Showing Posts For raso.1372:
I did Fractal 5 at PR19, got a daily reward, Fractal 19 at PR19,got a daily reward, and then fractal 21 at PR20 and didnt get a daily reward.
To my understanding you can get one per tier 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, and 40+.
So did i hit a bug or am i missing some information?
Spear could be a hybrid weapon between water and land. Think about it, it wouldnt take as much time as making a whole new weapon cause they already got skins for it, all they would have to do it make new skills for above ground.
Ranger- It could be kinda like a thrown weapon almost like a javelin.
Guardian- Ranged thrown weapon with some CC. like the 5 is a knock back and the 3 is a blind or something.
Warrior- A medium range melee damage doing weapon.
Mesmer- Couldn’t think of much on this one but i’m sure Anet could.
Thief- Melee weapon based around vulnerability, so that they could use the spear to stack some vulnerability then pull out another weapon and burst.
Necromancer- Maybe a direct damage doing weapon, or just a bleed and poison condition stacker.
I think it’d be a cool new piece of permanent content added to the game, and the things i listed above could be changed too those are just ideas i thought of over 10 minutes. If anet put even a week of thought into the abilities i’m sure they could do it nicely.
Its not really that the music is bad, I just feel like there needs to be more ambient themes is all. And I always found WoW music very generic, but with skyrim yeah i agree. Honestly adding 3 ambient themes, an extra battle theme, and maybe some extra music for towns and it would be fixed IMO.
Anyone else agree that they should use one of the 2 week content updates to remake the zhaitan fight into something more Epic, Hands on, and a bit more difficult? I love this game to death I have played it since launch, but seriously the fight was one of the worst last bosses ever made. The dragon itself and the rest of the dungeon were awesome I just expected some really awesome fight at the end of the game. Like maybe keep what happens in the fight but instead of the cannons killing zhaitan and that being the end, what if he gets knocked to the ground and thats when the real fight starts, they could get really creative with it.
I’m sure this was a wonderful dungeon—if I’d be allowed to see anything other than the first room and the respawn point.
The content up until this point was great, and the missions you run with Rox and Braham were excellent—a solid challenge for a solo backed by whichever Hero, but fun. A shame that you couldn’t bother do do the same with this one (especially given the work accomplished along similar lines with the missions in GW1). Even an alternative mission that gave credit so people won’t be shafted out of the glove reward would have been nice. I paid for Guild Wars, not WoW—so why are we being forced to do WoW boss raids?
Yea, Its like Lich King, But they took the easy out and added fun.
As a latecomer I was honestly baffled when my friends told me about Karka invasion and how it was a one time event. How on earth would you think that is a good idea in the first place and even CONTINUE to make more one time events as “content”. It reminds me of Square Enix’s attitude of “we don’t care if you dont want it, we’re gonna make it and you’re gonna like it”
I personally love the one time events, I dont want an ancient karka event happening every hour, itd lose its authenticity. The one time events create something special for all the current players and sometimes even leave things behind to remind of of what hapend, like skins and zones. I do like permanent content also, id like a new class,new weapon,new race,new zones,new dungoens, and all of that too. But you cant get everything how you want it.
If you guys dont like playing with other people and you wanna do everything on your own, why are you playing an MMO? MMO’s have always been based around team play,playing with freinds,guilds,etc.. If you like playing singleplayer play a singleplayer RPG not a multiplayer game. Im on the side with the dungeons here, I would love to see more dungeons and better dungeons introduced into GW2.