and then.
You CAN get swiftness.
Focus #4 gives swiftness, read the tooltip – 33% speed increase.
It also gives it to any allies who walk over it and a 50% cripple to enemies who do the same.
It can also be used to interrupt or pull people into it.
There’s also traits to reduce the cooldown AND have it reflect projectiles, which is a lot of fun
As per my previous post, I swap pistol out to focus for the swiftness then back to pistol.
This occurs out of combat.
Concerning WvW – portal bombs would be happening much quicker.
Every class would have to gimp themselves and make sure they always have their movement speed increases which in some cases take up a utility slot, how is that fair ?
In other cases it takes up a weapon slot much like our focus #4 does……
Getting caught in combat with a focus isn’t that bad either.
I hate it when it happens but it’s not less than useless.
And how do you get away from a thief who uses shortbow and scorpion wire and has 25% movement speed increase?
Blinking away is an option.
Staff #2 is another.
Life is easy when you roll with staff, blink, decoy, mirror images and mass invis.
All are short cooldowns.
They all break stuns, some create clones.
2 of them even stealth you and drop target.
On top of all that, the more illusions i have up, the faster I move.
It’s all there already but people are choosing to either ignore it, or not use it.
I’ve been 100-0’d by thieves before I could react.
Literally dead in 2 seconds because I was tired and lazy.
How would even a 50% permanent speed increase have saved me there ?
Blink is a teleport.
If I could teleport to places, I sure wouldn’t be walking or running there.
If humanity invented teleporting, we would still complain about having to teleport there.
Nothing is ever good enough.
We can use focus to get a speed increase.
Haven’t you ever swapped weapons out just for 1 thing before ?
Only when I think it’s 100% safe, I swap pistol to focus for the speed increase and swap back to pistol straight away.
That’s a 33% speed increase while I have pistol equippped.
33% speed increase with a long range 3 second stun/interrupt, medium range cripple/immobilize with sword #3… It’s pretty overpowered already as it is.
It’s not like the option isn’t there…
People just need to get a bit creative.
Low mobility was never meant to be a Mesmer weakness anyway. Read the class description.
Which goes for the folks working on skills too, btw.
As I’ve said before, from their class descriptions Anet has no idea how their classes actually behave. Mesmer has crap mobility if you look at it in terms of movement rate.
Warrior is supposed to be crap at range yet it has access to two full adrenaline killshots. >.>Yeah, they seem like they have no idea what’s going on.
Crap mobility ?
I run around autoattacking people to death with my sword.
Not greatsword….. SWORD.
There’s a trait which gives us a movement increase for each active illusion.
When combined with sword #3 or blink, it makes it practically impossible for people to run away.
Eventually you will catch them and kill them.
Could you imagine a greatsword mesmer in spvp with 25% movement increase and 1200 range on their insanely OP auto-attack (with the right sigil) and 9k shatters ?
People won’t even have enough time to regen their vigor to evade shatters with a movement speed increase like that. Also, clones will run at you before you even have a chance to think or react.
I guess it’s just not good enough though until there’s nothing but 8v8 mesmers in every single spvp game because that is the true definition of fun, am I right ?
If you want a movement speed increase, either trait for it, or use a focus imo.
There’s a reason why it’s like that and I’ll break it down for you now:
We would be sickeningly more OP than we already are if we were to have a passive 25% speed increase that didn’t require a trait or weapon skill.
I thought it was impossible for our class to get any more faceroll then I came across this thread.
One other thing -
A passive 25% speed boost to this class would make it practically impossible for anyone to get away from a greatsword mesmer.
The last thing this game needs is more noobs running around facerolling with a gs.
You can auto-attack most of these morons to death yet they run around owning everything in their path already because of how stupidly OP the gs autoattack is when combined with the right sigils and 9k shatters.
Worst. Idea. Ever.
10 mesmers per spvp match simply isn’t good enough.
Please give mesmers a 25% speed increase and make sure the clones get the buff too so people don’t have time to evade or regen the energy to evade our 9k shatters.
I love this class.
Loved it in GW1, and is the only class I play in GW2, but cmon ppl….
Isn’t sword 3 good enough for you ? It not only cripples, but also ports you to your target AND immobilizes them.
Focus 4 interrupts/knocksback all targets near it, 50% cripples enemies who walk over it, AND gives allies a 33% speed boost.
On top of all that, it’s a combo field…
We have a trait to increase our speed for each active illusion and with it, I can (and do) run around auto-attacking ppl to death with my sword.
(edited by psykles.1573)