Showing Posts For rainstorm.7506:
5000 hours 8 precursors
4 dusk, 2 dawn from mf.
1 storm from se p1.
1 colussus from ac story
got a guildie who got 7 precursors from mf in 1 week.
745 hours played for me, got 3 dusks +1 dawn from mf,1 colussus from ac story and 1 storm from se p1
hello all im looking for a dungeon guild which does fast runs.mostly ac ,se ,cof , cm and all others. pm me in game Dawnbuster. European servers currently on farshiverpeaks
ty all
Hello all,
Today i bought gems with paysafecard for first time rather than creditcard.
However i bought a 25 euro card and the game says i can only but for 20 euro gems.
So the rest of the card stays on card which i’m kinda annoyed since i can’t do anything with that.
Why can’t Arenanet make like how much u’re card is instead of giving us numbers we can buy cause i’ve checked paysafecard website and there is only cards from 10-25-50-100 euro cards.
I’ve played allot games till now and i’ve never had a problem like this.
So why can’t they just sell 2000 gems gems for 25 euro instead letting 5 euro on card which is useless.
Sorry for my bad English,it’s not my first or second language for that matter.
Ty for all responses.
I have same issue here.
I’m also from belgium.
Location : Genk
internet provider telenet
code error 42:1000:7006
So i’ve seen in a few games that engineer is becoming the new meta.
When u have multiple ones in tournaments they’re just too much to handle.
Most of them run bomb- and toolkits which has alot utility.
Pls tell me what u guys think?
Warrior feels weak after update i don’t know why?
If i face a ranger he just evades all my moves+ stealth.
If i face a thief still evades + poison.
Don’t get me started on elementalist or engineer, they’re almost god mode now.
i played s/s build and hambow.
could really use advice now even though im lvl 50 in spvp.
ty for all advices anyway
Hello all,
Im looking for a new guild medium to big sized,who does a lot dungeons and not the same one over and over again,a bit spvp and wvw.
I have 8 lvl’s 80’s from all classes, have 10k achievement points.
I noticed that my current guild doesn’t show interest in the things i do or neither do i show interest in things they do. It must be english or dutch speaking.
So pls if u think we share interests just leave a message.
ty all for posting this topic
i got my dusk on 4 try with dungeon tokens from cof,cm,ac tokens.
allright im a experienced cm player i like this dungeon so if anyone wants to play whisper me on dawnbuster or jale star